Business, Education, Public, Social Care
Advanced Safeguarding Training – Residential Children’s Homes
NSPCC Learning
This training builds on the existing skills and knowledge of safeguarding leads in children’s residential homes. It aims to take a strategic approach considering the complex needs of children, how we learn from research and case reviews, key principles in recruiting staff, supervision and managing allegations. It promotes a child-centred, trauma informed approach.
Training Course
Education, Public, Social Care
An Introduction to Safeguarding Deaf and Disabled children and young people.
NSPCC Learning
A one day course for anyone who is working with or likely to work with deaf or disabled children in England. It will cover current legislation and provide information and knowledge in relation to safeguarding deaf and disabled children. It will also address the 4 R’s (recognise, respond, report and record), to build knowledge and understanding in relation to safeguarding this group of children and young people.
Training Course
Business, Education, Public, Social Care
Anti Racist Practice in Safeguarding & Child Protection
NSPCC Learning
Raise awareness of anti-racist practice to safeguarding children from Black, Asian and other minoritized ethnic communities. The training covers, Awareness of anti-racist practice and key terminology, how attitudes, experiences and beliefs may impact on work with Black, Asian and minoritized ethnic children, applying an anti-racist practice framework for change at an individual, group and organisational level, current anti-discriminatory legislation and how this relates to race and ethnic inequality, child protection risks and racial trauma using a critical cultural competency model and strength-based approach for engaging with children, young people and families, steps to applying anti-racist practice to your work.
Training Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Associate Scheme Network Day
NSPCC Learning
This Annual event is delivered as a symposium to professionals who provide specialist training and consultancy in safeguarding and child protection. The audience are all highly qualified and very skilled in safeguarding and child protection. They provide expert safeguarding services across the statutory, private, voluntary and independent business sectors, particularly within the. children’s workforce. Its intention is to deliver tailored specialist content and stimulate professional networking to maintain a high level of technical skills and professional knowledge across an expert group of professionals. Given that these professionals work remotely there is a particular focus on them networking as a means of stimulating ongoing professional exchange.
Education, Public, Social Care
Charity trustees, your duties to safeguard and protect
NSPCC Learning
Elearning to help trustees carry out their duties to safeguard and protect anyone who comes into contact with their organisation,including their beneficiaries,staff,volunteers,visitors and any organisations that they may fund.
Online Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Child protection for school governors
NSPCC Learning
Online learning course covering school governors’ role in creating a safer culture in their school and their safeguarding responsibilities, including safeguarding and child protection policies, procedures, principles and practice.
Online Course
Business, Education, Public, Social Care
Child protection for school governors and trustees
NSPCC Learning
Online learning course for school governors, trustees or members of a local governing board in an academy trust. This course will enable them to confidently fulfil their duty to ensure their school meets its statutory responsibilities to keep children and young people safe, including, Creating a safer culture through a consistent and whole-school approach to keeping children safe, Safeguarding and child protection policies, procedures, principles and practice, including clear procedures to ensure that responses to any child protection or safeguarding concerns are appropriate, consistent and timely. Films are subtitled, audio tracks have transcripts, course tested using NVDA screen-reading software.
Online Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Child protection for tutors
NSPCC Learning
Online course designed to help tutors in the UK, whether they are independent or employed by an agency, charity, school or other organisation, to safeguard the children and young people with whom they work. The course covers how to create a culture of safety, including the policies, procedures and agreements with parents and carers that tutors need to have in place, how to recognise and respond to safeguarding concerns, and an overview of national legislation, best-practice guidance and additional resources. The course includes films that are all subtitled and is otherwise accessible via screen-reading software.
Online Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Child protection in primary schools
NSPCC Learning
Online course designed to help give learners the knowledge and skills to recognise and respond to possible abuse and neglect, and to identify their responsibilities for keeping the children with whom they work safe, whatever their role in a primary school or academy.
Online Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Child Protection in Schools
NSPCC Learning
This is an introductory course for anyone who works with children or young people in schools, academies or colleges.
Online Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Child Protection in Schools
NSPCC Learning
Online course designed to help give learners the knowledge and skills to recognise and respond to possible abuse and neglect, and to identify their responsibilities for keeping the children and young people they work with safe, whatever their role in a school or college.
Online Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Child Protection in Scotland
NSPCC Learning
This is a child protection course for anyone in Scotland who works with children and young people.
Online Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Child protection in secondary schools
NSPCC Learning
Online course designed to help give learners the knowledge and skills to recognise and respond to possible abuse and neglect, and to identify their responsibilities for keeping the young people with whom they work safe, whatever their role in a secondary school, academy or college.
Online Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Child Protection in Sport
NSPCC Learning
This is an online introductory safeguarding course for anyone who has infrequent contact with children in a sports organisation.
Online Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Child protection in sport and physical activity
NSPCC Learning
Child protection in sport and physical activity is for anyone who comes into contact with children and young people through sport or physical activity and is looking for an introductory course in, Understanding your club or organisational responsibilities, Recognising good practice in sport and physical activity, Developing a child protection policy and procedures, How to recognise child protection concerns, How and when you should report concerns. This can provide a useful precursor for more advanced safeguarding training that is appropriate, and in some cases mandatory, for certain roles within sport.
Online Course
Child protection supervision skills refresher training
NSPCC Learning
For people who professionals who have previously attended the NSPCC safeguarding and child protection supervision skills course to refresh their knowledge and skills on providing supervision and support to staff.
Training Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Child Protection, An Introduction
NSPCC Learning
An online introductory safeguarding course for anyone who works with children and young people.
