Business, Education
Anti-Bribery & Corruption
On Track Learning
The Bribery Act 2010 aims to prevent organisations and employees from behaving improperly,, and ensure that organisations work honestly,, ethically,, and appropriately. As an employee,, you have a responsibility to avoid becoming involved in anything illegal yourself,, and to report any illegal activity of others. The penalties for bribery are substantial for both companies and employees engaging in the illegal activity. This includes prison sentences of up to 10 years and unlimited fines. Clearly it is extremely important for you to report any suspicions you have in relation to bribery and corruption.
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Business, Education
Anti-Money Laundering
On Track Learning
Money laundering is behind,, and supports,, most forms of organised crime,, allowing crime groups to grow and conceal their assets. Although there are no exact figures,, there is a realistic possibility that the scale of money laundering impacting the UK annually is in the hundreds of billions of pounds. So how can you protect against something similar? The first step is to make sure we know our customer
. The process of making sure you know who you are dealing with,, is known as Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and is the cornerstone of preventing money laundering and terrorist financing.
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Business, Education
Asbestos Awareness
On Track Learning
Large amounts of Asbestos were used in new and refurbished buildings before 2000. Manufacture and supply of all Asbestos was banned by the end of 1999. Whenever you hear about Asbestos in the news it is often in relation to illnesses being caused as a result of either working with it or being exposed to it in other ways. It is therefore vitally important to follow the processes and procedures put in place to protect you your colleagues and customers from the risk of future health issues.
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Business, Education
Bullying & Harassment
On Track Learning
Bullying and harassment in the workplace is something not to be tolerated. It can be destructive to an individuals wellbeing and cause wider issues amongst teams within a business. Therefore, it is important to recognise unacceptable behaviour and report it, so that it can be dealt with quickly and effectively. It is our joint responsibility to stop bullying and harassment and we look to each other to achieve this by spotting and reporting anything you see or hear that could be classed as bullying or harassment.
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Business, Education
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
On Track Learning
You may come into contact with many hazardous substances during your working day and you need the knowledge and equipment to deal with these, as and when you do. Sometimes substances are easily recognised as harmful, others may be less so, where you may not know immediately what is in the product or substances that are created through a process. You should know exactly what PPE to wear to avoid exposing yourself to danger. Risk Assessment is not just a box-ticking exercise. COSHH regulations require employers to assess the risks to their employees and then prevent or control those risks.
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Business, Education
Data Security
On Track Learning
Data security is how we protect information from unauthorised access, corruption, or theft, throughout its entire lifecycle. Many of us will come into contact with our customers personal data regularly, often on a daily basis, and therefore we have a duty to protect peoples information in a safe and secure manner. If its properly implemented, robust data security will protect an organisations information against cybercriminal activities, but also guard against insider threats and human error, which are among the leading causes of data breaches today.
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Business, Education
Display Screen Equipment
On Track Learning
The Government put in place Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations to protect DSE users working in an office and at home. The main risks that arise in working with DSE are musculoskeletal disorders,, such as back pain or upper limb disorders,, repetitive strain injury or RSI) and eye disorders,, such as blurred vision and fatigue. The most common causes of these disorders are improper or overuse of DSE,, poorly designed workstations or poor working environment. Therefore,, it is important to know the correct way to set up your workstation in the best place and position your DSE correctly.
Online Course
Business, Education
Driving Safely
On Track Learning
Under an organisation’s Health and Safety responsibilities employers ensure that employees stay as safe as possible when they are at work including when they drive for work. But you must take responsibility for driving as safely as possible whether in your own vehicle or a company vehicle. This course will help you do this. Vehicles must be maintained to ensure that they are roadworthy by regular servicing and MOTs but it is important to check your vehicle before taking it out on the roads.
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Business, Education
Equality & Diversity
On Track Learning
The principles of equality and diversity should be at the heart of what you do and apply to both customers and those in your employment, to ensure all are treated fairly and with dignity and respect. We need to treat people equally whatever their age, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, parental status, religion, belief or non-belief, social or economic class, employment status, or any other unjustifiable criteria. It is fundamental to your vision and values and should be supported by appropriate policies, procedures and good practice.
