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Specifying the correct headwall for your application


About the CPD Course

A course designed to equip our clients with the required knowledge in order to be able to accurately specify a headwall at design stage. The course is also relevant to our Builders Merchant client base so they can confidently advise the end user on the different options available to them. The presentation covers the critical dimensions required in order to specify a headwall alongside the various accessories available and which applications they suit.

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CPD Provider



Althon Limited manufacture and distribute specialist water management products to the construction industry. We design and manufacture precast concrete headwalls to meet Sewers for Adoption and Severn Trent Guidelines. Our product range includes flap valves, penstocks and stop logs as well as trash screens and outfall safety grilles. Althon also manufacture precast concrete penstock chambers and offer a large range of commercial and industrial application drainage channels.
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