Business, Healthcare & Medical
Advanced Certificate In Impression Taking
Cavity Dental Training
This course is suitable for Dental Nurses who would like to treat patients, directed by a Dentist but unsupervised in Impression Taking at an advanced level.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Anaphylaxis Awareness
Cavity Dental Training
This is to provide anyone with a knowledge of Basic Life support or anyone within the healthcare profession.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
CPD – Special Care Dentistry
Cavity Dental Training
This course is for anyone who would be interested in working with people who have special needs. It gives an insight into the different reasons people may be referred to Community Dental Services and what difficulties they may need to overcome. It will also give you a little bit of history on the NHS and how CDS came about.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Disability & Autism Awareness
Cavity Dental Training
This course is suitable for anyone who works with anyone who could have a disability. Where someones ability may not be obvious. To be more aware of their own behaviour towards any form of impairment on patients, colleagues and the general public.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Cavity Dental Training
This is to provide anyone with an understanding of how to use DSE safely and effectively in the workplace. Covering a range of topics including the risk associated with using DSE, how to set up your workstation correctly. How to reduce the risk of injury and strain.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Driving Awareness
Cavity Dental Training
This course is for anyone who works with objects which need moving, lifting or carrying. To understand the risks involved and how to avoid causing themselves musculoskeletal injuries.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
FIT2FIT refresher & RPE training
Cavity Dental Training
This course is suitable for people who have passed training with a few months experience and to have a refresher. Hand on practical and RPE training. RPE inspection training & qualitative fit testing & competency assessments.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Fundamentals of Intra-Oral Scanning and Clinical Course
Cavity Dental Training
To understand the principles of Intra Oral Scanning and clinical photography and be able to apply them.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Cavity Dental Training
This course will give you the knowledge and the understanding of what GDPR is all about. The roles and responsibilities of the ICO, DCO and DP. What happens if GDPR rules are broken and fines you may incur.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Infection Control
Cavity Dental Training
This course is suitable for anyone needing to do an update annually according to GDC guidelines. Based on cross infection within a dental practice.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Living With Covid19
Cavity Dental Training
This course is suitable for anyone needing to do an update annually according to GDC guidelines. Based on Covid19 awareness.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Lone Working
Cavity Dental Training
This course is suitable for anyone who works alone.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Manual Handling
Cavity Dental Training
This course is for anyone who works with objects which need moving, lifting or carrying. To understand the risks involved and how to avoid causing themselves musculoskeletal injuries.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Menopause Awareness Course
Cavity Dental Training
The aim of this course is to learn about menopause and how it affects everyone differently. Covering a range of topics including Treatment Options, Lifestyle Changes Menopause and the Law and Myths and Facts about Menopause.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
PDP - Personal Development Plan
Cavity Dental Training
This course is suitable for anyone who is registered with the GDC to supply proof of courses taken to comply with the GDC rules.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Train A Tester On Quantitative Fit Testing
Cavity Dental Training
Knowledge on fit testing using a Portacount machine and how the machine works.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Train a Trainer on Qualitative Fit Testing
Cavity Dental Training
This course is suitable for people who want to be trained to be able to fit test other people. Hand on practical and RPE training. RPE inspection training & qualitative fit testing & competency assessments.
Training Course