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UPS installation safety requirements


About the CPD Course

The primary purpose of backfeed protection in a UPS system is to prevent conducting hazardous voltages upstream when the supply has been removed from a UPS. Meanwhile, the IEC regulations in Amendment 1,2013 protect personnel and equipment from fault currents that could otherwise cause arcing or fires within the UPS. Learn about the major regulations and the differences between external and internal backfeed protection, as well as the IEC regulations on Amendment1,2013, their impact on the UPS and the benefits from protection built into the UPS.

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CPD Provider

Eaton Electric Ltd

Eaton Electric Ltd

Eaton is a diversified power management company providing energy-efficient solutions that help our customers effectively manage electrical hydraulic and mechanical power. Eaton is a global technology leader in power management solutions that make electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power operate more efficiently, effectively, safely and sustainably.
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CPD Subsectors

Cabling & Power
Electrical & Lighting
Safety Equipment
Electricity & Power
Fire Protection & Hazard Control
Fire Safety Training