Business, Healthcare & Medical
Anti-microbial resistance and my role is?
To clearly articulate the business case for investment in infection prevention. To highlight examples of innovative and successful practice in infection prevention/control from around the world. To encourage the adoption of such best practice in a greater number of NHS trusts and other UK healthcare settings.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Covid-19 Joint Working
An exploration of the challenges estates and IPC teams have faced during covid-19 & the structures we have in place that enable us to draw on expertise as needed.
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Every Action Counts Courageous Conversations
Using behavioral insights to support good infection control practice Every Action Counts. The story behind the because I care video The South West team on how and why it was developed and the positive impact on IPC practices. Top tips for that courageous conversation Dr Susan Fairlie and Dr Tony Bendt take us on a journey to explore how best to achieve that courageous conversation.
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Hand Hygiene Professional Course
Knowlex will be working with various healthcare organisations to produce online training materials. This allows healthcare professionals to be able to demonstrate through CPD certification that they have undertaken training to improve their knowledge, skills and performance.
Online Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Healthcare Facilities Management 2019
Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 will take delegates on a journey, some exemplars of success, some facing more challenges. Our purpose will be to unearth information and gain insights around Facilities Management. In a time of change and uncertainty healthcare facilities providers and managers are facing their greatest challenge to improving efficiencies with ever decreasing budgets. At this conference, we will consider the challenges and view best practice solutions.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Healthy Hospitals for a Sustainable Future
Join Rod Taylor (Director of Estates and Facilities) and Paul Clarke, (The Head of Facilities) at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health board as they discuss the post pandemic challenges of managing a patient safe facility, whist achieving the NHS 2030 vision of achieving Net Zero carbon Emissions, in a pre WWII estate.They will be joined by Nikki Mehta, the Director of Energy and Sustainability for Honeywell Building Technologies and together they look explore the solutions available for the healthcare facilities to deliver safer, more sustainable outcomes in a healthier environment.
Business, Healthcare & Medical
How to Minimise Outbreaks
In this presentation, Evonne and Maurice will look at the COVID outbreak reports from all over the world alongside some noteworthy outbreak prevention.
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Improving the Recognition and Escalation of Deterioration using remote monitoring in care homes
Tara Marshall, Clinical Lead & Deterioration & Q Member at Eastern AHSN and Daniel Hodgkiss, Patient Safety Assistant Programme Manager at WMAHSN will be focusing on savings made, both in time and cost, that using remote services and digital tools can create and the use of Restore 2.
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Infection Prevention and Control 2017 – Sharing Knowledge, Improving Care - London
This event brings together professionals from across the healthcare sector to review the latest developments in infection prevention and control including the most up-to-date stats from Public Health England, the latest guidelines and quality standards from NICE and the final recommendations from the wide-ranging Review on Antimicrobial Resistance. The panel of speakers will consider what lies ahead for infection prevention and control and look at some of the key priorities in the global fightback.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Infection Prevention and Control 2018 London – Sharing Knowledge, Improving Care
In February 2018 we will meet to share new data on Sepsis and AMR CQUIN performance. We will also review GNBSI Quality Premium performance across 2017-18 and learn from success moving forward into 2018-19. The government’s plans to prevent NHS infections included more money for hospitals making the most progress in reducing infection rates, the NHS publishing staff hand hygiene indicators and appointing a new National Infection Lead, Dr Ruth May. We will meet again in February to review progress against new targets and strategies. We will also celebrate local and national successes and identify opportunities within the CQUIN programme.
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Infection Prevention and Control 2019
In London in February 2019 together with 500 colleagues from across the “whole health economy” we will review the CQUIN results and look forward to see what progress is still required to achieve the 2020 targets in Infection Prevention & Control. We will review the latest NHSE/PHE/NHSI reporting trends and share local best practice on subjects including Sepsis, E. coli, UTIs and SSIs. We will also showcase the latest industry innovations and technologies in our networking area.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
IP&C Shared Professional Decision Making Councils a COVID-19 legacy of change
Join Kerry Holden and Erika Bowker as they discuss, What Shared Professional Decision Making Councils (SPDMC) are and what shared professional decision making is? How the national Infection Prevention & Control SPDMC came to be, its function and the current outcomes of the council? How IPC practitioners can develop SPDMCs in their own organisations or systems?
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Mental Health and COVID-19, Telling the story in a Mental Health Setting
COVID-19 has placed a spotlight on IPC provision and implementation of guidance within the mental health /Learning disability speciality. Step forward to hear an overview of the principles of IPC and stories from leaders within these care settings.
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Past, Present and Future of NHS Catering
The NHS Food Review 2020 and the soon to be launched NHS Food Standards are fundamentally linked to ensure that we have a concerted focus on our requirements to have a sustained approach for catering in the NHS. Food and drink within healthcare continue to be an emotive topic, whether that is for our patients, visitors or colleagues. We have always believed that good food empowers recovery for our patients and healthy food and drink options for our visitors and colleagues need to be available 24/7.
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Patient Safety 2019
The “Patient Safety 2019” conference with the input of leading quality and safety experts will look at what needs to be done over the coming years to improve even further. Topics covered on the day will include, Leadership, Change Management, Preventing HAI’s, Never Events and Reducing Medication Error. There will also be a progress report on the Patient Safety Incident Management system (PSIMS) which in April 2018 completed the Alpha phase and is about to move into the Beta stage of development.
Training Course
Business, Healthcare & Medical
PPE Innovation & Sustainability
Join Paul Chivers and Ellie Holden as they discuss, Why we need to move to more reusable and sustainable PPE? How we hope to achieve this? What support and engagement we require from IPC at a National, Regional and local level?
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Risk Assessment and Hierarchy of Controls in Infection Prevention and Control
An opportunity to discuss risk assessment against hierarchy of controls in the context of Covid-19 and the updated IPC guidance
Business, Healthcare & Medical
Sepsis+19 Conference
Over the last five years we have made terrific strides in improving the awareness, recognition and treatment of patients with suspected sepsis. When I say ‘we’, I am talking about patients, their families, and health and care professionals who have all become more vigilant in ‘thinking sepsis’ and have worked together to advance the sepsis agenda. This collaboration has enabled a sustained, national improvement in screening and treatment from 50%, to 90% within one hour of deterioration.
Training Course