Energy, International
Authorized Gas Tester for Confined Spaces Entry.
Al Delma General Contracting Upstream Downstream Industry & Training Services
This course is for All staff that are required to Identify the responsibilities and obligations of the person authorized to carry out the examination within confined spaces, identify the rules and regulations for conducting the examination, identify the potential hazards of the atmosphere, identify the physical hazards and possible presence within confined spaces, identify the documents required for the examination process, In vertical and horizontal tanks and in towers, optimal use of gas testing equipment.
Training Course
Energy, International
Certified Analyst Training
Al Delma General Contracting Upstream Downstream Industry & Training Services
Training needs analysis is an essential process in any organization. A properly performed training needs analysis will ensure that staff receive the most relevant training and deliver an immediate positive impact on your organization. Through the trainers expertise and practical knowledge you will be able to define the key concepts associated with training needs analysis and you will be able to, Understand the relationship between training and the organization, Appreciate the three main training and development perspectives, Understand what are and what are not training needs, Detail the benefits and difficulties with training needs analysis, Perform a training needs analysis.
Training Course
Energy, International
Certified Inventory and Materials Management
Al Delma General Contracting Upstream Downstream Industry & Training Services
This course introduces the Principles of Inventory. Management and aims to give all delegates a functional knowledge and understanding of inventory management, control principles, roles, responsibilities, and techniques leading to greater input in the overall. Supply Chain strategy of an organization. Inventory Management is a key strategic enabler in a company's ability to design their manufacturing process, deliver to customer expectations and minimize overall costs. By using these techniques, the company will gain better understanding across inventory management fundamentals, ordering techniques, replenishment policies, purchasing management and inventory performance measurements.
Training Course
Energy, International
Certified Professional Training
Al Delma General Contracting Upstream Downstream Industry & Training Services
Professional training, Strategic significance of training Promoting training within the organization Partnering with managers and supervisors, Training Need Assessment. Marketing training within the organization, Partnering with managers and supervisors. Selection of trainees. the iceberg metaphor. Key actions and behaviours. Developing training materials.
Training Course
Energy, International
Crane Operator
Al Delma General Contracting Upstream Downstream Industry & Training Services
The lifting works are of high risk especially when it comes to lifting loads very heavy and in difficult working conditions. Where lifting works generally take place in construction sites, factories and in some production processes. The right lift works to move large parts efficiently while reducing the manual effort, while lifting the wrong may lead to serious accidents. Every year unsafe lifting conditions lead to injuries and loss of working time, to losses (material, personnel, equipment and loads). As loading methods and working conditions are all important factors contributing to the correct lifting work. Note that we can minimize lift incidents when adequate safety measures are taken.
Training Course
Energy, International
Forklift Operation
Al Delma General Contracting Upstream Downstream Industry & Training Services
Industrial plants rely depend on forklifts to lift and loads and equipment, materials, most of loads pose a threat of risk to the safety of the workers, to avoid that we need qualified and trained forklift drivers to drive and use.
Training Course
Energy, International
Management & Leadership course
Al Delma General Contracting Upstream Downstream Industry & Training Services
This course is designed to give delegates supervisors the practical skills required to lead and manage people effectively. delegates will benefit from developing their knowledge in the latest leadership and managerial trends. It is ideal for those already in management positions who wish to enhance their skills as well as new or aspiring managers. Leadership and management courses offer resources for both new and seasoned leaders to become more adept at developing employees, inspiring and guiding teams, managing change, and effectively influencing stakeholders across an organization.
Training Course
Energy, International
Mechanical Seal Course
Al Delma General Contracting Upstream Downstream Industry & Training Services
The Mechanical Seal Course has been developed to assist in maintenance and operation. It covers the various mechanical seal types and explains the mechanical seal working in detail. The training course also includes an API-682 guided Seal Selection tool and a Troubleshooting Guide. The course covers a large range of seal types like pusher seals, non-pusher, cartridge, split, double, tandem, dry gas seals, spring, bellow seals, etc. and provides a detailed mechanical seal classification. The classification provides a clear understanding on the various mechanical seal types and their respective working principles.
Training Course
Energy, International
Oil Movement, Storage & Troubleshooting
Al Delma General Contracting Upstream Downstream Industry & Training Services
This course is designed to provide participants with a complete overview of the oil movement, storage and troubleshooting in modern refineries, process plants, oil/gas fields and marine terminals. It covers oil and gas transportation from the production fields to the refinery, process plant or the exporting facilities through land or sea. Participants of the course will be able to identify the different types of tank, review and improve the operation of a tank farm, illustrate the process of gas freeing of tanks and vessels, determine the various methods of gauging tanks, and employ crude oil processing in modern refineries, marine terminals and oil plants.
Training Course
Energy, International
Permit to work
Al Delma General Contracting Upstream Downstream Industry & Training Services
A formal, signed and documented system used to control work which has been identified as potentially hazardous, involving risk, to ensure that the work can be done with minimum risk to health, safety and the environment. A means of communication between site management, supervisors, operators and those who carry out the work. A Permit to Work (PTW) system aims to ensure that proper planning and precautions are taken with hazards to control the risk of a particular job. The permit is a written document which authorises certain people to carry out specific work at a certain time and place. The permit sets out the precautions needed complete the work safely.
Training Course
Energy, International
Risk Assessment
Al Delma General Contracting Upstream Downstream Industry & Training Services
This course is for anyone who has to carry out risk assessments in the workplace. By the end of the course you will be performing your own risk assessments with confidence. This will help you to protect your staff and business, as well as comply with the law. It is designed to help businesses comply with Health and Safety regulations, as well as learn to and carry out structured risk assessments in the workplace.
Training Course
Energy, International
Third Party Inspection
Al Delma General Contracting Upstream Downstream Industry & Training Services
Third Party Inspection (TPI) is the inspection and testing activities by a third party that is conducted with the purpose of certifying compliance of purchased products or services to the international standard, code and customer technical specifications during and after manufacturing.
Training Course
Energy, International
Welding Processes
Al Delma General Contracting Upstream Downstream Industry & Training Services
Welding is a materials joining process which produces coalescence of materials by heating them to suitable temperatures with or without the application of pressure or by the application of pressure alone, and with or without the use of filler material. Welding is used for making permanent joints. It is used in the manufacture of automobile bodies, aircraft frames, railway wagons, machine frames, structural works, tanks, furniture, boilers, general repair work and ship building.
Training Course