Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Absence Management
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to Absence Management.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Accessible Information Standard
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to the Accessible Information Standard.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Adult Basic Life Support
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to Adult Basic Life Support.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Adult Basic Life Support Level 2
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This course prioritises supporting staff to have the confidence, knowledge, and skills to act when someone sustains an out of hospital cardiac arrest, ensuring that cardiac arrest is recognised early, help is sought, CPR is promptly started and an AED is located, retrieved, and used as early as possible. This module also explains how to recognise a person with a foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) and what to do, as well as the lateral, side-lying recovery position as recommended by the Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK).Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers, Aesthetics
Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC number.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Adult Malnutrition
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to Adult Malnutrition.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
An Introduction to Personal Development Planning (PDP) and Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This module aims to enable learners to understand the requirements of a personal development plan (PDP) and the importance of continuing professional development (CPD). The learning content covers the stages of creating a PDP and ensuring that the PDP is uniquely tailored to the individual through their own assessment of their strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
An Understanding of NHS Cancer Screening Programmes
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
The three NHS cancer screening programmes in England, Cervical Screening, Breast Screening and Bowel Cancer Screening hold immense significance as they play a crucial role in saving lives. Cancer screening helps spot cancers at an early stage when treatment is more likely to be successful – and more people will survive cancer. Cancer screening is a personal choice and a decision only the individual themselves can make, however, it is important for healthcare professionals to be knowledgeable about the screenings, be able to offer advice and encourage people to attend.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Anticholinergic Burden in the Elderly
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to Anticholinergic Burden in the Elderly.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Anticoagulation Management
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
Anticoagulants are given to individuals who are at risk of developing blood clots that could potentially block a blood vessel and disrupt the flow of blood around the body, which could lead to several serious conditions including, strokes, transient ischaemic attacks, heart attacks, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism.This module provides information on the types of oral anticoagulants that are available, the indications for their use, how they are monitored, including information on international normalized ratio (INR), as well as advice and considerations for people taking anticoagulants.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers, Aesthetics
Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC number.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Anxiety Awareness
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to Anxiety Awareness.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Arthritis Care
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
Arthritis affects around 10 million people in the UK. It can have a significant effect on a person’s physical and emotional quality of life due to the pain it causes and resulting difficulties with movement and mobility. Gaining an understanding of the most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis – which is frequently associated with a number of myths and misconceptions – can enable carers to assist with controlling the symptoms and enhancing the person’s ability to function and overall well-being.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Atrial Fibrillation
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to Atrial Fibrillation.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Autism Awareness Tier 1
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
Autism Awareness Tier 1 provides a basic introduction to autism, the typical signs and characteristics and how we can work together to improve the person’s life when it comes to using services that may be taken for granted by others. This module is aimed at people who need general knowledge about autism but do not expect to work directly with an autistic person.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Autism Awareness Tier 2
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
Autism Awareness Tier 2 takes a deep dive into the complex nuances of autism while looking at comorbidity and strategies for the core issues behind behaviour that challenges. It considers different advice on how the environment can affect autistic people, and how they interact with the world at large. This module is designed for those who work directly with autistic people in a variety of situations and contains more specialised information.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Awareness of Visual Impairments in Older People
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
Although visual impairments can affect anyone at any time, they become increasingly likely as people get older. It is possible that more than half of the older people a person may work with will have a visual impairment, which can have a serious effect on their quality of life. This module provides information on common causes of visual impairments and how these can be identified. Assessment processes and care plans are explained, as well as health and safety, how to identify hazards and resolve them and how to support and communicate with a person with a visual impairment.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Basic Life Support Level 1
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This course prioritises supporting staff to have the confidence, knowledge, and skills to act when someone sustains an out of hospital cardiac arrest, ensuring that, cardiac arrest is recognised early, help is sought, CPR is promptly started, and an AED is located, retrieved, and used as early as possible. This module provides detailed training in adult basic life support and includes the paediatric modifications to the adult sequence. This module explains how to recognise a person with a foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) and what to do, as well as the lateral, side-lying recovery position as recommended by the Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK).Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers, Aesthetics
Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC number.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Basic Oral Care
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
Basic oral care includes information on the different areas of the mouth as well as the different types of teeth and their functions. The principles and procedures of oral care are explained to ensure basic oral care is carried out correctly, particularly in special circumstances. Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Bullying and Harassment
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This module contains the key definitions and legal considerations relating to bullying, harassment, discrimination and victimisation, the processes of reporting and dealing with bullying and harassment, and how the organisation can prevent bullying and harassment from happening in the future. Providing information relating to various bullying and harassing behaviours that may be encountered. Including ‘upward bullying’ and different types of harassment, and their impact on individuals and the organisation. The module also provides a thorough examination of the legal and ethical considerations surrounding these issues, particularly referencing the Equality Act 2010, and how discriminatory practices can arise in healthcare environments.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Cancer Awareness
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Carer Awareness
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to Carer Awareness.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Cervical Screening
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to Cervical Screening.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Challenging Behaviour
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
Designed for health and social care staff, our Challenging Behaviour eLearning module offers comprehensive insights into understanding, managing, and effectively responding to challenging behaviours exhibited by individuals receiving care. Covering essential topics such as triggers, de-escalation methods and communication techniques, health and social care staff will gain valuable skills to enhance their ability to provide compassionate and effective support.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
An intimate examination can be a daunting experience for a person. As a result, it is important that their privacy, safety and dignity are preserved. One of the ways that this is safeguarded is through the attendance of a chaperone. A chaperone is an impartial observer who acts as a witness to the individuals continuing consent during the procedure and protects health and care professionals against unfounded allegations of improper behaviour. The module contains information relating to the identification of when a chaperone may be required, what the role entails, and the importance of good practice and communication.Please note, access to this module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices, Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers, Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC number.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Child Basic Life Support
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to Child Basic Life Support.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Cleanliness and Hygiene
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
As we navigate through an era of health and social care placing emphasis on service user safety, cleanliness and hygiene - it's crucial to recognise the importance of upholding impeccable standards within our settings. This is not just necessary for securing the health and wellbeing of service users themselves but is equally crucial to the safety and efficacy of health and social care professionals as well. This eLearning module provides an overview of the National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness 2021, the importance of cleaning, general principles of cleanliness and hygiene, good hand hygiene practice and risk category, responsibility and governance considerations.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
Communication is an essential aspect to life for everyone. Communication may seem simple, however, despite our best intentions, what we say, how we say it and the actions we display can lead to misunderstanding, frustration and on occasion conflict. Communication training can reduce the barriers to effective communication, leading to successful communication, for both colleagues and service users.Please note, access to this module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices, Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers, Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC number.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Concussion Awareness
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
Concussion is a complex and potentially significant brain injury that must be taken seriously. It is a type of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head or body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. This sudden movement causes the brain to bounce or twist in the skull sometimes resulting in a loss of normal brain function. This module contains information relating to the symptoms of concussion, diagnosis information, treatment and recovery implications, preventative measures and other considerations and complications associated with concussion.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Confidence Building Awareness
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
Confidence Building Awareness has been developed to look at important areas including, thinking about what self-confidence is, signs and characteristics that a member of a team may be experiencing low confidence and would benefit from confidence building, skills and techniques that can help with confidence building.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers, Aesthetics
Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC number.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
Every year, exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace affects the health of thousands of people. This can result in injury, time off work, premature retirement, and even early death. Contact with hazardous substances can cause diseases such as asthma, cancer, and skin diseases such as dermatitis. However, exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace is often preventable and most substances can be handled safely as long as their hazardous properties are fully understood, correct procedures and equipment are always used, and those handling them are conscientious and fully trained.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Social Care
Controlled Drugs
Blue Stream Academy Ltd
This eLearning module aims to ensure staff have an understanding of their organisations processes, policies, procedures and obligations pertaining to Controlled Drugs.Please note, access to this
module is only available to health and care organisations (GP Practices,
Nursing &, Care Providers, Hospices, Urgent &, Tailored Care Providers,
Aesthetics Clinics or Dental Practices) or individuals with a valid GMC or NMC
Online Course