Healthcare & Medical
Ensuring Clinical Competence and Patient Safety as Healthcare Professionals
Probity and Ethics
Is for all Doctors, Dentists, Nurses & Midwives, Pharmacists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Opticians & Optometrist, and all Health and Care Professionals facing a complaint, inquiry, investigation or fitness to practice process with their respective regulatory body like the GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC, GCC, GOsC, GOC or HCPC. Any healthcare professional focused on competence and patient safety skills training for CPD or regulatory compliance.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Ensuring Teamwork and Collaboration for Healthcare Professionals
Probity and Ethics
Is for all Doctors, Dentists, Nurses & Midwives, Pharmacists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Opticians & Optometrist, and all Health and Care Professionals facing a complaint, inquiry, investigation or fitness to practice process with their respective regulatory body like the GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC, GCC, GOsC, GOC or HCPC. Any healthcare professional looking to strengthen CPD in teamwork and collaboration.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Ethics and Ethical Standards for Dentists and Dental Professionals
Probity and Ethics
An Online course on for all dentists and dental professionals in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the GDC. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Ethics and the Ethical Standards for Dentists and Dental Professionals, why is Ethics and maintaining Ethical Standards important, results of a breach of the expected Ethical standards, and what to do if a breach of Ethical standards happens. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Ethics and Ethical Standards for Doctors
Probity and Ethics
An online course for all doctors in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the GMC. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Ethics, Medical Ethics and the expected Ethical Standards for Doctors, why is Medical Ethics and maintaining ethical standards important, results of a breach of ethics and ethical standards, and what to do if a breach of ethical standards happens.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Ethics and Ethical Standards for HCPC regulated Health and Care Professionals
Probity and Ethics
This online course is for all HCPC regulated Health and Care Professionals in general and in particular, for those who have cases or investigations with the HCPC. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Ethics, the Principles of ethics and the Ethical Standards expected of HCPC regulated Health and Care Professionals, why is Ethics and maintaining Ethical standards important, results of a breach of Ethics and the expected Ethical standards, and what to do if a breach of Ethics and Ethical standards happens. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Ethics and Ethical Standards for Nurses and Midwives
Probity and Ethics
An online course for all nurses and midwives in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the NMC. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Ethics and the expected Standards for Nurses and Midwives, why is Ethics and maintaining Ethical standards important, results of a breach of Ethics and expected Ethical standards, and what to do if a breach of Ethics and Ethical standards happens.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Ethics and Ethical Standards for Pharmacists
Probity and Ethics
This is an online course for all pharmacists in general and in particular, for those who have cases or investigations with the GPhC. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Ethics, the Principles of ethics and the Ethical Standards expected of Pharmacists, why is Ethics and maintaining Ethical standards important, results of a breach of Ethics and the expected Ethical standards, and what to do if a breach of Ethics and Ethical standards happens. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Ethics and Ethical Standards for Social Workers
Probity and Ethics
This online course is for all Social Workers in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the Social Work England or the SSSC. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Ethics, the Principles of ethics and the Ethical Standards expected of Social Workers, why is Ethics and maintaining Ethical standards important, results of a breach of Ethics and the expected Ethical standards, and what to do if a breach of Ethics and Ethical standards happens. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Ethics and Professionalism Course
Probity and Ethics
Ethics and Professionalism course for doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals facing investigations or cases with GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC, HCPC, GOsC, GCC, GOC or other healthcare regulators. Promote professionalism and ethical behaviour in healthcare practice. Review and remind ethical and professional standards that are expected of them by the healthcare regulators. Insight, reflect and remediate if there has been a breach of the expected standards of ethics and professionalism on their part.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Fitness to Practice for Healthcare Professionals
Probity and Ethics
Is for all Doctors, Dentists, Nurses & Midwives, Pharmacists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Opticians & Optometrist, and all Health and Care Professionals facing a complaint, inquiry, investigation or fitness to practice process with their respective regulatory body like the GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC, GCC, GOsC, GOC or HCPC. Any healthcare professional seeking fitness to practice training for CPD or regulatory compliance in UK healthcare.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