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Business, Education
Fire Safety Awareness
On Track Learning
We need to know what to do in the event of a fire. The first line of defence against fire is prevention. You should raise any concerns if you see any hazards which you think could cause a fire risk to customers, visitors, colleagues or yourself. Additionally, controls need to be in place to reduce hazards. Hazards could be things such as materials and substances or machinery and equipment, the thing to do, as always, is See it, Own it, Sort it.
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Business, Education
First Aid Awareness
On Track Learning
First Aid Awareness guides you through what to do if you find some who has collapsed. The initial assessment is called a Primary Survey and is a quick, early assessment to establish how best to treat the casualty.
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Business, Education
On Track Learning
When the law talks about processing personal data, it really means doing almost anything with it. This includes recording it, looking things up, storing it and even destroying it. Everyone involved in processing personal data needs to consider the reasons why we are processing it. The principles of data protection govern how a company processes personal data.
Online Course
Business, Education
Health & Safety for Managers
On Track Learning
Managers provide a crucial link between an employee and health and safety practice in the workplace. They play a vital role in how well an organisation tackles the safety of their employees. How do Managers fit into a companys health and safety policies and procedures? By promoting Health and Safety Practices! Managers should promote the idea that working safely is as important as working effectively. Implementing health and safety is often not top of the To-do list of a manager but promoting safe working practices should be.
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Business, Education
On Track Learning
Homeworking is an increasingly popular way of working, with many roles officially designated as homeworkers, either permanently, partially, or occasionally. Whether you are a full time or part time employee, a contractor, an agency or temporary worker, it is important that you take steps to make homeworking as safe and effective as possible.
Online Course
Business, Education
Introduction to Health & Safety
On Track Learning
Mistakes happen and they can cause accidents. Health and Safety is about employees and employers working together to remove the hazards and reduce the risks. It is part of UK law that we all carry out our legal obligations when we are at work. Its also part of the contract of employment we sign to say we will follow company policies and procedures, that ensure we look after the Health and Safety of ourselves and our colleagues.
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Business, Education
On Track Learning
Legionella is a bacterium which can give rise to Legionellosis illnesses. These illnesses are all similar to pneumonia and are an infection in one or both of the lungs. Employers have a duty to understand and manage Legionella risks and do everything they can to prevent the bacteria growing within their water systems. All systems require a risk assessment and not all systems require elaborate control measures. Its a legal requirement to report cases of Legionnaires Disease acquired at their premises.
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Business, Education
Lone Working
On Track Learning
It is estimated that around 6.8million people in the UK work alone and that number is increasing all the time as changes in working habits mean that more and more people are starting to work remotely According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), lone workers are defined as, those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision. Many people enjoy working alone or remotely, but there may be an increased level of risk of doing so, when compared to working within the workplace
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Business, Education
Male Menopause (Andropause) Awareness
On Track Learning
The Andropause or you might know it as the ‘male menopause’ is a misleading term often seen in the media. Many men suffer with symptoms in middle age and believe that these are similar to the female menopause and that symptoms develop following a sudden drop of testosterone. This is not true. These symptoms can interfere with everyday life and happiness so it’s important to find the underlying cause and work out what can be done to resolve it.
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Business, Education
Manual Handling
On Track Learning
There were 480,,000 work-related musculoskeletal disorders,, reported in 2019/20. They were made up of damage to various parts of the body including upper and lower limbs,, neck and back. Injuries need to be avoided, employers and employees should pay special attention to manual handling tasks. A third of significant injuries are the result of manual handling activities,, so think before you lift! Manual handling safety and correct method should be applied at all times,, even if the lifting of items is relatively infrequent in your day-to-day role.
Online Course
Business, Education
Men's Mental Health
On Track Learning
Mental health can be both positively and negatively affected throughout the day and normally it will balance out again as the day progresses. However, this can start to go out of balance quickly if you start to experience prolonged or excessive stress, such as, long working hours, family worries, financial stress or even working in a ‘macho’ culture. Most people can develop a coping strategy and it is important managers support employees who are at this first warning stage.
