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“Inniu” Sustainability Elearning

Online Course

About the CPD Course

Education and awareness of Environmental, Social and Governance in the Aviation or ESG is fundamental if we are to overcome the challenges that lie ahead. This programme offers colleagues from across the aviation leasing industry and beyond the opportunity to raise their own awareness of some of the key issues that will fundamentally define their future company operations, and even their careers. The inniu programme is designed to give everyone - from new graduate recruits to the CEO - a broad understanding of ESG, and the challenges we face in the aviation sector. It covers 11 important area of ESG such as Technology, Climate action and Waste and Circular Economy and many more.

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CPD Provider



ICBE is at the forefront of knowledge sharing, supporting our members as they strive for business excellence on a global stage. Our members are Ireland’s leading companies, who are aligned with our ethos of knowledge sharing. Our innovative approach ensures our members always have easy access to leading edge knowledge from peers as well as experts, both Irish and International, to drive continuous improvement and the pursuit of business excellence. Our personal approach and the close knit nature of our network means that members find it easy to reach out to the network.
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CPD Subsectors

Business Coaching
Business Support
Business Consultancy
Region - Europe