Business, International
Certificate in Strategy
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This GLOMACS Certification training seminar in Strategy will show you how to provide your organisation with a clear vision and long-term plans that will help it move in that direction. It will take you, step-by-step through a systematic approach to focus on the future, provide a clear vision of where the organisation is going and the route it is going to follow to get there, then track and measure the organisations progress to achieving it. The whole approach delivers an aligned organisation with every role working together towards the same goal.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Advanced Emotional Intelligence
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
People with emotional intelligence are more successful in life. This is because they manage themselves better and they get along with others much easier compared to those who are easily emotionally stressed. Emotional excellence is characterized by the ability to understand and control their emotions, motivated to succeed in their endeavours, able to empathize and communicate effectively. This GLOMACS Advanced Emotional Intelligence training course equips leaders with skills to help their team deliver the organizational goals. You will learn how to manage your soma (body), psycho (thoughts and feelings) and pneumatic (spiritual heart) to develop emotional excellence in your life.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Advanced Negotiation Skills
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
We all operate in an increasingly complex commercial and professional environment that requires us to negotiate on a daily basis not only with customers, clients, suppliers and contractor, but also with managers, fellow employees and colleagues within our own organisation. This GLOMACS Advanced Negotiation Skills training course is designed to explain the negotiation process in detail and demonstrate how to use it effectively, giving delegates the negotiation skills and strategies they need to succeed in todays challenging commercial environment.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Cash Forecasting & Financing, Investment, Business Valuation, and Risk
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
Professional Certificate in Cash Forecasting & Financing, Investment, Business Valuation, and Risk This Professional Certificate in Cash Forecasting & Financing, Investment, Business Valuation, and Risk training course will update and develop your skills of analysing financial information and the key risks faced in today’s uncertain economic, political, and physical global business environment. It will guide you through the key steps of cash forecasting, identifying alternative financing sources, evaluating new investments, and business valuation.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Competent Manager
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This exciting training course of GLOMACS - TheCompetent Manager- will provide you with the essential tools and skills necessary to manage your team as a professional and competent manager. You will discover many aspects of how modern managers need to interact with those around them. It is a unique opportunity to learn, practice a wide range of tried and tested and cutting edge techniques for managing people. This training course will build your confidence, ensuring the very best from your team performance, managing in a way that will motivate and inspire those around you to achieve greater productivity and results.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Compliance Regulations
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This GLOMACS Professional Certificate in Compliance Regulations training course is designed to provide with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and support regulatory compliance and enterprise-wide risk management. Also, to know how to deal with the rules, the markets, products, and transactions, to promote best practices and international standards that align with business and regulatory requirements. This is an intensive and highly practical training course qualifying you to become proficient in compliance. It provides the necessary skills to build right relation with your regulators, your board of directors and to deal with individuals at all levels of your organization.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Corporate Social Responsibility
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This GLOMACS Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) training course provides a way for managers, professional leaders, policy makers, academic professionals, and all employees to acquire in-depth insights and critical perspectives on companies Corporate Responsibility strategies and the knowledge to implement them. Corporate Social Responsibility aims at addressing the impact that organisations have on society, the environment and the economy. It is increasingly regarded as one of the most influential non-financial indicators of a companys development, operating style and brand image.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Data Analysis Techniques
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
Corporate ethos which demands continual improvement in work place efficiencies and reduced operating, maintenance, support service and administration costs means that managers, analysts and their advisors are faced with ever-challenging analytical problems and performance targets. To make decisions which result in improved business performance it is vital to base decision making on appropriate analysis and interpretation of numerical data. This GLOMACS Data Analysis Techniques training course aims to provide those involved in analysing numerical data with the understanding and practical capabilities needed to convert data into information via appropriate analysis, and then to represent these results in ways that can be readily communicated to others in the organisation.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Financial Analysis Modelling & Forecasting
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This practical hands-on training course will provide you with the methods and techniques of financial modelling in Excel that will equip you with a set of powerful financial tools with which to anticipate and manage the opportunities and threats confronting your organisation.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Financial Analysis, Planning & Control
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This GLOMACS training course on Financial Analysis, Planning & Control is aimed to provide a clear insight of decision-making process, various valuations methods, planning and interpreting financial information.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Governance, Risk & Compliance
