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Eleanor Induction

Training Course

About the CPD Course

Eleanor induction resources to be used prior to supernumerary shifts to familiarise new starters with policies, procedures and expectations of job role within a Secure Rehabilitation setting.

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CPD Provider

Equilibrium Healthcare

Equilibrium Healthcare

Equilibrium Healthcare is the leading specialist provider of mental health and learning disability services within Greater Manchester. Starting with just one home in 1993, we have grown through successfully personalising the care provided to the individual, an approach which means we swiftly adapt the facilities and services we offer as their needs change. Our homes and hospitals are well established, which allows service users to integrate with their local communities without fear of stigmatisation or exclusion, which is in itself beneficial to their mental wellbeing.
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CPD Subsectors

Disability & Disorders
Health & Wellbeing
Healthcare Services
Patient Care
Support & Training