Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Casting Academy module 1 – Diabetes and the risk to the lower limb
BSN Medical
To demonstrate an understanding of how diabetes can develop, and the consequences the condition can have on the lower limb. Understand the assessment of a patient with diabetes and treatment / prevention that is required in preventing and managing diabetic foot ulceration (DFU).
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Cutimed Academy Module 1 - Anatomy and Physiology of the skin
BSN Medical
This course provides an understanding of the function of the skin and the effects if it is compromised.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Cutimed Academy Module 10 - Surgical site infection
BSN Medical
This course provides an understanding of how to define and categorise an SSI, highlighting associated risk factors and what steps should be taken to prevent complications from occurring.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Cutimed Academy Module 11 - Moisture Associated with Skin Damage
BSN Medical
This course provides an understanding of how different types of moisture can affect the skin, including differentiating between a pressure ulcer and a moisture lesion.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Cutimed Academy Module 2 - Anatomy and Physiology of wound healing
BSN Medical
This course investigates the physiology and phases of normal wound healing and the differences between healing by primary and secondary intention.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Cutimed Academy Module 3 - Factors affecting Wound Healing
BSN Medical
This course explores the various intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect wound healing.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Cutimed Academy Module 4 - Exudate Management
BSN Medical
This course investigates the different types of exudate, the role it plays in normal wound healing and the impact of high exudate levels on wound management.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Cutimed Academy Module 5 - Infection Management
BSN Medical
This course provides an overview of micro-organisms commonly found in an infected wound, complications arising from infection and correct management.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Cutimed Academy Module 6 - Improving the assessment of wounds
BSN Medical
This course provides a practical understanding of how using a full holistic assessment can support effective wound management.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Cutimed Academy Module 7 - Improving the assessment of wounds
BSN Medical
This course provides a practical understanding of how using a full holistic assessment can support effective wound management.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Cutimed Academy Module 8 - Wound Care under Casts
BSN Medical
This course investigates wounds that present under a cast, exploring how normal wound healing should occur. Identify treatment options to manage exudate levels and any signs and symptoms of wound infection that may present.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 8 – Compression Therapy Theory
BSN Medical
An overview of the underpinning knowledge / theory behind the value and use of compression garments. To understand the importance of choosing the correct type of compression garment, including the style and compression level most appropriate for a patient with oedema.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 1 – Lymphoedema Overview
BSN Medical
This module provides a basic introduction to lymphoedema and the treatment of the condition. It includes the structure of the lymphatic system, the types of lymphoedema and the subsequent treatment options available for patients.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 10 – Measuring for a JOBST Ready- to -Wear Compression Garment
BSN Medical
A practical demonstration in measuring for a JOBST Ready-to- wear compression garment covering both the upper and lower limbs. Using both the knowledge learnt in compression therapy - Theory module and the skills from the practical demonstration in this module, you will gain valuable knowledge about JOBST Ready- to-wear range. This also incorporates a hands on practical session in measuring for JOBST ready to Wear garments for both upper and lower limb.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 11 – Measuring for a JOBST Elvarex Compression Garment – Lower Limb
BSN Medical
A practical demonstration in measuring for a JOBST Elvarex custom-fit, flat-knit lower limb garment. Using both the knowledge learnt in compression therapy - Theory module and the skills from the practical demonstration in this module, you will become more familiar with JOBST Elvarex and the equipment used (e.g. a measuring board). This also incorporates a hands on practical session in measuring for JOBST Elvarex Custom-Fit garment.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 12 – Measuring for a JOBST Elvarex Compression Garment – Upper Limb
BSN Medical
A practical demonstration in measuring for a JOBST Elvarex custom-fit, flat-knit upper limb garment. Using both the knowledge learnt in compression therapy - Theory module and the skills from the practical demonstration in this module, you will become more familiar with JOBST Elvarex and the equipment used. This also incorporates a hands on practical session in measuring for JOBST Elvarex Custom-Fit garment.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 13 – Palliative Care – Oedema in advanced diseaseModule 13 – Palliative Care – Oedema in advanced disease
BSN Medical
An overview of lymphoedema, causes and components in advancing disease whether of a cancer or non-cancer origin.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 14 – Obesity
BSN Medical
