Business, Finance
An Introduction to Consumer Duty for Sales and Compliance Staff Part 1
My Compliance Consultant
The Consumer Duty aims to increase the current level of consumer protection in the retail financial services market by setting clearer and higher standards for the culture of firms and the conduct the FCA expects of them. Firms will be required to consider the impact of the products and services they sell to consumer both at pre-sale and post-sale stages.
Online Course
Business, Finance
An Introduction to Consumer Duty for Sales and Compliance Staff Part 2
My Compliance Consultant
The Consumer Duty aims to increase the current level of consumer protection in the retail financial services market by setting clearer and higher standards for the culture of firms and the conduct the FCA expects of them. Firms will be required to consider the impact of the products and services they sell to consumer both at pre-sale and post-sale stages.
Online Course
Business, Finance
An Introduction to Consumer Duty for Senior Managers and Directors Part 1
My Compliance Consultant
The Consumer Duty aims to increase the current level of consumer protection in the retail financial services market by setting clearer and higher standards for the culture of firms and the conduct the FCA expects of them. Firms will be required to consider the impact of the products and services they sell to consumer both at pre-sale and post-sale stages.
Online Course
Business, Finance
An Introduction to Consumer Duty for Senior Managers and Directors Part 2
My Compliance Consultant
The Consumer Duty aims to increase the current level of consumer protection in the retail financial services market by setting clearer and higher standards for the culture of firms and the conduct the FCA expects of them. Firms will be required to consider the impact of the products and services they sell to consumer both at pre-sale and post-sale stages.
Online Course
Business, Finance
My Compliance Consultant
This course is designed for all levels of learners, the course will give learners a knowledge of how to deal with regulated complaints made to firms by consumers under the FCA’s DISP rules.
Online Course
Business, Finance
Consumer Credit
My Compliance Consultant
This course is designed for all levels of learners, the course will give learners a knowledge of the history of Consumer Credit regulations, help understand the different types of consumer credit and those agreements that are regulated by the FCA.
Online Course
Business, Finance
FCA Consumer Compliance Full Course – for Sales & Compliance Staff
My Compliance Consultant
This complete consumer credit eLearning course designed for Senior Managers and Directors is everything you need to know about the Financial Conduct Authorities compliance regulations. Built to be engaging, accessible and equip you with everything you need to remain compliant. Course includes the new Consumer Duty, Senior Managers & Certificate Regime, Vulnerable Customers, Complaints and much more. Best of all, this training not only supports in ensuring you meet the requirements set by the regulator but also can help improve the practises in your company for the benefit of your customers, staff and overall efficiency.
Online Course
Business, Finance
FCA Consumer Compliance Full Course – for Senior Managers & Directors
My Compliance Consultant
This complete consumer credit eLearning course designed for Senior Managers and Directors is everything you need to know about the Financial Conduct Authorities compliance regulations. Built to be engaging, accessible and equip you with everything you need to remain compliant. Course includes the new Consumer Duty, Senior Managers & Certificate Regime, Vulnerable Customers, Complaints and much more. Best of all, this training not only supports in ensuring you meet the requirements set by the regulator but also can help improve the practises in your company for the benefit of your customers, staff and overall efficiency
Online Course
Business, Finance
Financial Crime
My Compliance Consultant
This course is designed for all levels of learners, the course will give learners a knowledge of how to Identify and deal with any potential financial crime activities.
Online Course
Business, Finance
Financial Promotions
My Compliance Consultant
This course is designed for all levels of learners, the course will give learners a knowledge of to produce a compliant promotion in line with the FCA’s CONC 3 regulations.
Online Course
Business, Finance
The Appointed Representative Regime
My Compliance Consultant
This module covers the requirements set out by the FCA for both the principal firm and their Appointed Representatives. The course covers the new rules that came into force in December 2022.
Online Course
Business, Finance
The Credit Broker Journey
My Compliance Consultant
The Credit Broker Journey course provides an overview what is required when brokering finance to consumers in the regulated arena. Learners both new to brokering and those of a more senior position will know what is meant by credit brokerage, understand their role and responsibilities, be taken through the types of finance agreements they are brokering and learn how to achieve good customer outcomes and avoid bad outcomes for their customers.
Online Course
Business, Finance
The Individual Conduct Rules
My Compliance Consultant
The Individual Conduct Rule course provides an overview of the Senior Manager & Certificate Regime and in particular the conduct rules relevant to sales and compliance staff (conduct rule staff). This is therefore relevant to Limited scope or Core firms. It covers what was the 5 conduct rules but is now enhanced with the new conduct rule 6 that was introduced when the New Consumer Duty came into force in July 2023. Best of all. this training not only supports in ensuring you meet the requirements set by the regulator but also can help improve the practises in your company for the benefit of your customers. staff and overall efficiency.
Online Course
Business, Finance
The Senior Managers & Certification Regime
My Compliance Consultant
This module gives those individuals who are Senior Managers and hold a controlled function an understanding of what their obligations are and how to execute their responsibilities.
Online Course
Business, Finance
Vulnerable Customers
My Compliance Consultant
This course is designed for all levels of learners, the course will give learners a knowledge of how to Identify and deal with a Vulnerable customer.
Online Course