Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Administrative Office Procedures
Inspire Management Training Centre
Administrative office procedures may not be glamorous, but they are essential to the success of any enterprise. A well run office reduces miscommunication and helps to eliminate common errors. By making the administrative office a priority, you will establish clear policies and procedures with employee understanding and buy-in, which ensures that your work environment runs smoothly.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Administrative Support
Inspire Management Training Centre
Administrative assistants are a key part of most office environments. They work quietly in the background, ensuring that the business runs smoothly and efficiently. This workshop will give new administrative assistants tools that will make them that person that the office can't live without. Experienced administrative assistants will learn new tools that will make them more efficient and valuable than ever.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Archiving and Records Management
Inspire Management Training Centre
Every organization is responsible for maintaining records. The ability to create, organize, and maintain records and archives is essential to success. Correct records keeping will not only offer liability protection, it will also increase efficiency and productivity. To put it simply, maintaining records and archives will improve the bottom line.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Assertiveness and Self-Confidence
Inspire Management Training Centre
Assertiveness and self-confidence are comprised of important interpersonal communications skills and traits that can be learned and practiced. This workshop will provide you with many tips, techniques, and opportunities to try out your own skills.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Basic Bookkeeping Skills Workshop
Inspire Management Training Centre
Numbers, Numbers, Numbers, Wherever you go, you are bound to see them. On addresses, license plates, Phones, prices, and of course, money, Numbers connect us all to each other in many more ways than we Might imagine., Essentially, our world revolves around Numbers. Some of us enjoy dealing with numbers while others may have a fear of them, or even a phobia. For those of you who have already recognized and appreciate the impact that numbers actually have on just about everything, you deserve a cookie. Welcome to Basic Bookkeeping.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Basic First Aid
Inspire Management Training Centre
Basic First Aid is a training aimed at providing learners with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to support emergency first aid. The course covers knowledge such as the roles and responsibilities of a first aider and how to assess an incident. It also covers first aid skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR, for adult, child and infant), providing first aid to a casualty who is choking, dealing with external bleeding & shock, and safe use of an automated defibrillator.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Body Language Basics
Inspire Management Training Centre
Can you tell if someone is telling the truth just by looking at them? It is a skill that a lot of people do not have. Through Body Language Basics you will be given a set of tools to use to your advantage. These tools can be utilized in the office and at home. Understanding body language will provide you a great advantage in your daily communications.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Budgets and Financial Reports Workshop
Inspire Management Training Centre
Money matters can be intimidating for even the smartest people. However, having a solid understanding of basic financial terms and methods is crucial to your career. When terms like ROI9, EBIT,GAAP, and extrapolation join the conversation, you'll want to know what people are talking about, and you'll want to be able to participate in the discussion. The Budgets And Financial Reports workshop will give you a solid foundation in finance. We'll cover topics like commonly used terms, financial statements, budgets, iforecasting, purchasing decisions, and financial legislation.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Business Acumen
Inspire Management Training Centre
Through our Business Acumen workshop your participants will improve their judgment and decisiveness skills. Business Acumen is all about seeing the big picture and recognizing that all decisions, no matter how small, can have an effect on the bottom line. Your participants will increase their financial literacy and improve their business sense.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Business Etiquette
Inspire Management Training Centre
This course examines the basics of business etiquette, consideration for others, personal dress/appearance, the workplace versus social situation, business meetings, proper introductions and 'the handshake', conversation skills/small talk, cultural differences affecting international business opportunities, dealing with interruptions and proper business email and telephone etiquette.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Business Leadership, Becoming Management Material
Inspire Management Training Centre
At its core - leadership means setting goals, lighting a path and persuading others to follow. But the responsibility entails much more. Leaders must get their message out in a way that inspires, makes the most of their limited time and build roads to precious resources. They must negotiate alliances, improve their colleagues and align the ambitions of the many with the needs of the organization.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Business Succession Planning
Inspire Management Training Centre
The loss of valuable leadership can cripple a company. Business succession planning is essentially preparing successors to take on vital leadership roles when the need arises. It is essential to the long-term survival of a company. Every company should have a form of succession planning in its portfolio as it is not the expected absences that can cripple a company but the unexpected ones.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Business Writing Workshop
Inspire Management Training Centre
The Business Writing workshop will give your participants a refresher on basic writing concepts (such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and an overview of the most common business documents. These basic skills will provide your participates with that extra benefit in the business world that a lot of people are losing.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Call Centre
Inspire Management Training Centre
Phone skills are a highly valuable tool to have in any employee's skill-set, and Call Center Training will help provide those skills. This course will help your participants improve their phone skills which will make them more confident, improve sales, and help gain new customers while retaining your current cliental. A more confident employee is also one that is happier, and happier employees will produce happier customers.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Change Management Workshop
Inspire Management Training Centre
The Change Management workshop will give any leader tools to implement changes more smoothly and to have those changes better accepted. This workshop will also give all participants an understanding of how change is implemented and some tools for managing their reactions to change.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Coaching And Mentoring
Inspire Management Training Centre
You are in your office looking over your performance report and it happened again. Your low performing employee failed to meet quota this month, even after you spoke with them about the importance of meeting goals. This employee has a great attitude and you know they can do better. You just do not know how to motivate them to reach the goal. Money used to work, but that has worn off. You are baffled and you know being frustrated makes matters worse. What do you do?