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) training course is designed to provide you with the knowledge necessary to effectively design and enhance integrated GRC activities across your company. It will equip you with the tools and techniques to understand your company obligations, to mitigate risk and to have a proper structure in place on how to manage it when an issue arises. This training course enables members to develop core operational skills, focusing on best practice and will provide executives at all levels with the skills in risk management, creating compliance culture, and strengthen relationships with key stakeholders.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Info-Graphics, Data Analysis and Reporting Techniques
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This Professional Certificate in Infographics, Data Analysis and Reporting Techniques training course is aimed to equip the delegates with necessary skills to analyse numerical data, reporting and using graphics to present the data.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Leadership
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
Leadership begins with understanding who we are as people before we can gain acceptance as a leader of others. Knowledge of self through feedback, reflection and behaviour modelling is as important as knowledge of those that we lead or the organisation that we represent. Through this GLOMACS Certificate in Leadership training course, you will learn about yourself How you think, how you perceive the world and how others perceive you, how you engage with others to build your power network And how to remain focused in times of crisis. You will learn how to influence and lead others more skilfully.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Leadership - Masterclass
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This Leadership Masterclass training course opens by exploring the key leadership skills and how to apply them in the organization. Using this initial analysis, the training explores managing yourself as a leader, leading a team, creating breakthroughs through innovative leadership, communicating effectively with others and imparting leadership values to your team members. All attendees will return to their organizations better equipped to meet the challenges and demands of leadership. This is a fast-paced dynamic and highly informative advanced leadership training course. It seeks to develop and enhance your personal, team and organisational leadership skills.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Leading & Managing Change
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
Change is a fact of life in all teams, organisations and countries. Leading change is vital and no matter what activities a Leader or Manager becomes involved in, from strategy implementation to making simple amendments to a work system, all of these activities require change leadership skills. Every time a Leader or Manager makes a decision, some type of change occurs. This GLOMACS Leading &, Managing Change training course focuses on vital area of Leading Change, Organisational Culture and change, Organisational Development (OD) and Work Psychology. It is a unique course that provides guidelines on best practice, current best-practice and skills development in organisational change leadership.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Management
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
Making the transition into management is an exciting opportunity for employees who have been operating as members of the team. At the same time, it comes with its challenges – Making decisions without getting immediate reassurance, managing people who were previously your colleagues, self-motivating and looking for opportunities to improve systems, processes and products without waiting to be asked to do so.
Through this GLOMACS Certificate in Management training course, you will learn how to manage yourself, your motivation, your time, your energy and activities. , ,
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Management - Masterclass
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This fast-paced GLOMACS Management Masterclass training provides an opportunity to stand back from the day-to-day pressures of managerial life and consider how best to cope with and thrive in an ever complex and changing future. Rather than covering all areas of management - the seminar focuses on those topics that many Management Professionals could benefit from in terms of their impact on their stakeholders and their careers. This Management Masterclass training seminar program will provide participants with a holistic view of their wider organizational and strategic context and give them the tools to have a meaningful impact on their organizations effectiveness.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Operational Excellence
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This Operational Excellence training course will equip the participants with the knowledge, skills, and behavioural competencies required to support an Operational Excellence programme and contribute significantly to the bottom line of your organisation, reducing variation, defects, cycle times, lead times, waste, and costs within your operations. Operational Excellence (OPEX) goes beyond continuous improvement, cost minimisation and productivity maximisation. OPEX supports the drive for sustainable profitability and growth within your organisation by adopting a holistic approach to improvement. This Operational Excellence training course is designed for leaders and practitioners wishing to transform their organisations through strategy and culture, and through the application of operational excellence approaches, methodologies, processes, and tools. Event dates, 21 - 25 Mar 2022 26 30 Jun 2022 14 - 18 Nov 2022
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Pension Fund Investment Strategies
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
Stagnant stock market and changes in the interest rates are having a dramatic impact on pension fund performance and their ability to fund future liabilities. To ensure sufficient resources are available for retirements involve a complex set of decisions and assumptions on asset returns, interest rates, inflation rates and future salary growth. This training course focuses on pension fund investment style, asset allocation, performance of their portfolios with particular emphasis on private equity firms. It will address many of the current pension issues from both the asset and liability perspectives to provide a holistic appreciation of the complex issues involved.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Retirement Planning
