Social Care
A Guide to Safe Food Handling
Altura Learning United Kingdom
As a food handler, it is essential that you are aware of the basic principles of safe food handling so that you can ensure that the food you prepare remains safe to eat. Recognise your role and responsibilities in safe food handling.
Online Course
Social Care
Activities of Daily Living, Hydration & Nutrition
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Recognise the importance of good hydration and nutrition for older people and identify approaches to encourage healthy eating and drinking.
Online Course
Social Care
Activities of Daily Living, Hydration & Nutrition
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Recognise the importance of good hydration and nutrition for older people and identify approaches to encourage healthy eating and drinking.
Online Course
Social Care
Activities of Daily Living, Oral Hygiene
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Discover why good oral health is important and learn how to assist with the maintenance of oral hygiene.
Online Course
Social Care
Activities of Daily Living, Showering
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Older people need to be able to shower safely and with dignity. Learn how to monitor changes in the person whilst you are assisting them.
Online Course
Social Care
Advance Care Planning
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Recognise the role advance care planning plays in promoting quality care at the end of life. Explore key steps in developing an advance care plan for those in your care.
Online Course
Social Care
Appropriate Use of Bedrails
Altura Learning United Kingdom
This course provides an overview of key considerations regarding the use of bed rails, ensuring that they are used appropriately to promote safety rather than causing additional risks.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Assessing Changes in a Resident’s Condition
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Changes in a resident’s condition can be swift or gradual. Clinical staff play a vital role in ensuring early intervention and improved health outcomes for the residents they support. This course demonstrates how to assess changes in a resident’s condition and respond in a timely manner, to prevent adverse events or serious deterioration.
Online Course
Social Care
Assessing Depression in Older People
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Identify the tools to assess depression in older people. Describe how to administer the tools and document the outcomes of a depression assessment.
Online Course
Social Care
Assessing Risk in Everyday Care
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Continuously assessing risk is an integral part of everyday care. Recognise your role and responsibilities when undertaking dynamic day to day risk assessment.
Online Course
Social Care
Assisting a Person to Shower
Altura Learning United Kingdom
One of the key roles of staff is the support of people’s personal hygiene, Through this course you will discover how to provide full assistance when showering a person in your care.
Online Course
Social Care
Assisting Clients with Medication
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Be familiar with your role in assisting and/or supporting clients with medications, and medication administration.
Online Course
Social Care
Bariatric Care, Nursing, Nutritional and Social Care Needs
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Consider the unique health conditions commonly experienced by a plus size person and identify appropriate nursing, nutritional and social care strategies.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Basic Life Support
Altura Learning United Kingdom
First Aiders can provide Basic Life Support to people with life threatening illnesses or injuries to maintain their airway, breathing or circulation until they can receive full medical care. This course explores how to provide Basic Life Supports and the theory behind the practice.
Online Course
Social Care
Bathing & Grooming, A Person Confined to Bed
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Discover how to bathe and assist with the personal grooming of an older person who is confined to bed, while maintaining their dignity.
Online Course
Social Care
Bowel Management
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Discover the key principles of promoting healthy bowel function and their impact on bowel disease. Explore effective management strategies and ways to promote healthier bowel habits.
Online Course
Social Care
Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Explains what constitutes bullying &, harassment and explores how to prevent or respond to these behaviours.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Care and Support for Autistic People
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Autism is a condition that affects how a person thinks, feels, communicates and interacts with others. This course explores what autism is and outlines how service providers can provide safe, person-centred care and support.
Online Course
Social Care
Care Certificate
Altura Learning United Kingdom
The Care Certificate is an agreed set of standards that define the knowledge, skills and behaviours expected of specific job roles in the health and social care sectors. It's made up of the 15 minimum standards that should be covered if you are 'new to care' and should form part of a robust induction programme." Altura takes learners through the care certificate with clear educational videos and accompanying assessments that link clearly with the practice that coordinators need to observe in practice as evidence of competence.
Online Course
Social Care
Caring for a Person after a Stroke
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Find out about the signs and symptoms of stroke. Learn about its’ physical, psychological and emotional effects and how to provide better person centred care.
Online Course
Social Care
Caring for a Person with a Skin Condition
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Age related changes in the skin put older people at risk of skin conditions that need special care. We explore common conditions that can minimise further deterioration of the skin.
Online Course
Social Care
Caring for a Person with Parkinson's
Altura Learning United Kingdom
This course looks at many of the challenges that people with Parkinson’s face and the practical ways we can support people living with Parkinson’s. We’ll study the condition and the need for a really personalised approach to medication and care.
Online Course
Social Care
Caring for a Person with Respiratory Issues
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Chronic respiratory issues in older people affect every aspect of their life. Recognise their signs and symptoms and apply practical strategies to improve their quality of life.
Online Course
Social Care
Changing Urinary Catheters
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Describe the different types of urinary catheters and the clinical procedures required to change and maintain them effectively.
Online Course
Social Care
Clinical Assessment, Head to Toe
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Develop the knowledge and skills required to conduct a systematic head to toe assessment.
Online Course
Social Care
Clinical Skills for Care Staff, Catheters Bags, Blood Pressure, Tubular Bandages
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Demonstrate how to change a catheter bag, how to take a blood pressure and how to apply tubular bandages.
Online Course
Social Care
Clinical Skills for Care Staff, Temperature, Pulse & Respiration - Compression Stockings - Urinalysis
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Become skilled at performing clinical tasks such as urinalysis, recording vital sings and applying compression stockings.
Online Course
Social Care
Clinical Skills for RNs, Venepuncture - Administration of Subcutaneous Fluids - Verifying Death
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Demonstrate how to perform venepuncture and how to administer subcutaneous fluids. Explain the RN’s role in verifying death.
Online Course
Social Care
Clinical Skills, Administering Injections
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Renew your understanding of why, where and how to administer the common types of injections.
Online Course
Social Care
Clinical Skills, Managing Stoma Care
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Develop the skills required to observe, manage and monitor stomas in an older person. Identify and report potential complications.
Online Course
Social Care
Clinical Skills, Use of Respiratory Aids
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Respiratory issues often require an immediate response. Learn how to use, store and monitor respiratory aids.
Online Course
Social Care
Communication, Supporting Individuals
Altura Learning United Kingdom
Effective communication is essential to ensure safe, quality care. This course identifies the potential barriers to communication and explores strategies that can promote positive communication with those you support, based on their individual needs.
Online Course