Online Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Delivering the Coping with Crying programme
NSPCC Learning
Coping with Crying is a programme that supports parents with their baby's crying and aims to reduce the risk of non-accidental head injuries. This online learning course is for health visitors, midwives and children’s centre staff who are setting up or delivering the NSPCC’s Coping with Crying programme to parents, teaching them how to use the Coping with Crying film and resources effectively to support parents and reduce the risk of harm to their baby.
Online Course
Business, Education, Public, Social Care
Designated child protection lead (DCPL) in Scotland training
NSPCC Learning
Designated child protection lead training (Scotland) is for anyone who comes into regular contact with children and young people. Our two-day training course will help you gain the skills to act appropriately and confidently to protect the children you work with in a designated child protection role. Taught by experienced professionals, you will learn how to recognise, report and record concerns about a child. You must have previously attended an introductory level course in child protection in Scotland and successfully liaised with other agencies involved in child protection, especially children’s social care.
Training Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Designated Safeguarding Children Officer
NSPCC Learning
Our training and consultancy team works with a wide range of organisations across all sectors in Northern Ireland. We explore the steps that can be taken to improve policies standards and practice to keep children safe. Our training follows the recommendations from the SBNI Learning and Development Strategy. Safeguarding Learning and Development Strategy and Framework 2020 – 2025 (Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland, 20151) in all levels of training. This a generic Designated Safeguarding Children Officer full day course, It is aimed at any group or individual in Northern Ireland who works in this capacity or is due to work in this capacity within their organisation.
Training Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Designated safeguarding lead for schools and colleges in England course
NSPCC Learning
A two day face to face course to familiarise delegates with the role and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Lead in schools and colleges.
Training Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Designated safeguarding lead for schools and colleges in England refresher course
NSPCC Learning
Revisit the role and main responsibilities of the DSL, exploring changes in legislation and statutory guidance and explore current and contemporary concerns.
Training Course
Business, Education, Public, Social Care
Designated Safeguarding Lead Training (Advanced)
NSPCC Learning
A two-day course available in either live virtual or classroom-based formats. Aims to build on the knowledge and skills of designated safeguarding leads for children and young people in schools and colleges, and to develop their competence and confidence for practice with complex safeguarding cases in their own and multi-agency contexts. This includes early help, significant harm and complex issues in relation to child sexual abuse in different contexts.
Training Course
Business, Education, Public, Social Care
Designated Safeguarding Lead, New to Role
NSPCC Learning
This comprehensive training course is designed for newly appointed designated leads. It provides a thorough understanding of the referral process and effective safeguarding management within their settings. Delegates will learn to understand the role and responsibilities and develop strategies for creating a safe environment. The course includes interactive activities, case studies, and practical exercises to build confidence and competence in handling safeguarding issues. By the end of the training, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals in their care.
Training Course
Business, Education, Public, Social Care
Designated Safeguarding Lead, Refresher
NSPCC Learning
This training course is designed for experienced designated safeguarding leads seeking a knowledge refresher. It aims to update participants on new and emerging safeguarding themes, insights from safeguarding practice reviews, and complex safeguarding practices. The course ensures that safeguarding leads stay informed about the latest developments and best practices in the field, enhancing their ability to protect and support those in their care effectively.
Training Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Designated safeguarding officer refresher course
NSPCC Learning
The aim of this course is, to enable the Designated Safeguarding Officer for children and young people to refresh and update their knowledge and further develop competence and confidence in carrying out this role, The course has been designed to meet different learning styles by employing varied training techniques such as presentations, groups exercises, self-reflection, Learners receive a course handbook to reinforce their learning and to act as a refresher, The course is evaluated by them at the end, We analyse their feedback and consider any aspects of the course delivery or content that might need improving.
Training Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Designated safeguarding officer training
NSPCC Learning
The course aim is to enhance the knowledge and skills of individuals who undertake the designated safeguarding officer role in their organisation, in respect of protecting children and young people (up to 18 years) and in so doing develop competence and confidence, The course is interactive and utilises different training methods to meet differing learning styles, Learners receive a course handbook with relevant material to back up their learning and for reference A reactive level evaluation is completed at the end of the course by the learners and these are used for improvement.
Training Course
Business, Education, Public, Social Care
Designated Safeguarding Officer Training (Advanced)
NSPCC Learning
A two-day course available in either live virtual or classroom-based formats. Aims to build on the knowledge and skills of designated safeguarding officers for children and young people within voluntary, charity, social enterprise and private sector organisations, and to develop their competence and confidence in helping to ensure that their organisation maintains a safeguarding culture.
Training Course
Business, Education, Public, Social Care
Designated Safeguarding Officer Training (Core)
NSPCC Learning
A two-day course available in either live virtual or classroom-based formats. Aims to enable participants to become familiar with the role and responsibilities of the Designated Safeguarding Officer for children and young people in voluntary, charity, social enterprise and private sector organisations and develop competence and confidence in carrying out this role.
Training Course
Business, Education, Public, Social Care
Introduction to Child Protection in Scotland Training
NSPCC Learning
Introductory child protection training course for anyone working with children and young people in Scotland. Created by experts in child protection, this NSPCC child protection introductory training course will help give you the knowledge and skills to recognise, report and record concerns to protect children and young people.
Training Course
Education, Public, Social Care
Introduction to safeguarding and child protection
NSPCC Learning
This is an introductory course exploring how to recognise, report and record concerns about a child’s welfare and the safeguarding skills to act appropriately and confidently to protect children in your role or organisation.
Training Course
Education, Public, Social Care
It’s your call
NSPCC Learning
Short, interactive elearning course to help employees/workers who enter people’s homes during the course of their work to, recognise the signs of child abuse and neglect, have sufficient confidence to trust their instincts and their senses if they witness signs of child abuse or neglect , understand what actions need to be taken, report possible signs of child abuse.
Online Course