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Business, Education
Menopause Awareness
On Track Learning
Menopause is an urgent workplace issue that needs to be taken seriously. Almost 900,000 women in the UK have quit their jobs due to the menopause, many feeling their symptoms negatively impact their work through absenteeism, reduced productivity, presenteeism and not going for promotions. Menopause is not a disease or disorder, but a normal part of ageing for women and at last, it is being spoken about publicly. Employers have a responsibility to ensure the health and safety of menopausal women in the workplace and a duty not to discriminate against a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010.
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Business, Education
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
On Track Learning
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the collective term for items you can use, including clothing, which will protect you from things such as hazardous substances, injury, germs, viruses and other illnesses. Companies carry out risk assessments to ensure that their working environments are safe and healthy and where risks remain, PPE must be worn to protect against any risks. If you are required to wear PPE, you must be trained and instructed on how to use it properly and there are as many different types of PPE as occasions when you may need to wear it.
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Business, Education
Slips, Trips and Falls
On Track Learning
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires organisations to ensure the health and safety of all employees so far as is reasonably practicable. This includes taking steps to control slips, trips and fall risks. During your day-to-day work, please make sure you are safety conscious and be alert to situations you may come across that may make slips, trips and falls more likely. All accidents need to be recorded, whether somebody is injured or not. We do this to avoid potential slips, trips and falls.
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Business, Education
Social Media
On Track Learning
Social Media is changing and influencing the manner in which we communicate and share information relating to both our work life and our personal life. Some people think that posts are a reality and believe everything they read or at least they are influenced by what they see and read. Social media should be used in a careful and considerate manner - especially where there is any reference whatsoever to the Company and how it is seen by the general public.
Online Course
Business, Education
Stress and Mental Health Awareness
On Track Learning
Mental health is something we all have, its about how we all think,, feel and behave. At one time,, it was not something people wished to talk about as admitting you were suffering from poor mental health was like admitting you couldnt cope. Today people and companies have become much more aware of the impacts of mental health,, both positively and negatively,, on a persons ability to work or function normally. Resilience can help to maintain perspective and you can take action yourself to build up your level of resilience to reduce the impact of stress and anxiety.
Online Course
Business, Education
Suicide Awareness
On Track Learning
Suicidal feelings can affect anyone, of any age, gender or background, at any time. If someone feels suicidal, they will find it hard to even believe there could be a solution or way out. Suicidal feelings are not always easy to spot in others. When someone is thinking about suicide, their words and actions can give you clues that they are at risk of hurting themselves. Find out the steps you need to take to help yourself or someone else from acting on suicidal thoughts.
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Business, Education
Unconscious Bias
On Track Learning
We all have similarities and differences and to create a healthy business where people want to work and reach their full potential, everyone needs to feel included regardless of any differences. Weve all been in situations that are alien and uncomfortable, we all know what that feels like and there is no reason anyone should feel like that when they come to work. We can all do things that will make people feel either included or excluded. Recognising and embracing peoples differences is not just about political correctness or compliance with the legislation, it is about ensuring nobody feels excluded.
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Business, Education
Upward Bullying
On Track Learning
We might think of bullying in the context of children and young people – playground bullying. But of course, it also takes place in the workplace. In fact, research from the TUC shows us that one in three adults report being bullied at work. In early 2000, occupational therapists recognised another form of bullying behaviour, Upward Bullying. This is bullying by a member (or members) of staff towards their manager. In one British study, 6.7% of respondents considered they had been bullied by their staff.
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Business, Education
Working from Heights with Stepladders
On Track Learning
The Work at Height Regulations 2005 were introduced in a bid to prevent death and injury caused by falls from height therefore minimising risks to workers. Your employer has a legal responsibility to ensure that the Work at Height Regulations 2005 are implemented and that all activity is properly planned supervised and carried out by competent people. Your employer will do everything they can do to protect you when you need to work at height but it is also your responsibility to protect yourself by following the processes and procedures in place.
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