Business, Information Technology
Data Owner
Data Literacy Academy
Data Owner covers responsibility for a data set, ensuring proper management across systems and business activities. Learn the skills to approve data glossaries and definitions, ensure accuracy of information and oversee activities related to data quality. Live, virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional on-demand resources are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a 10-15 minute assessment, upon passing this, a LinkedIn badge is received.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Data Steward
Data Literacy Academy
Data Steward helps you to make organizational data accessible, consistent, usable, and secure for all. Improve data quality and align users to build trust and confidence in data whilst connecting users across your organization to work together in defining data, building context around data, raising questions, and clarifying roles and data owners. Live, virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional on-demand resources are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a 10-15 minute assessment, upon passing this, a LinkedIn badge is received.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Foundations of Business
Data Literacy Academy
The Foundations of Business module, part of our Data Specialist certification, will help you bridge the gap between strategic and operational activities, understand how to build a data strategy which aligns with corporate strategy, find the best ways to engage with stakeholders and apply your data strategy successfully across different parts of the business. Live, virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional on-demand resources are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a 10-15 minute assessment, upon passing this, a LinkedIn badge is received.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Foundations of Data
Data Literacy Academy
Foundations of Data focuses on the start of the data journey, aimed at helping non-data professionals to build their confidence in understanding, utilising and maximising data in their day-to-day work. Live, virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional on-demand resources are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a 10-15 minute assessment, upon passing this, a LinkedIn badge is received.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Getting Ready for Self-Serve Analytics
Data Literacy Academy
Getting Ready for Self-Serve analytics will help you unlock the potential of self-serve analytics by mastering the basics – connect and investigate data and visualise insights for impactful decision making. Live, virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional resources and revision materials are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a 10-15 minute assessment, upon passing this, a LinkedIn badge is received.
Training Course
Business, Information Technology
Interpreting and Communicating Data
Data Literacy Academy
Interpreting and Communicating Data covers contextualising data, as well as an intro to analysis, putting data into action and working effectively with data teams. Live, virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional on-demand resources are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a short assessment, upon passing this, a LinkedIn badge is received.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Partnering with the Business
Data Literacy Academy
The Partnering with the Business module, part of our Data Specialist certification, will help you overcome limiting beliefs, ask the right questions, become an active listener, navigate difficult conversations, give constructive feedback and become a trusted advisor who adds value to the business. Live, virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional resources and revision materials are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a 10-15 minute assessment, upon passing this, a LinkedIn badge is received.
Training Course
Business, Information Technology
Power BI Creator
Data Literacy Academy
Power BI Creator will lead you to understand the key features of Power BI and build a variety of charts including, Bar, Dual Axis, Filled Map, Scatter. Then further enhance your chart building with a more advanced range of charts including, Heatmaps, Highlight Table, Line, Pie, Stacked Bar and explore the tools and techniques to help you create an interactive and informative dashboard. Live, virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional on-demand resources are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a short assessment, upon passing this, a LinkedIn badge is received.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Power BI Viewer
Data Literacy Academy
Power BI Viewer will help you to actively use Power BI Online to find the information and insights you need to confidently answer key business questions. Learn to navigate Power BI reports effectively seeing the ‘why’ of data visualisation and action the right methods for seeking out information within Power BI reports and answering business questions. Live virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional on-demand resources are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a 10-15 minute assessment, upon passing this a LinkedIn badge is received.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Scope Like a Pro
Data Literacy Academy
The Scope Like a Pro module, part of our Data Specialist certification, will help you see the value of and develop scoping skills to communicate and engage better with the business while also effectively prioritising and planning your work. Live, virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional resources and revision materials are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a 10-15 minute assessment, upon passing this, a LinkedIn badge is received.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Self-Serve Analytics 01
Data Literacy Academy
Self-Serve Analytics 01 will help you to develop an analyst mindset on how to acquire the data you require, cleanse & prepare the data for analysis and present your findings in a clear and concise manner. Learn to utilise SQL to reduce the amount of data required for analysis and improve performance of dashboard. Live, virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional on-demand resources are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a short assessment, upon passing this, a LinkedIn badge is received.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Self-Serve Analytics 02
Data Literacy Academy
Understand the power of visualisation to explore your data, learn to cut through the noise to find trends, identify the best visualisation for your data set, use SQL to tell your story, hypothesise and apply everything you’ve learned to a hyper-focused case study. Live, virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional on-demand resources are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a short assessment, upon passing this, a LinkedIn badge is received.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Storytelling with Data
Data Literacy Academy
Storytelling with Data focuses on using data effectively to create a compelling story. The classes cover Knowing your Audience, Effective Visuals, Focusing Attention and Telling your Story. Live virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional on-demand resources are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a short assessment, upon passing this a LinkedIn badge is received.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Tableau Creator
Data Literacy Academy
Tableau Creator will lead you to understand the key features of Tableau and build a variety of charts including, Bar, Dual Axis, Filled Map, Scatter. Then further enhance your chart building with a more advanced range of charts including, Heatmaps, Highlight Table, Line, Pie, Stacked Bar and explore the tools and techniques to help you create an interactive and informative dashboard. Live, virtual education is the primary delivery method, additional on-demand resources are available for learners seeking to dive deeper into specific topics. The module concludes with a short assessment, upon passing this, a LinkedIn badge is received.
Online Course