Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Concussion Awareness
Every by IRIS
This short course is vitally important for those working with young people to know what to look out for and how to help a child they are concerned may have a concussion. The course covers, What a concussion is, and how they affect children and young people, What to do if you believe a child could have a concussion, What medical assistance you should seek and when, How to ensure a child recovers mentally and physically from a concussion.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Condition Surveys for Schools
Every by IRIS
Get to grips with your site priority works. This bite-sized course will introduce you to condition surveys for schools, covering what condition surveys are, how condition is measured, and how you can use them as part of your Good Estates Management for Schools (GEMS) and other ongoing maintenance. Condition Surveys for Schools is an ideal course for anyone involved in site maintenance, estates planning, and capital expenditure for schools.
Training Video
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
COSHH Awareness
Every by IRIS
This COSHH compliance course will take you through the regulations in place to prevent or control exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace. It is especially relevant in workplaces where harmful substances can be commonplace, such as manufacturing, healthcare, or educational institutions. This course will cover what hazardous substances are, monitoring them and staff in close contact with them, conducting a COSHH risk assessment, and implementing the necessary control measures.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Display Screen Equipment
Every by IRIS
Display Screen Equipment provides learning and practical advice required to set your workstation up in the best possible way to avoid injury. Anyone who regularly uses a computer or portable device as part of their role legally requires DSE training. Completing this course will not only comply with the law but also keep you comfortable and healthy. The course is split into sections of content which explains how to correctly set up your workstation, how to safely use portable devices like laptops, information on repetitive strain injury, and gentle exercises that you can use in the workplace.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Fire Safety in Education
Every by IRIS
This course provides the fire awareness and safety training as required by law for all employees within your organisation, ensuring that everyone who completes this course understands the dangers of fire and their own personal responsibilities regarding fire safety on site. The course offers practical advice so that all users are equipped with the necessary knowledge to act appropriately in emergencies and comply with health and safety requirements. The course is split into sections of content, which cover the nature of fire and how it behaves, recognising fire safety signs, potential fire hazards and types of fire, emergency procedures in school, and how to use different fire extinguishers.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Governors and Governing Bodies
Every by IRIS
Governors and Governing Boards has been created to provide a comprehensive insight into the importance of Governors within schools, making it perfect for new Governors, existing Governors who would like refresher training, and even prospective Governors. This course also would be beneficial for any Governors who are already or who are interested in becoming Chairs, Vice-Chairs, or leading committees within their Governing Board. The course is spilt into sections of content which explain what Governing Boards are, how to be an effective Governor, the duties of a Governing Board, and the three key roles of governance.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Health and Safety
Every by IRIS
This course contains information from The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and provides an essential overview of health and safety in the workplace training as required by law for all employees in an organisation. This course is an opportunity to introduce employees to this topic as part of their induction, or can alternatively be used as a refresher training for anyone changing roles. The course is split into sections of content, which cover employer and employee responsibilities surrounding health and safety, possible hazards and risks in the workplace, safety signs and signboards, emergency procedures, and other safety measures that should be in place.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Lone Working in the Workplace
Every by IRIS
Anyone can be classed as a lone worker if they are in separated from the immediate support of their colleagues, regardless of how long they are separated for. This course gives important advice surrounding personal safety during a working day, specifically if you work alone or away from colleagues, and has been designed to be suitable for all users across an organisation. The course is split into sections of content explaining what responsibilities an employer has when supporting lone workers, managing contact with others while lone working, safe travel to and from work, and ways to practically reduce risks when lone working.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Managing Absenteeism (Managers)
Every by IRIS