How to Avoid a Complaint or Investigation
Probity and Ethics
An Online course for all doctors dentists and nurses/midwives The course will help you to understand what are the possible causes of a complaint or an investigation, in your department or with the GMC GDC or NMC Why is avoiding a complaint or an investigation important You will also learn How you may avoid a complaint or an investigation against you Also what to do if a complaint or investigation arises You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
How to Deal with a Complaint or Investigation
Probity and Ethics
An Online course for all doctors, dentists and nurses/midwives, pharmacists. The course will help you to learn as to how you should deal with a complaint or an investigation either in your department or with the GMC, GDC, NMC or GPhC. What are patients’ rights regarding a complaint. What are the important standards that you should ensure when dealing with a complaint. You will also understand what and how to learn lessons from a complaint or an investigation and move forward. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
How to Ensure a similar Mistake or Misconduct will not be repeated in Future
Probity and Ethics
An Online course for all doctors, dentists, nurses/midwives and pharmacists in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the GMC, GDC, NMC or GPhC. The course will help you to understand as to why Misconduct by a clinician is serious and what are the results and impacts of misconduct. And how you can ensure that a similar misconduct will not be repeated in the future. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Medical Ethics course
Probity and Ethics
Medical Ethics Course is for all Healthcare professionals who are facing a complaint, inquiry or investigation with their regulatory bodies like GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC, HCPC, Social Work England, SSSC, GOC, GCC or GOsC. It is also for all Doctors, nurses & midwives, dentists, pharmacists, social workers, psychologists & counsellors, opticians & optometrists, physiotherapists, chiropractors & osteopaths, and all UK healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge of medical ethics, gain practical skills in ethical decision-making, reflective practice, and interprofessional collaboration.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Module on Insight
Probity and Ethics
An online course on Insight for all doctors, dentists, nurses or other clinicians in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the GMC, GDC, NMC or other regulatory bodies. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Insight, why is Insight important, how to develop Insight, and how to demonstrate your Insight.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Module on Reflection
Probity and Ethics
An Online course on Reflection for all doctors, dentists, nurses or other clinicians in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the GMC, GDC, NMC or other regulatory bodies. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Reflection, why is Reflection important, how to Reflect, and how to demonstrate your Reflection. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Module on Remediation
Probity and Ethics
An Online course on Remediation for all doctors dentists nurses or other clinicians in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the GMC GDC NMC or other regulatory bodies The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Remediation why is remediation important, how to remediate and how to demonstrate your remediation You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Prescribing Guidance & Standards for Healthcare Professionals
Probity and Ethics
Is for all Doctors, Dentists, Nurses & Midwives, Pharmacists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Opticians & Optometrist, and all Health and Care Professionals facing a complaint, inquiry, investigation or fitness to practice process with their respective regulatory body like the GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC, GCC, GOsC, GOC or HCPC. Healthcare professionals seeking professional development in prescribing for CPD to ensure safe prescribing and adherence to best practices including self prescribing and prescribing for family or friends.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Privacy, Consent, and Chaperone in Healthcare Practice
Probity and Ethics
Is for all Doctors, Dentists, Nurses & Midwives, Pharmacists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Opticians & Optometrist, and all Health and Care Professionals facing a complaint, inquiry, investigation or fitness to practice process with their respective regulatory body like the GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC, GCC, GOsC, GOC or HCPC. Any healthcare professional pursuing professional training on consent and chaperone policy for CPD or regulatory compliance.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Professional Boundaries course
Probity and Ethics
What are professional boundaries for doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, social workers and other healthcare professionals. Review the healthcare regulatory bodies’ guidance regarding professional boundaries. What factors could contribute to professional boundaries violations. Situations where boundaries become blurred and thus a risk of boundaries breach. Review guidance regarding consent and chaperone. Importance of professional boundaries. Measures and mechanisms that help maintain professional boundaries. Build insight, reflection and remediate in situations where a professional boundaries breach has happened. Formulate a professional action plan to reflect and remediate.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Professional Boundaries for clinicians
Probity and Ethics
