Business, Education, Social Care
A closer look at Early Years inspections
Early Years Alliance
This course aims to support providers, to understand the key elements of early years inspection,, and understand the process.
Training Course
Business, Education, Social Care
A Guide To Employing An Early Years Apprentice
Early Years Alliance
The purpose of this course is to help you plan what you need to consider, when employing one or more apprentices to expand your capacity. It will also outline the key responsibilities of employing an apprentice regarding their terms and conditions, training and assessment, funding arrangements and the benefits it can bring to your setting.
Online Course
Business, Education, Social Care
A walk through the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) for those new to early years.
Early Years Alliance
This insight session is an opportunity to explore the content and requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). We will consider the principles of the document and the requirement to implement it in all registered early years settings in the UK.
Business, Education, Social Care
An introduction to beach school practice
Early Years Alliance
As part of our outdoor learning package, this hands-on practical session will inspire early years professionals to explore the endless possibilities that a beach environment brings where the ocean serves as a backdrop for exploration and discovery. This session will include practical activities, understanding the environment, conservation, and safety aspects. You will learn about risk-benefit and building children’s confidence and independence through boundaries designed to keep children safe and aware of aspects such as tides. Conservation is an important aspect of the course as we help children understand why we should care for and protect the environment around us.
Training Course
Business, Education, Social Care
An introduction to discovering and developing loose parts play.
Early Years Alliance
During this spotlight recording, the theory behind loose parts play is discussed. Showcased throughout are the endless possibilities to ignite children's curiosity and creativity. Examples of open-ended resources are demonstrated that can easily be used in any type of early years provision.
Training Course
Business, Education, Social Care
An introduction to equality and inclusion
Early Years Alliance
The purpose of the programme is to introduce you to some key equality principles and legal requirements which apply to all staff working in early years settings. All educators have a responsibility to contribute to promoting a culture of equality, dignity, courtesy and respect throughout their provision.
Training Course
Business, Education, Social Care
An introduction to forest school practice
Early Years Alliance
As part of our outdoor learning package, in this session, you will learn about the principles and practices of the Forest School approach making it ideal for educators who are interested in the Forest School approach and wish to gain more knowledge. We will delve into practical nature-based activities, consider risk benefits of the outdoor environment, promoting holistic development and reflecting on current our practice.
Training Course
Business, Education, Social Care
An Introduction to Gender Bias – Gender Stereotyping in Early Childhood
Early Years Alliance
In this workshop learners will have the opportunity to define what gender stereotypes are and consider how educators have an influence on the stereotypes children hold. Activities and discussion will support participants to discover how the commercial sector continue stereotypes based on gender. Finally, the course explores how to support families to recognise and challenge stereotypes and bias.
Training Course
Business, Education, Social Care
An Introduction To Outdoor Learning In The Early Years
Early Years Alliance
As part of our outdoor learning package, this initial session outlines the wide range of benefits of being outdoors on children’s health, wellbeing and development. We will discuss some of the challenges and barriers that early years providers may face when attempting to enhance children's experiences of the outdoors, and consider ways to overcome them.
Training Course
Business, Education, Social Care
An introduction to shared and sustained thinking
Early Years Alliance
A sustained shared thinking approach can be used in early years, as a way to enhance children's learning and development. This course explores the research underpinning a sustained shared thinking approach, and looks at a review into this thinking, to determine what it can mean for educators. The benefits of sustained shared thinking are summarised, with a closer look at the role of the adult in promoting children's learning.
Training Course
Business, Education, Social Care
An introduction to supporting children's early language development
Early Years Alliance
Learners will have the chance to learn more about where language begins by exploring what typical language development looks like in babies and toddlers. Recent research extracts form part of the course information and this supports educators to understand the vital part they play in helping children’s early language development.
Online Course
Business, Education, Social Care
An introduction to working with children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Early Years Alliance
This workshop will discuss fundamental elements to working with children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the early years. It will cover relevant law and policy together with developing an inclusive ‘can do’ approach. It will provide participants with underpinning knowledge to work with children with SEND in early years settings.
Online Course
Business, Education, Social Care
Baby brain development
Early Years Alliance
This insight session is an opportunity for early years educators to explore how a baby’s brain develops. Discussions and activities will support attendees to understand about inspirational practice in the baby room and make the link back to how that supports brain development. Towards the end of the session the focus will shift to ways of working with the family to build a meaningful settling in process.
Business, Education, Social Care
Being a reflective educator
Early Years Alliance
The purpose of the course is to help you consider the many benefits of reflective practice as a learning tool. It aims to show you how, by reflecting on what you have done, you can continually improve your own practice and contribute to ongoing improvements in your early years setting. By the end of the course, we hope that reflective practice skills will be second nature to you.
Online Course
Business, Education, Social Care
Business Health Check for Childminders
Early Years Alliance
This insight session is an opportunity to consider key elements of business planning. You will gain knowledge of managing your business for continued success and understand that business planning is important for sustainability of your childminding setting.
Business, Education, Social Care
Business Health Check for Early Years Settings
Early Years Alliance
This insight session is an opportunity to consider key elements of business planning. You will gain knowledge of managing your business for continued success and understand that business planning is important for sustainability of your early years setting.
