Healthcare & Medical
Advanced Trauma Assessment & Management
This course is designed to give Emergency Services and Health Care Professionals a structured approach to assessing and managing traumatic injuries in the pre-hospital environment. Advanced procedures including sternal intra-osseous access and surgical airways on tissue analogue will be taught. Students will then be assessed during a hyper-realistic moulage with live casualties in our state of the art immersive suite.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Ambulance staff course
The Ambulance Staff Professional course has been designed to equip the students with the skills and knowledge to assist Paramedics, Nursing and Medical Staff in the performance of their duties. It will focus on the practical elements of pre hospital emergency care while giving a basic understanding of the traumatically injured and medically unwell patient.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
CBRNE Awareness Course
The aim of this is to provide learners who have no prior knowledge of CBRN(E) operations with the knowledge and understanding to operated safely in a CBRN(E) environment. The course is suitable for all individuals who may be required to respond to incidents involving the deliberate or accidental release of CBRN agents in a professional capacity. Students who complete training successfully will be able to work safely as part of a response team during CBRN incidents.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
CBRNE Clinical Decontamination
The aim of this is to provide learners who have successfully completed the SEHA introduction to CBRN(E) module with the skills knowledge and understanding to manage an accidental or deliberate release of a chemical, biological or radiological agent.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
CBRNE Medical officers course
The aim of this is to provide learners who have successfully completed the SEHA introduction to CBRN(E) and CBRNE Decontamination modules with the extended skills knowledge and understanding to manage an accidental or deliberate release of a chemical, biological or radiological agent.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Critical Care Transfer Course
The critical care transfer course is designed to give healthcare practitioners a system by which to transfer critically ill patients in a safe and risk averse manner. It refreshes old skills and introduces the concepts of checklists and risk management.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Embalming of the deceased
This training activity is intended to provide staff members of the Health Services of the United Arab Emirates with the knowledge and skills to provide embalming services safely in accordance with internationally recognised best practices. Training will include legal and cultural considerations, health and safety, management of the relatives of the deceased in addition to establishing a common standard of embalming practice to enable Learners to perform their duties safely, effectively and with sensitivity.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Emergency Triage, Treatment and Transport Course (E4T)
The E4T Course is designed to give students who operate in hazardous and hostile environments, strategies to deal with casualties who have been primarily been injured by blast or gunshot injuries. It breaks down the treatment of victims into the following phases of care, Direct Threat, Indirect Threat and Tactical Evacuation. The course is delivered by way of lectures, practical skill stations and simulated scenarios.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
First response emergency care level 3 (FREC 3)
The aim of this course is to qualify personnel wishing to gain employment as a first responder in various environments such as prehospital in the UK, remote environments, as well as expeditions. Students that complete the course will be able to provide effective medical treatment and react competently to medical emergencies, trauma emergencies and routine management of the sick and injured.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
FREC/MIRA Combined
The aim of this combined course is to qualify personnel wishing to gain employment as a medic/first responder in remote and hostile environments, as well as expeditions. Students that complete the course will be able to provide effective medical treatment in austere and challenging locations, and react competently to medical emergencies, trauma emergencies and routine management of the sick and injured.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
HICS Strategic management/ decision making
The aim of this course is to provide learners with practical experience of operating as a Hospital Incident Management Team. The objective of the qualification is to benefit Learners by providing them with a practical experience of, Mobilising and assembling appropriate resources, Formulating and reviewing and Immediate Action Plan, Effective command team function, Effective Section Chief function, Developing and implementing effective strategies and tactics, Operating and updating current hospital incident management plans, Amending and adapting HICS procedures to suit developing circumstances.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Hospital Incident Command System Awareness
HICSi is a methodology for using incident command system (ICS) in a hospital/healthcare environment. HICS assists hospitals to improve their emergency management planning, response, and recovery capabilities for planned and unplanned events.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Hospital Incident Command System Operation
The hospital incident command system (HICS) is an incident command system (ICS) designed for hospitals and intended for use in both emergency and non-emergency situations. It provides hospitals of all sizes with tools needed to advance their emergency preparedness and response capability—both individually and as members of the broader response community.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Introduction to Triage
The introduction to triage course presents an overview of the process of triage in the context of a major incident. By the end of the course the student will be able utilise the triage sieve and sort to prioritise patient care. They will also have an understanding of the organisation and operational approach to managing major incidents.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
MIRA Refresher
The objective of the qualification is to refresher Learners within the three year period by enabling them to attain the knowledge and practical competencies needed to deal with a range of prehospital situations. On completion of the course the student must be able to fulfil all of the objectives stated in the scheme of work in section 2.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)
The PHTLS course - endorsed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians - is shown to improve the quality of trauma care and decrease both morbidity and mortality. The program is based care philosophy which stresses the treatment of a multi-system trauma patient as a unique entity with specific needs. This may require an approach to the trauma patient that varies from traditional treatment modalities. PHTLS promotes critical thinking as the foundation for providing quality care. It is based on the belief that given a good fund of knowledge and key principles health care professionals are capable of making reasoned decisions regarding patient care.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Tactical Combat Casualty Care
The objective of the qualification is to provide an intermediate step between the TCCC All Service Members Course (ASM), taught to all enlisted personnel, and the advanced life support skills taught to Combat Medics. The intent is to ensure that, in the absence of a combat medic or corpsman, the Combat Life Saver (CLS) will be able to replicate some (though not all) of the techniques until the patient(s) can be evacuated to definitive care (i.e., an aid station or field hospital) or a medic arrives to take over.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)
The Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) course - endorsed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)- teaches first responders at all levels how to respond hostile incidents involving firearms, blast and ballistic injuries. Training will enable responders at all levels protect themselves and to and care for patients in a civilian tactical environment. The course contains detailed and advanced techniques that students may find challenging particularly when delivered in the Iqarus immersive training environment. Successful completion of the TECC course will provide a firm understanding and practical ability to effectively manage the most dynamic and challenging environments. The TECC course is suitable for clinicians and care providers of all disciplines.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
The Medicine in Remote Areas (MIRA)
The Medicine in Remote Areas (MIRA) course was created and robustly developed by Iqarus to prepare medical personnel to operate with competence and confidence in remote and austere environments. It remains the industry standard and market leading training event for all medical professionals or allied healthcare professionals who work or wish want to work in remote and austere environments including the deployed security industry. MIRA also acts as a standalone module to build upon existing skills, develop new skills and re-qualify medical personnel in essential core skills.
Training Course