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Fundamentals of Intra-Oral Scanning and Clinical Course

Training Course

About the CPD Course

To understand the principles of Intra Oral Scanning and clinical photography and be able to apply them.

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CPD Provider

Cavity Dental Training

Cavity Dental Training

At Cavity Dental Training, we recognise that by having an effective dental team it will help to generate a more professional and profitable business and less stress for you, the employer. We provide high quality locum staff for short or long term cover. We recognise that by having an effective dental team it helps to generate a more professional and profitable business. As well as working in general private and NHS practices we also provide cover for specialist referral practices, local NHS dental services, prisons, the MOD and many hospitals. We have a huge team of dental nurses across the UK who are ready to help you out as and when you need cover.
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CPD Subsectors

Business Support
Dental & Hygiene
Healthcare Services