Business, Construction, Human Resources
AED Defibrillator Awareness
Human Focus International
In the UK, there are over 30,000 cardiac arrests each year outside of hospitals When they occur, only 1 in 10 live to be discharged from the hospital In this programme, we will explore, What is an AED, Emergency Response, and How to use an AED
Online Course
Anti-Bribery Training
Human Focus International
Online Bribery and Corruption training for all levels of staff. This course covers, What is Bribery &, Corruption? The Four Offences, Active Bribery, Passive Bribery, Bribing a Foreign Official, Failure to Prevent Bribery, The Six Principles, What You Need to Know, What are the Signs of Bribery, Why it Matters,
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Anti-Money Laundering
Human Focus International
This course provides essential guidance on preventing money laundering and ensuring compliance with the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations (MLR) 2017. It explains how finance professionals can prevent money laundering by adopting a risk-based approach to services, as required by MLR 2017. Users will be equipped to identify high-risk activities, clients and sectors and apply the necessary level of due diligence to ensure transactions are legitimate and lawful.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
ASCONE - Training for Security Personnel
Human Focus International
ASCONE stands for Approach, Selection, Conceal or Carry, Unbroken Observation, Non-payment, Exit. This course provides security personnel with an easy to follow tool to address potential cases of shoplifting in a way that best protects the business from this risk. Ensuring security officers understand ASCONE is a must for retailers looking to maximise loss prevention.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Back Care In Offices - What Everyone Needs To Know
Human Focus International
Back Care explores how back pain can occur whilst at work and in every day life, how to cope with back pain and how to keep active to ensure a healthy back. As our understanding of back pain has changed over time, it explores myths about back pain and how best to treat it.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Back Care Management in Offices for Managers
Human Focus International
This online training course provides managers with an understanding of back injuries in office environments and an understanding of prevention. It then looks at management techniques to convey these important messages to the staff they oversee and control for the risks.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Basic First Aid At Work
Human Focus International
First aid training by Human Focus complies with HSE guidance on the basic first aid at work (INDG347). The course covers a basic introduction about first aid at work and provides everyone with simple guidelines that can be followed until a qualified first aider or medical professional arrives. The programme also highlights an effective approach in case of emergency without putting yourself in danger.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Behavioural Safety For Managers
Human Focus International
Behavioural Safety for Managers examines the reasons why workers make unsafe choices and equips managers with strategies to encourage safe behaviour. Users gain insights into incentivising safe behaviour and making safety measures practical and attractive to increase buy-in. They also learn how to adopt a blame-free approach to incident investigation, enabling them to identify and eliminate the root causes of workplace accidents for lasting improvements in safety.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Behavioural Safety In Industry - What Everyone Needs To Know
Human Focus International
What are Signposts and how to spot them? How signposts can be used to prevent accidents and ill-health Highlights the actions if signposts come across that warn of impending trouble Teach managers about different ways to make workplaces a safe working area. Educate managers about the management techniques to identify unsafe behaviours in the office workplaces.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Behavioural Safety in industry – for Managers
Human Focus International
Behavioural Safety in Industry for Managers examines the reasons why workers make unsafe choices and equips industrial managers with strategies to encourage safe behaviour. Users gain insights into incentivising safe behaviour and making safety measures practical and attractive to increase buy-in. They also learn how to adopt a blame-free approach to incident investigation, enabling them to identify and eliminate the root causes of workplace accidents for lasting improvements in safety.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Behavioural Safety in Offices
Human Focus International
Behavioural Safety in Offices examines human error and its role in workplace accidents. Users develop awareness of their own and others’ unsafe behaviour and how seemingly harmless shortcuts increase risk. This understanding motivates workers to make safer choices and respect work systems, improving safety and productivity.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Behavioural Safety in Offices – for Managers
Human Focus International
Behavioural Safety in Offices for Managers examines the reasons why workers make unsafe choices and equips managers with strategies to encourage safe behaviour. Users gain insights into incentivising safe behaviour and making safety measures practical and attractive to increase buy-in. They also learn how to adopt a blame-free approach to incident investigation, enabling them to identify and eliminate the root causes of workplace accidents for lasting improvements in safety.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Bomb and Terrorist Threats
Human Focus International
This online training programme provides guidance on bomb and terrorist threat risk management procedures for the workplace.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Colour Blind Test
Human Focus International
This online colour-blind test tests users on whether they have Colour Vision Deficiency (CVD) and records the results as evidence. Colour blindness can limit the ability of individuals to do certain professional roles. Earning a perfect score on this test can help serve as evidence of perfect colour vision. However, it is not a substitute for a medical examination.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Conflict Resolution
Human Focus International
This conflict resolution course provides an understanding of how to positively handle disagreements at work. Conflicts small and large are a natural part of any workplace. If left unchecked, they can quickly create a toxic and unproductive workplace atmosphere. Our training course looks at ways to identify conflict, de-escalate bad situations and seek resolutions that are optimal for all parties involved.
