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Probity and Ethics Course

Training Course

About the CPD Course

Probity and Ethics course for doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals facing investigations or cases with GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC, HCPC, GOsC, GCC, GOC or other healthcare regulators. Promote Honesty, Probity and Ethics & Professionalism in healthcare practice. Review and remind Honesty & Probity, and Ethical & professional standards that are expected of Healthcare Professionals by the healthcare regulators. Insight, reflect and remediate if there has been a breach of the expected standards of probity and ethics on their part.

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Probity and Ethics

Probity and Ethics

The Probity course is conducted by facilitator who has many years’ experience working in the NHS as a doctor and is well aware of the processes of GMC investigation and the MPTS case hearing and the importance that the GMC and the MPTS place in honesty, probity and medical ethics.
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