Business, Education, Social Care
Challenging Conversations
Early Years Alliance
This insight session is an opportunity to explore challenging conversations and understand how to conduct them in a respectful way using some practical steps.
Business, Education, Social Care
Charity Structures and Key Elements of Becoming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Early Years Alliance
This insight session is an opportunity to consider different charity structures, the benefits, barriers and the steps to take to become a CIO.
Business, Education, Social Care
Creating communication-friendly and language rich environments
Early Years Alliance
The aim of this two-module course is to help educators in Early Years understand the many benefits of reflective practice as a learning tool.
Training Course
Business, Education, Social Care
Curriculum thinking
Early Years Alliance
Curriculum thinking This insight session is an opportunity to explore the idea behind the early years curriculum. We will consider the principles of the educational programmes within the statutory framework and think about curriculum in an early years context. Through discussion and reflection learners will be able to better define the early years curriculum delivered in their provision.
Business, Education, Social Care
Deep dive into the early years inspection judgements - personal development
Early Years Alliance
This spotlight takes a closer look at the criteria of the personal development judgement made by the inspector during the early years inspection. Information in the recording explores how the inspector considers ways the setting promotes children’s personal development. Content gives particular attention to how the key person becomes a secure base for key children in the provision.
Training Video
Business, Education, Social Care
Deep dive into the early years inspection judgements – behaviour and attitudes
Early Years Alliance
This spotlight session takes a closer look at the behaviour and attitudes inspection judgement. Content considers some of the criteria inspectors work through when observing the educator's response to children’s behaviour and support offered by the staff team to guide the way children behave during session.
Training Video
Business, Education, Social Care
Deep dive into the early years inspection judgements, leadership and management
Early Years Alliance
This spotlight recording identifies the key important aspects of leadership and management inspectors will look for in early years inspections. The content considers the culture of safeguarding within early years provision and gives vital information to help leaders identify what leadership and management looks like in their own services.
Training Video
Business, Education, Social Care
Developing a child’s ‘thinking brain’ in the early years
Early Years Alliance
During this Insight, participants will explore what is meant by the term ‘executive function’ and how this relates to a child’s “thinking brain”. Through discussion learners will realise the importance of developing these skills within the early years as well as sharing some ideas of how to do this in practice. We will also recognise the link between executive function and self-regulation, linking this to statutory and non-statutory guidance.
Business, Education, Social Care
Developing an effective budget in your early years setting
Early Years Alliance
The purpose of the course is to give you guidance, and tips on preparing a budget, and the information that you need to gather, before finalising your budget. Help you to turn the everyday things, that you know about your setting, into a set of financial projections, that will set the scene for the year ahead.
Online Course
Business, Education, Social Care
Developing and utilising small outdoor spaces
Early Years Alliance
As part of our outdoor learning package, this session aims to support learners to reflect and evaluate on the outdoor spaces that they have, no matter how small, and how they can make best use of them. During practical group activities, learners will have opportunity to plan what they intend children to experience and learn in their outdoor space and discuss how they can implement and achieve this in practice.
Training Course
Business, Education, Social Care
Developing emotional intelligence through outdoor play.
Early Years Alliance
This course aims to assist practitioners in understanding the development of children's emotional intelligence and enable this in their provision using the outdoor environment. It will look at the knowledge that underpins emotional intelligence and how we can then use this to help to plan for children’s emotional development though building their resilience and providing risk-taking play opportunities. Finally, it will discuss the emotional well-being of setting staff and the role this plays in the provision.
Online Course
Business, Education, Social Care
Developing your Communication and Language Curriculum
Early Years Alliance
During this spotlight recording listeners will understand where communication and language sits within the statutory framework and discover just how crucial communication and language is to children’s long-term outcomes and life chances. As the video comes to a close learners will hear information that will enable them to deliver a communication and language curriculum.
Training Video
Business, Education, Social Care
Developing your Expressive Arts and Design Curriculum
Early Years Alliance
During this spotlight recording listeners will understand where expressive arts and design sits within the statutory framework and discover just how crucial expression is to children’s long-term outcomes and life chances. As the video comes to a close learners will hear information that will enable them to deliver a curriculum which includes expressive arts and design.
Training Video
Business, Education, Social Care
Developing your Literacy Curriculum
Early Years Alliance
During this spotlight recording listeners will understand where literacy sits within the statutory framework and discover just how crucial literacy is to children’s long-term outcomes and life chances. As the video comes to a close learners will hear information that will enable them to deliver a literacy curriculum.
Training Video
Business, Education, Social Care
Developing your Mathematics Curriculum
Early Years Alliance
During this spotlight recording listeners will understand where mathematics sits within the statutory framework and discover just how crucial mathematics is to children’s long-term outcomes and life chances. As the video comes to a close learners will hear information that will enable them to deliver a mathematics curriculum appropriate for early years.
Training Video
Business, Education, Social Care
Developing your Personal, Social and Emotional Area of Learning Curriculum
Early Years Alliance
During this spotlight recording listeners will understand where personal, social and emotional development sits within the statutory framework and discover just how crucial personal development is to children’s long-term outcomes and life chances. As the video comes to a close learners will hear information that will enable them to deliver a curriculum which contributes to children’s social and emotional development.
Training Video