Understand obesity related oedema and how this impacts on the patient's treatment. Identify the options available to assist obese patients and recommend support pathways.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 15 – Genital Oedema
BSN Medical
An overview of the anatomy of the genitourinary system and the anatomical changes that occur when oedema develops. Guidance is provided on the identification and subsequent treatment options that are available for patients with genital oedema.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 16 – Leg Ulcer Management
BSN Medical
An overview of the anatomy and physiology of the venous system, including the associated intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors that could lead to the development of venous, arterial or mixed aetiology leg ulceration.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 2 – Anatomy and Physiology of the Lymphatic System
BSN Medical
To identify and explore the structures of the lymphatic system and discover how this essential anatomy works under normal circumstances. Understand how changes occur when oedema develops and how to apply this knowledge in the assessment and treatment phase.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 3 – Patient Assessment
BSN Medical
To increase knowledge and understanding of the principles and importance of patient assessment. You will be guided on how to relate these principles to patient situations and explain the challenges that occur within patient assessment.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 4 – Mild to moderate lymphoedema
BSN Medical
To identify the stages of lymphoedema in the mild to moderate, uncomplicated oedema phase. Use recognised tools and subsequent treatment modalities for patients in this category.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 5 – Severe to Complicated lymphoedema
BSN Medical
To identify the stages of lymphoedema in the severe and complicated oedema phase. Use recognised tools and subsequent treatment modalities for patients in this category.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 6 – Multi – layer Lymphoedema Bandaging – Lower limb
BSN Medical
An overview of the underpinning knowledge and theory of the equipment, approach and technique required in multi-layer lymphoedema bandaging (MLLB) for a patient with lymphoedema of the lower limb. Incorporates a demonstration of MLLB, in accordance with the international lymphoedema framework guidelines and a practical, hands on session with all bandaging materials provided.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 7 – Multi – layer Lymphoedema Bandaging – Upper Limb
BSN Medical
An overview of the underpinning knowledge and theory of the equipment, approach and technique required in multi-layer lymphoedema bandaging (MLLB) for a patient with lymphoedema of the upper limb. Incorporates a demonstration of MLLB, in accordance with the international lymphoedema framework guidelines and a practical, hands on session with all bandaging materials provided.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy - Module 9 – Wrap compression systems and measuring for JOBST FarrowWrap
BSN Medical
To provide an understanding of the differences between compression systems for both vascular and lymphatic indications. Also includes a practical demonstration in measuring for upper an lower limb JOBST FarrowWrap. Using both the knowledge learnt in the compression therapy - theory module and the skills from the practical demonstration in this module, you will gain valuable knowledge about the JOBST FarrowWrap range. This also incorporates a hands-on practical session in measuring for JOBST FarrowWrap for both upper and lower limb.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy module 18 – Chronic Oedema
BSN Medical
To demonstrate an understanding of the pathophysiology and classification of chronic oedema, recognising the similarities to lymphoedema. How to provide a full holistic assessment, treatment and management of oedema, including the benefit of providing the correct compression therapy for the short and long term management of the condition.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
JOBST Academy module 19 – Lipoedema
BSN Medical
To demonstrate an understanding of the pathophysiology and classification of lipoedema, recognising the differences between lymphoedema and lipoedema. How to assess a patient who presents with this condition and explore the treatment options available to help improve a patient’s quality of life.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Pharmacy academy module 1 - First Aid for Wounds
BSN Medical
Within this E learning module you will learn and develop an understanding of how the body heals following an injury to the skin, exploring some of the internal and external factors that may prevent or delay that process from being achieved in a timely manner and how best to treat and manage the injury with products or when to consider a further referral to a G.P.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Pharmacy academy module 1 – First Aid for Wounds
BSN Medical
Within this module you will learn and develop an understanding of how the body heals following an injury to the skin, exploring some of the internal and external factors that may prevent or delay that process from being achieved in a timely manner and how best to treat and manage the injury with products or when to consider a further referral to a G.P.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical, Sport
Pharmacy academy module 2 – Sprains and Strains
BSN Medical
A webinar that will introduce you to the management of sprains and strains, taking you back to basics in terms of anatomy and physiology of the Human body. Learn more about how sprains and strains occur and treatment methods that can support healing