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This training course guides employees through 5 days of interactive and activity-laden session that cover everything from retirement benefits to work-life. Our dynamic and collaborative Retirement Planning focuses not only on these important issues, but also more personal issues such as work-life transitions, emotional preparedness and new or part-time employment.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Risk Management, Control & Compliance (Corporate Governance)
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This Professional Certificate in Risk Management, Control and Compliance training course will enable you to deal with one of the most difficult challenges in 21st century management. Evaluating the range of available risk management techniques and choosing the most appropriate action in each case are increasingly significant elements of managerial responsibility in todays business environment. We cannot eliminate risk entirely, but our challenge is to identify the right risk to take and to minimise its potential negative impact. The training course will show you how to analyse and minimise risk, turn risk not opportunity, and manage uncertainty.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Strategic Awareness and Business Acumen
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
Two-thirds of corporate executives believe a lack of business skills or business acumen inhibits their company from meeting strategic priorities. An organization of high business acumen individuals can expect to see leaders with a heightened perspective that translates into an ability to inspire and excite the organization to achieve its full strategic potential. This GLOMACS Management & Leadership training course on Strategic Awareness and Business Acumen will improve your understanding of how operations, finance, marketing, and other functions must work together to create and execute a successful business strategy.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Strategic Capital Investment, Performance and Risk Management
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This training course provides the necessary skills for attendees to develop such strategies, which relate to where you want to be headed as an organisation and to provide the necessary direction to get there. Risk impacts on all strategic decisions and affects the profit and value creation of an organisation. Financial risk results from the various types of financing used to fund the organisation and the impact of movements in foreign currency exchange rates, interest rates, and overseas trade and investment.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Strategic Corporate Governance
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This Professional Certificate in Strategic Corporate Governance training course is carefully outlined to take the participants through a blend of three key interlinked corporate topics, Governance, Strategic Management and Strategic Leadership aiming to enrich their knowledge and understanding for those mission-critical practices. This training course elaborates on all the processes of Corporate Governance covering frameworks at both the Board level (Board Governance) as well as the Executive Management levels (Assurance and Control). Delegates will be able to assess the strength of their own Organization's Governance Practices and identify where change and improvement is needed.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Strategic Management in the Oil and Gas Business
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
The oil and gas industries are going through a period of significant change. The outlook for oil and gas prices is volatile, difficult to forecast and subjected to pressures from alternative energy sources. At the same time the growth in global demand is coming from newly industrializing markets. This has major implications for upstream and downstream operations and for the type and level of investment that will be required over the medium term. This high-level GLOMACS training course Strategic Management in the Oil and Gas Business Sustaining High Performance in a Rapidly Changing Market will enable you to design and manage the new approach.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Strategy
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This GLOMACS Certification training seminar in Strategy will show you how to provide your organisation with a clear vision and long-term plans that will help it move in that direction. It will take you, step-by-step through a systematic approach to focus on the future, provide a clear vision of where the organisation is going and the route it is going to follow to get there, then track and measure the organisation’s progress to achieving it. The whole approach delivers an aligned organisation with every role working together towards the same goal.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Strategy & Strategic Planning
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This training course will enable you to make a major contribution to creating tomorrow's organisation out of today's organisation. Strategy and strategic planning are the vital activities that enable all managers to (a) anticipate major change in the structure and potential of their business and, (b) make a significant personal contribution to the processes of business development. All managers must take into account how to use all available resources in order to chart a course that will enable an organisation to develop strongly and deliver outstanding financial and other results, often in rapidly changing business conditions.
Training Course
Business, International
Professional Certificate in Sustainable Investment
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This training course on Sustainable investments will examine various aspects related to sustainable investment strategies. Delegates will gain knowledge of sustainable investment strategy and assess its implications to their organisations.
Training Course
Business, International
Real Estate Finance & Investment
GLOMACS Training & Consultancy
This Real Estate Finance and Investment training course provides participants with a deep understanding of real estate financing and investments by comparing and contrasting real estate finance and investments with traditional financing and investment decision process. The delegates will gain a sufficient knowledge of various aspects related to real estate industry including real estate principals, mitigating risk in real estate investing and strengthening their decision-making capability in the field.
Training Course