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Coaching Salespeople
Inspire Management Training Centre
Coaching is not just for athletes. More and more organizations are choosing to include coaching as part of their instruction. Coaching salespeople, when done correctly, will not only increase sales, it will have a positive impact on the community and culture of a company. The benefits of coaching salespeople are numerous and worth exploring. With our Coaching Salespeople workshop, your participants will discover the specifics of how to develop coaching skills.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Communication Strategies
Inspire Management Training Centre
The communication strategies workshop will help participants understand the different methods of communication and how to make the most of each of them. These strategies will provide a great benefit for any organization and its employees. They will trickle down throughout the organization and positively impact everyone involved.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Conflict Resolution
Inspire Management Training Centre
Wherever two or more people come together, there is bound to be conflict. This course will give participants a seven-step conflict resolution process that they can use and modify to resolve conflict disputes of any size. Your participants will also be provided a set of skills in solution building and finding common ground.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Contact Centre Training
Inspire Management Training Centre
For many people, the term Contact Center relates to sales calls and telemarketers, but a contact center can provide customer support, information technology support, and much more. The key to offering great customer experience is in the training. A well-trained contact center employee can be the difference between gaining more customers and losing them. Customers want a well-educated agent when they contact a business.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Contract management
Inspire Management Training Centre
It is easy to overlook the importance of contract management because it seems to be a boring, mundane topic. Contracts, however, are the basis of most business relationships. If contracts are managed well, business relationship will flourish. If they are not, companies face financial loss, relationship harm, and damaged reputations. With “Contract Management” workshop, participants will discover the specifics of how contract management works and how to effectively source agents.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Creative Problem Solving
Inspire Management Training Centre
The Creative Problem Solving workshop will give participants an overview of the entire creative problem solving process, as well as key problem solving tools that they can use every day. Skills such as brainstorming, information gathering, analyzing data, and identifying resources will be covered throughout the workshop.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Crisis Management
Inspire Management Training Centre
Crisis management is as important as finance management, personnel management, etc. Having a clear and effective program and plan for an event is critical not only to your survival, but critical to the profitability and possibly the survival of the company. Being able to identify risk, assess the situation and respond appropriately is important, and requires not only training, but practice.
Training Course
Customer Service Workshop
Inspire Management Training Centre
The Customer Service workshop will look at all types of customers and how we can serve them better and improve ourselves in the process. Your participants will be provided a strong skillset including in-person and over the phone techniques, dealing with difficult customers, and generating return business.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Cyber Security
Inspire Management Training Centre
Every organization is responsible for ensuring cyber security. The ability to protect its information systems from impairment, or even theft, is essential to success. Implementing effective security measures will not only offer liability protection, it will also increase efficiency and productivity.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Developing Corporate Behaviour
Inspire Management Training Centre
With this workshop your participants will be able to develop a business environment that reflects a positive set of values and ethics. Aligning these characteristics with the standards of conduct is what makes a business stand out and be a leader in the business world.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Developing New Managers Workshop
Inspire Management Training Centre
Management must be effective for the success of any business. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to overlook the training and development of new managers. When you provide your managers and employees with the skills and tools they need, you will greatly boost morale and strengthen your organization. With our Developing New Managers workshop, your participants will understand the value of investing in employees and developing management. By focusing on development opportunities, your participants will establish a culture that retains top talent and improves succession planning.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Digital Citizenship Workshop
Inspire Management Training Centre
Digital Citizenship allows us to connect, collaborate, and share by using technology appropriately. In person meetings are on the decline which makes it necessary to engage people digitally. Being a good digital citizen means you have a set of skills to work in the digital world.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Disability Awareness
Inspire Management Training Centre
People with disabilities represent a significant and largely underutilized resource for businesses. Many disabled persons are underemployed or unemployed. As a result of advocates for diversity, as well as a shrinking labor pool, employers are taking a serious look at hiring and retaining people with disabilities. This two-day workshop will give supervisors, managers, and human resource consultants tools and tips for creating a diverse workplace.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Diversity and Inclusion Workshop.
Inspire Management Training Centre
Experiencing diversity is a part of living in a civilized society. Difference does not equal a right way and a wrong way, it is variety that can lead to a common goal. Understanding the various forms of diversity makes for a better company and world in general how to be a great closer.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Emotional Intelligence
Inspire Management Training Centre
This training will introduce participants to the topic of Emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence describes the ability to understand one's own feelings, and that of groups, and how these emotions can influence motivation and behaviour.
Training Course
Business, Education, Fire, Human Resources, Information Technology, Transport, International
Employee On-Boarding
Inspire Management Training Centre
Employee on-boarding is an important and vital part of any companys hiring procedure. Hiring, training, and bringing new employees on board costs a lot of money and are major investments. On-boarding is a secure investment that will assist newly hired employees in developing and keeping their skills, knowledge, and value within the company. A proper on-boarding process could help a company maintain its highly skilled workers, and lessen the risk of them being lured by other companies.
Training Course