Construction, Information Technology, Retail, Security
Cyber Security
Hikvision UK & Ireland
The presentation looks at what cyber security is, before reviewing cyber security statistics reported to the UK Government in 2021 to understand the breakdown and types of attacks reported across the UK in 2021.The presentation then digs into what the risk is from physical security devices such as IP cameras, before reviewing potential risk mitigation strategies, and what could be considered during system design to reduce the risks to an acceptable level, as well what manufacturers can do to help combat threats.
Training Course
Construction, Information Technology, Retail, Security
Cyber Security in IOT
Hikvision UK & Ireland
With Juniper Research estimating there to be over 46 billion IoT devices being connected to the internet by 2021, cyber-attacks against IoT solutions are not going away anytime soon. The presentation will look into what cyber security is, the most common attacks, sectors and countries to be targeted as well as some simple ways we can protect ourselves and our devices both at home and at work.
Training Course
Construction, Information Technology, Retail, Security
Frictionless Access Control
Hikvision UK & Ireland
This presentation focuses on how the application of frictionless access control measures such as facial recognition can increase security, improve efficiency and reduce costly and time-consuming business processes. The presentation will provide an overview of how frictionless access control can improve the end user experience, the business benefits, and GDPR considerations as well as how to design and deploy flexible access control solutions.
Training Course
Construction, Information Technology, Retail, Security
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence in IOT
Hikvision UK & Ireland
End users are now seeking to obtain greater value from physical security systems such as CCTV to increase operational efficiency, artificial intelligence is a key technology to enable clients to do more with their systems. The presentation will provide an overview of Artificial Intelligence, how it can be used in IOT Security solutions, how artificial intelligence algorithms work and provide some real-life examples of how artificial intelligence can be used.
Training Course
Construction, Information Technology, Retail, Security
Introduction to Thermal Surveillance Technology
Hikvision UK & Ireland
Thermal surveillance technology has traditionally been associated with very high security or military applications, however as technology has progressed and improved over time, thermal surveillance technology is now much more accessible and can be applied to a wide range of scenarios for both security and fire prevention applications. In the presentation, we define what thermal surveillance technology is, how it works, how it can be used and provide the necessary information to design or specify a thermal surveillance-based solution for either security or fire prevention purposes.
Training Course
Construction, Information Technology, Retail, Security
Low Light Surveillance Technology
Hikvision UK & Ireland
While technological advancements in camera technology are able to capture good quality colour images at reducing light levels, dedicated cameras that are specifically designed and optimised for low light will always provide a superior image at incredibly low light levels. The presentation will start by defining what low light technologies are and why they are important, how they work, key considerations when designing for low light environments and some real-life examples of how the technology can be deployed.
Training Course
Construction, Information Technology, Retail, Security
Securing 21st Century Data Centres
Hikvision UK & Ireland
With people sharing more content than ever on social media and online platforms coupled with the ever-increasing quality of smartphones and the advent of 5G, the demand for data centre capacity is constantly increasing. In this presentation we look at the key requirements, trends and challenges of operating a 21st century datacentre. The presentation will then look at typical application scenarios and analyse the available security options and how they could be applied, finally we explore how security can add value by reducing downtime and increasing the efficiency of security staff.
Training Course
Construction, Information Technology, Retail, Security
Security System Integration
Hikvision UK & Ireland
Integrated security systems where different aspects of security such as access control, CCTV, intercom and intruder detection are brought together using a single user interface and operating platform are now commonplace in most organisations and facilities. Through this presentation, we explore the pros and cons of integrated systems, how systems can be integrated, the potential security risks that may arise and how to specify an integrated solution to ensure that engineers can easily understand the end users requirements when commissioning the system to ensure the system operates as required.
Training Course
Construction, Information Technology, Retail, Security
Smart Cities
Hikvision UK & Ireland
Developing smart cities are key in enabling cities to cope with rapid urbanisation while balancing the provision and management of services provided to residents living in them. The presentation will start by defining what a smart city is and then look at the different design elements and methodologies that will have an influence on the design and technologies used. The presentation will then go on to review some of the key challenges of developing and living in a smart city, and look at some UK-based case studies and real-world applications, as well as the supporting technology and international design guidelines and standards.
Training Course
Construction, Information Technology, Retail, Security
Utilising Analogue Infrastructures
Hikvision UK & Ireland
With the advancements in technology and benefits that IP communications technology provide, you would be forgiven for thinking that analogue is just old legacy technology that isn't still supported and is just waiting to be replaced with IP systems. Through this presentation, we explore the history of analogue surveillance solutions, discuss the key features and benefits of modern analogue systems, how they compare to IP surveillance systems and why you might want to consider analogue technology for your next security design project.
Training Course