Business, Education
Advanced Combined Safeguarding - for Safeguarding Leads/Designated Safeguarding Leads (Equivalent to level 4)
CBA Care Training
This training course that highlights the roles and responsibilities of a person that will be a safeguarding lead within their organisation.
Training Course
Business, Education
Advanced Safeguarding Chidren
CBA Care Training
1 day training course that enables candidates to be able to recognise and act accordingly with Safeguarding of Children in workplace settings
Training Course
Business, Education
An Introduction to working with Personality Disorder
CBA Care Training
The course is designed for those who work with people who have been diagnosed with a personality disorder. By completing the course, participants will have a clear understanding of how to deliver a higher standard of care that meets the needs of the person.
Training Course
Business, Education
Autonomic Dysreflexia
CBA Care Training
1 day training course that enables candidates to be able to identify, diagnose and treat Autonomic Dysreflexia.
Training Course
Business, Education
CBA Care Training
To increase delegates knowledge of Intravenous Administration procedure.
Training Course
Business, Education
Care Home Assistant Practitioner (CHAPS)
CBA Care Training
36 hour course that covers essential topics for clinical care in order for the candidate to be able to perform and assist in essential clinical skills aspects of the role .
Training Course
Business, Education
Clinical Skills Masterclass
CBA Care Training
1 day training course that enables candidates to be able to perform specific clinical skills, both in theory and in practice. Designed as an update for persons needing to update knowledge and skills for CPD and revalidation.
Training Course
Business, Education
Combined Child and Adult Safeguarding
CBA Care Training
1 day intense training course that teaches candidates the aspects of Safeguarding children and adults within health and social care settings.
Training Course
Business, Education
Immediate Life Support (ILS) Level 3
CBA Care Training
1 day intense training course that takes candidates through the tasks of being able to conduct essential life preserving skills in a pre-hospital setting.
Training Course
Business, Education
Infection Prevention and Control Foundation
CBA Care Training
Every setting in Health and Social Care needs to ensure legislation is adhered to and individuals in their care are kept safe and free from infections. In completing this course you will become knowledgeable in Infection Prevention and Control
Training Course
Business, Education
Infection Prevention Lead
CBA Care Training
Every setting in Health and Social Care needs an Infection Prevention Lead who can ensure legislation is adhered to and individuals in their care are kept safe and free from infections. In completing this course you will become a knowledgeable Infection Prevention and Control Lead.
Training Course
Business, Education
IV Administration
CBA Care Training
To increase delegates knowledge of the Intravenous Cannulation procedure and demonstrate good clinical practice.
Training Course
Business, Education
Male, Female and Suprapubic Catheterisation
CBA Care Training
1 day training course that enables candidates to be able to perform catheterisation of male, female and of suprapubic catheters.
Training Course
Business, Education
Medication Management
CBA Care Training
This full one day training, gives participants the knowledge and understanding they need to administer medicines safely, record appropriately and audit accordingly.
Training Course
Business, Education
Moving and Handling Train the Trainer
CBA Care Training
4 day intense training course that takes candidates through the tasks of being able to deliver moving and handling training in line with up to date techniques.
Training Course
Business, Education
Person Centred Dementia Care
CBA Care Training
To understand how to support the dignity, individuality, and well-being of individuals living with dementia by tailoring care to their unique preferences, needs, and life experiences, fostering a compassionate and respectful environment.
Training Course
Business, Education
Safeguarding Children Level 3
CBA Care Training
1 day training course that enables candidates to be able to recognise and act accordingly with Safeguarding of Children in workplace settings.
Training Course
Business, Education
CBA Care Training
To become competent in venepuncture and practice a safe technique when taking blood.
Training Course