This course discusses potential causes and effects of absenteeism and practical methods for reducing absenteeism in the workplace, helping maintain a culture of positivity, honesty, and integrity throughout your organisation. It has been designed for users who manage others, as well as those who work within Human Resources. The course is split into sections of content which will discuss potential causes of absenteeism, the effects of absenteeism, and ways of reducing absenteeism in the workplace.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Mental Health Awareness
Every by IRIS
Mental Health Awareness' includes information and guidance about supporting awareness and good management of mental health, which can be applied both in and out the workplace. This course gives an effective introduction to mental health awareness for all users, regardless of role or personal experiences, and offers a platform to learn about removing the stigma of mental health problems. The course is split into sections of content reviewing what good mental health is, common disorders and problems, and how to manage your mental health. There is also a breathing exercise known as the "4/7/8" technique intended to promote general relaxation.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Prevent Duty
Every by IRIS
The Counter-Terrorism and Security act dictates that all schools and childcare providers have a part to play in helping to prevent children from being drawn into extremism and terrorism, known as Prevent duty. This course emphasises the importance of spotting warning signs and following the correct methods of reporting concerns when it comes to terrorism, radicalisation, and extremism. All staff have a duty to safeguard children in schools, so this course can be used to support all users regardless of their role
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Professional Conduct In Schools
Every by IRIS
Everyone needs to consistently maintain a high standard of professionalism within and beyond the school site. Whether youre a volunteer or staff member, it is vital to avoid any behaviour which would lead a reasonable outsider to question your motivation and intentions, especially where the safety of children is concerned. The aim of this course is to support everybody in behaving in an appropriate, professional and positive manner. The course is split into sections of content which will discuss the policies and procedures that keep everybody safe, and the best way to interact with others.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Safeguarding Children (Level 1)
Every by IRIS
Everyone who works in a school must keep children safe, whether you are a teacher, an administrator, a cleaner, or within the site team. Safeguarding Children (Level 1) will concentrate on the fundamentals of safeguarding children and keeping the school premises safe and secure, and covers information from Keeping Children Safe in Education, Part 1 which all staff must read. The course is split into sections of content which will explain what effective safeguarding is, recognising safeguarding issues, what to do if you have concerns, and how to interact safely with others while keeping the school site safe and secure.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Safeguarding Children (Level 2)
Every by IRIS
Safeguarding Children (Level 2) discusses the fundamentals of effective safeguarding while upskilling teachers and other staff whose roles require a Level 2 standard for safeguarding children in education. This course compliments current government legislation and guidance to ensure staff are effectively trained to keep children safe in education, and can be used as standalone training or alongside other courses depending on role requirements. This course is split into section of content explaining relevant safeguarding legislation and guidance, how to recognise potential safeguarding issues, and how to respond and raise safeguarding concerns.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Safer Recruitment in Education
Every by IRIS
introduce you to safeguarding during the recruitment process in schools and trusts, enabling you to make sound employment decisions and ensure that children and young people in your school or trust are safeguarded from harm. This course is appropriate for anyone that works as part of the recruitment process or manages training and development of employees and volunteers. The course is split into sections of content which will teach you about the principles of safer recruitment, the recruitment process, vetting processes and checks, and continuous safeguarding.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Supporting Bereavement (Adults)
Every by IRIS
The loss of someone close to you cannot be measured, whether the bereavement was anticipated or not. Everyone goes through a truly individual process of grief which is why it is so important to both understand and normalise the emotions that we feel when a loved one dies. This course sensitively covers what bereavement is, giving you suggestions to support yourself and others through grief. It also includes some practical steps following a bereavement, and where you can go for further support.
Online Course
Business, Education, Human Resources, Information Technology
Working At Height
Every by IRIS
Working At Height' includes the necessary health and safety information for users to recognise and manage the risks of working at height in the workplace based on the Work at Height Regulations 2005 (WAHR). The course will support users in assessing risk, reviewing equipment, and taking steps to protect those who work at height from harm - keeping everybody safe in the workplace. The course is split into sections of content explaining the responsibilities that employers and employees have when working at height, how to successfully prepare to work at height, and choosing and using equipment for working at height safely.
Online Course