Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Ability to Admit you Don't Have all the Answers
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
In this course youll learn strategies to solve customer problems honestly, efficiently, and with confidence.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Abrasive Wheels
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Ah, Robot Wars! The hit TV show where contestants build robots using everyday objects and then make them fight to the death! When it comes to weapons, these things are vicious. But what if you work with these tools every day? Abrasive wheels are incredibly useful but also very dangerous when used incorrectly. There are many types of abrasive wheel to suit a wide range of applications, so it’s important to know what to look out for, and how to use and handle them safely.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Accident Reporting Training
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Correctly reporting incidents at work is an essential part of your business. That’s why iAM Accident Reporting Training is a crucial part of all personnel and workplace compliance training. It will teach you all you need to know about reporting accidents in the workplace, tracking safety progress and improving working conditions for employees.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Accountability & Growth Mindset in Coaching
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
As a coach, encouraging people to take accountability is a big part of what you do. Yes, you'll guide them, but it's all about helping them remain accountable for their progress. Let's progress into this course!
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Active Listening
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Listening isn’t just about sitting there and nodding whilst somebody natters away at you. It’s about picking up on subtle nuances, really hearing what they’re saying, and actively taking part.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Active Shooter
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Organisations must be prepared for active-shooter events. If you’re not, it could cost lives. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to be ready for a potential active-shooter incident.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Adaptability & Flexibility
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Adapting to change can be tricky if you arent flexible enough (and we're not talking yoga stretches here). This course contains hints and tips thatll help you become more flexible and adaptable.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Addressing a Blame Culture
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
No one likes having the finger of blame pointed at them. Right or wrong, it's damaging for your self-esteem and for trust. Thankfully there are some simple changes you can make!
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Aggression & Violence
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
In an ideal world, no-one would have to face aggression and violence at all. Unfortunately, many of us are faced with it at work, sometimes on a daily basis, whether from a customer or service user, or even from a colleague or boss. No matter the source, it isn’t pleasant and can be extremely stressful, affecting performance, personal relationships, mental health and also your wellbeing.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
AI relies on data, so it’s important to integrate the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) into how your business operates. When you’re using AI, security, transparency, and consent around data is important. This course will show you how to maintain compliance with GDPR and the requirements laid out by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). It’ll also walk you through when and how to complete a data protection impact assessment (DPIA.)
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Allergy Awareness (Fast Food Edition)
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Food allergies are really serious and people with them can die. Did you know there are 14 major food allergies? Food allergens can cause life-threatening reactions and ailments in people that could be avoided by knowing what to look for. Allergens need to be mentioned on labels or menus, but if you are not aware of which foods they are in and they are given to a person with an allergy then this could cause serious risk which could leave them with physical and emotional trauma.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Allyship in the Workplace
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Understanding what allyship is and how to be a good ally will help you contribute to a workplace that creates inclusive teams in which diversity is championed. It can feel uncomfortable to acknowledge privilege and mistakes. But you can use yours to support your colleagues and work towards an equitable workplace for everyone.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Anti-Bribery & Corruption
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
This course will help you identify what counts as a bribe and take steps to minimise the risk of corruption taking place. It will also show you how risk assessments can be an important part of your anti-corruption toolkit.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Anti-Racism in the Workplace
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Unfortunately, racism still undermines the rights of employees in many workplaces. Sometimes, its easy to spot and challenge. But sometimes, its subtle and embedded in policies, processes, or unconscious attitudes. Racism is never acceptable. To work towards a workplace thats fair for everyone, you need to commit to actively challenging and overcoming it. Its time for you to take action. Because you have an important role to play in making sure racism isnt present in your workplace.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Anxiety. We all suffer from it. Some of us with mild symptoms, but others can suffer severely. Whichever end of the scale you fall on, this course will help you try and calm that anxiety or even remove it completely.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Asbestos Awareness
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Asbestos kills. It’s nasty stuff! This comprehensive introduction to the dangers of working with asbestos will help mitigate against breathing in those airborne blighters, and prevent asbestos-related illness and disease.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Asbestos Awareness (Refresher)
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Our asbestos awareness refresher course is ideal for those who want a quick reminder of the key learning points, Play the game, keep iAM safe and level up your asbestos knowledge!
