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Optimal Growth and Nutrition in the NICU Using Mother's (Parent's) Own Milk


About the CPD Course

The delivery of the best practices for human milk nutrition in the NICU is an ongoing challenging commitment. Nutrition has lots of variability in practice as there is less evidence to help guide practice than in other areas. Nevertheless standardizing best practices is better care and we can learn from quality improvement science to accelerate our efforts to build in these best practices. This webinar will discuss the pragmatic quality improvement framework that can be used in your unit to incorporate the best practices in human milk delivery, nutrition and infant feeding to ensure the best outcomes for your babies.

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Medela Ag

Medela Ag

Medela Healthcare is a global manufacturer of medical vacuum solutions that are respected and trusted by doctors and healthcare professionals from around the world. Medela Healthcare seeks to improve the lives of patients, doctors and hospital staff through constant innovation and our passion to understand the challenges that patients and clinicians face in their daily lives. Life is precious and needs passionate people - like those at Medela - to provide progressive care.
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