An Online course for all doctors, dentists, nurses/midwives and pharmacists in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the GMC, GDC, NMC or GPhC. The course will help you to understand what is Professionalism and what are Professional Boundaries. Also, Why is maintaining Professional Boundaries important. You will learn about the Professional Boundaries that you must maintain between you and others including your patients. Also, how to avoid breaching the professional boundaries. You will also learn as to what to do if a breach of Professional Boundaries happens. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Professional Ethics course
Probity and Ethics
Professional Ethics Course is for all Healthcare professionals who are facing a complaint, inquiry or investigation with their regulatory bodies like GMC, GDC, NMS, GPhC, HCPC, Social Work, GOC, GCC or GOsC. It is also for all Doctors, nurses & midwives, dentists, pharmacists, social workers, psychologists & counsellors, opticians & optometrists, physiotherapists, chiropractors & osteopaths, and all UK healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge of professional ethics as per the standards and guidance of their respective regulatory bodies.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Professionalism and Professional Standards for Dentists and Dental Professionals
Probity and Ethics
An online course on for all dentists and dental professionals in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the GDC. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Professionalism and the Professional Standards for Dentists and Dental Professionals, why is professionalism important, results of a breach of professionalism, and what to do if a breach of professional standards happens. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Professionalism and Professional Standards for Doctors
Probity and Ethics
An Online course on for all doctors in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the GMC. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Professionalism and the Professional Standards for Doctors, why is professionalism important, results of a breach of professionalism, and what to do if a breach of professional standards happens. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Professionalism and Professional Standards for HCPC regulated Health and Care Professionals
Probity and Ethics
This online course is for all Health and Care Professionals in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the HCPC. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Professionalism and the Professional Standards for all HCPC regulated professionals, why is Professionalism important as a Health and Care Professional, results of a breach of Professionalism, and what to do if a breach of the expected Professional Standards happens. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Professionalism and Professional Standards for Nurses and Midwives
Probity and Ethics
An excellent Online course on for all nurses and midwives in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the GDC. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Professionalism and the Professional Standards for Nurses and Midwives, why is professionalism important, results of a breach of professionalism, and what to do if a breach of professional standards happens. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Professionalism and Professional Standards for Pharmacists
Probity and Ethics
This is an online course on for all pharmacists in general and in particular, for those who have cases or investigations with the GPhC. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Professionalism and the Professional Standards for Pharmacists, why professionalism is important as a Pharmacist, results of a breach of Professionalism, and what to do if a breach of the expected Professional Standards happens. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Professionalism and Professional Standards for Social Workers
Probity and Ethics
This online course is for all Social Workers in general and in particular for those who have cases or investigations with the Social Work England or the SSSC. The course will help to strengthen your understanding of Professionalism and the Professional Standards for all Social Workers, why is Professionalism important as a Social Worker, results of a breach of Professionalism, and what to do if a breach of the expected Professional Standards happens. You will receive a CPD certificate after successfully completing the course.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Rebuilding Trust of Patients, Public, and Healthcare Regulator
Probity and Ethics
Is for all Doctors, Dentists, Nurses & Midwives, Pharmacists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Opticians & Optometrist, and all Health and Care Professionals facing a complaint, inquiry, investigation or fitness to practice process with their respective regulatory body like the GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC, GCC, GOsC, GOC or HCPC. Any healthcare professional focusing on professional training on trust and patient relationships for CPD or to meet regulatory compliance.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Reflection Workshop – Insight, Reflect & Remediate
Probity and Ethics
Remediate Workshop on Reflection for doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals facing investigations or cases with GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC, HCPC, GOsC, GCC, GOC or other healthcare regulators. Build Insight, Reflect in detail and progress to effective Remediation. Equip clinicians with the knowledge and skills required to write a good reflection. Help clinicians in reflective practice that is essential for continuous professional development and ensure high standards of patient care. Enhance healthcare professionals’ abilities to reflect on their practice or situations, analyze challenging situations, and construct reflective pieces that meet regulators’ requirements.
Training Course