Training Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Coping with Stress
Human Focus International
This coping with stress training course examines occupational stress in an industrial environment It looks at the risks involved and methods that both employers and employees can implement to manage this hazard to make a more positive working environment overall
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Coronavirus - How to Stay Safe
Human Focus International
Coronavirus safety course by Human Focus explores safety measures against this disease. These measures are just not restricted to ones personal safety. But also helps to prevent its spread to vulnerable people. This COVID-19 training course needs careful attention as peoples lives depend on hygiene steps that the course explores.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Coronavirus Infection Control in Industry - What All Employees Need to Know
Human Focus International
This e-Learning course provides learners with a comprehensive briefing on the government guidelines for managing coronavirus infection in the workplace.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Customer Service Training
Human Focus International
Companies grow because of great customer service. Satisfied customers are loyal, spend more and make referrals. This training course teaches staff in any customer-facing role how to deliver service that makes a difference. Employees will learn how to make customers feel valued, listened to and more likely to come back.
Training Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Cybersecurity Awareness
Human Focus International
This online training course provides trainees with an understanding of cybersecurity risks. It looks at how malware, phishing and other digital threats and best practice for reducing the likelihood of infection or breaches in security.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Daily Cleaning for Coronavirus – What All Employees Need To Know
Human Focus International
Daily Cleaning is integral to help control the spread of the COVID-19 virus spreading. This online training course is designed to provide staff at any level a vital understanding of their role in helping stop the spread of the virus through regular disinfection of work surfaces.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Damp Mopping
Human Focus International
When cleaners conduct damp mopping, it presents a variety of hazards to both themselves and the clients and members of the public that may be present. This online training course helps to ensure that those conducting this task understand how to do so efficiently and safely. The course covers the assembly of equipment, steps to conduct the task and safe storage after task completion.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Data Security Awareness Training
Human Focus International
This online training course provides trainees with an awareness of why data security is essential, and important tips for keeping data safe. It touches on UK GDPR and looks at areas including levels of data security, mobile work and personal internet use.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Dementia Awareness
Human Focus International
This online course explains dementia types, stages and how to care for those living with the condition. Trainees develop an essential understanding of dementia and its effects, letting them offer informed, person-centred care and create safer spaces for patients. The course also outlines how caregivers can maintain their own wellbeing while providing full-time support.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Designated Safeguarding Lead – Adults
Human Focus International
Become a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), fulfil training requirements and broaden your skillset. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead – Adults course covers safeguarding essentials as well as advanced concepts, preparing you to take on the extended duties of a DSL. You will gain an in-depth understanding of safeguarding vulnerable adults, including how to manage disclosures, handle referrals and establish safeguarding policies. This level of training gives you the knowledge needed to guide staff, lead on complex safeguarding issues and maintain safeguarding standards across your organisation.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Designated Safeguarding Lead – Children
Human Focus International
This online course fulfils designated safeguarding lead (DSL) training requirements and qualifies users for lead or senior child safeguarding roles. It provides a detailed understanding of child safeguarding practices, legislation, and the duties of a DSL. This knowledge allows trainees to lead on child protection within their organisation, including reporting, handling disclosures, guiding staff and developing safeguarding policies.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Difficult Conversations for Managers
Human Focus International
This online training course looks at the tools managers need to handle difficult conversations in a timely, effective and successful manner. Having difficult conversations is a part of every managers job. If they are handled well, issues can often be resolved quickly and with minimal stress for those involved. If they are handled poorly, they can lead to ongoing problems, dissatisfied employees, low morale and increased turnover.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Disability Awareness
Human Focus International
This online course explores the requirements, strategies and benefits of disability-friendly workplaces. Trainees develop an understanding of disabilities, how they can affect someone’s work and practical adjustments that employees may need. This knowledge helps employers fulfil statutory requirements and create workplaces where all employees feel valued and supported to achieve their best.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Discipline & Grievance for Managers
Human Focus International
This course helps managers resolve employee conduct issues and complaints in a tactful and professional manner. It looks at the procedures for discipline and grievances, as well as the soft skills required to find the most optimal solution for all parties involved.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Discipline and Grievance - Awareness
Human Focus International
This awareness level online training course provides an understanding of what discipline and grievance procedures are and in what situations they are used in. It emphasizes the importance of resolving issues informally wherever possible to benefit the organisations and employees involved. But also walks users through the steps of these procedures, so they understand how they operate where they are required.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Drugs & Alcohol Awareness
Human Focus International
This online training course is designed to make employees at any level within an organisation aware of the hazards of drugs and alcohol. It provides them an understanding of the regulations and guidelines surrounding these substances, the negative consequences, and how to identify and control for substance abuse.
Online Course
Business, Construction, Human Resources
Effective Communication Principles
Human Focus International
This business communication training online teaches learners how to communicate effectively whilst working in industrial workplaces. It explains how to listen, communicate, and act convincingly in a business environment. Excellent communication is a cornerstone of business success. Effective communication skills are developed and sharpened on an on-going basis. Without effective communication, the organisation will.
Online Course