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Ask for Help
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
It can be difficult to ask for help. Doing so might even make you feel like you've failed. But asking for help is actually a sign of strength! This course will show you the how.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Being assertive is essential for making yourself heard and gaining respect. But you might find yourself sitting at the passive end of the spectrum, or muddling assertion with aggression. There is a happy, but assertive, medium.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Attachment & Separation Anxiety
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
A childs first day at school can be a pretty overwhelming experience. Saying goodbye to their parent or carer might lead to crying or clinginess. But all children are different, and some may experience more distressing emotions and anxieties about being separated. Suitable for parents, carers and teachers, this course will show you some of the causes of separation anxiety and provide tips on how to help.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Attracting Great Employees
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Finding the best people can be a real challenge for leaders, especially those with limited experience of hiring. Although its a fairly simple concept (need a person, find a person, bring them on board), the realities of recruiting can be harder than youd think.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Avoiding Common Management Mistakes
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Taking the time to understand some of the most common management mistakes will give you the insights you need to ensure these errors arent being made on your watch. With this positive approach to employee satisfaction and retention, youll be a talent magnet and the envy of your industry.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Basic Safeguarding Awareness
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Safeguarding is about taking responsibility for protecting the health, well-being and human rights of people who might be vulnerable to abuse. Everyone needs to be aware of the risks of abuse and know how to respond to the warning signs. Abuse can happen to anyone. However, some people are more at risk than others. If your work or volunteer activity brings you into contact with children or vulnerable adults it’s really important to learn how to safeguard them from harm.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
BEDI Toolkit
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
Are you new to BEDI? Do you want to create a super innovative, happier, more productive workforce, but don't know where to start? Check out this Toolkit and we will show you how! Be the BEDI-Jedi.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Being a Leader not a Counsellor
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
In this course youll learn the difference between coaching and counselling. Youll also learn ways to avoid becoming your teams counsellor.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Being Kind to Yourself
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
It’s hard to talk about wellbeing without sounding too ‘new age’, but what does it really mean? We’re talking about people being happy, healthy and comfortable. Simple enough. But it sounds like hard work, right? Not necessarily. There are ways to keep your wellbeing robust without doing anything particularly challenging – phew! And when your wellbeing is peaking, both mentally and physically, there’s nothing you can’t do. Important stuff, then.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Being your Best Self
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
You can move forward in both your career and life outside work by becoming your best self. When you feel great, you can do great things. Being your best self will help you achieve the things you want to, bring out the best in others, and feel fulfilled.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Brexit, Business Leaders FAQ
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
In this article, well cover five of the most frequently asked questions about Brexit for business leaders, What is the Withdrawal Agreement?, Will my business be affected by Brexit? What are the rules of origin for traders? What are the new rules for hiring EU Nationals? How will Brexit impact work-related travel in the EU?
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Bring your Whole Self to Work (Authenticity)
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
It can feel intimidating to reveal yourself to your colleagues. But being your authentic self at work holds many benefits, for you, your team and your employer.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Budget Like a Boss
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again, “I’m sorry, not this month. The budget doesn’t allow for it.” Pretty annoying when that happens. But you know it’s for the best, because it’s essential for a business to have a budget in place. A budget isn’t an arbitrary constraint on your spending. It’s a detailed plan for your money, helping you decide the best thing to do with it. Knowing your budget frees you up to make better business decisions and helps keep you afloat.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Building & Rebuilding Trust
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
It's vital to build trust with your colleagues. It’s also important to know how to rebuild trust when it’s broken – whether with employees, customers, or others in your team.
Online Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources
Building your Brand on LinkedIn
iAM Compliant t/a iAM Learning
As a professional, you are essentially a ‘brand’. And your brand is key when it comes to being recognised by your peers or building out your business, especially on LinkedIn.
Online Course