Healthcare & Medical
A new approach to leg ulcer management
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This online training programme covers a best practice approach to leg ulcer cleansing based on evidence and case studies in modern wound care setting. The course also introduces scientific evidence for the antimicrobial Octenidine.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Bacteria vs Viruses
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
Bacteria and?viruses?are microorganisms that can cause diseases and although they have some characteristics in common, they are also very different. Understanding these differences can be helpful in many healthcare situations, including infection prevention policies, vaccination strategies and antimicrobial stewardship.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Biofilm based wound care management
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This online training programme covers a best practice approach to infection and biofilms in modern wound care and gives particular attention to the appropriate management of diabetic foot ulcers and the effective selection and use of topical antimicrobials.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Core Application Training
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This presentation, delivered in a dental practice, goes through key areas to provide a brief introduction to raise awareness of infection control. The presentation is followed by a question and answer session.
Healthcare & Medical
CSJ "Hand hygiene and environmental contamination in healthcare settings
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This course is article based and examines hand hygiene and effective environmental cleaning practices, particularly how the two are intrinsically linked in hospitals. The transmission of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) in healthcare settings continues to be an issue of concern. Effective hand hygiene and environmental cleaning are both key aspects of a strategic approach to prevent transmission. Whilst the two are usually considered separately, this course looks at the evidence that links them together.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Decontamination and Disinfection in Dentistry, Surfaces, Hands and Other Key Areas
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This course aims to educate dental professionals on essential infection control regulations and procedures.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Dental Decontamination 1 - instruments
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
Part one of a practical and concise guide to decontamination in dental practices. This course covers the decontamination and reprocessing of instruments and other items.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Disinfectant selection, Balancing efficacy with material compatibility
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
Learn about the importance of balancing quick and effective disinfection with good device and machine care.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Disinfection selection for reprocessing flexible endoscopes
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
Flexible endoscopes are reusable but highly complex devices that cannot be heat sterilised and are designed with multiple channels, which are difficult to clean and disinfect. This complexity poses many challenges related to ensuring the safety of patients and endoscopy staff. This course features a presentation that discusses these challenges and presents the requirements of endoscopy staff and the perspective of disinfectant manufacturers. The role of disinfectants in the decontamination process is examined, including a review of criteria commonly used for the selection of disinfectants.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Environmental Cleaning during the COVID-19 outbreak
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This online course, written by Thomas OH, Ph.D, from Medical & Scientific Affairs at Schülke & Mayr, gives an overview of effective environmental cleaning in healthcare settings in relation to risks posed by coronavirus.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
EU disinfectant standards – what do they mean in practice?
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This online course, created in collaboration with Clinical Services Journal, explains EN norms and their role in testing the performance of disinfectants and influencing product selection during the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Getting Back to Dentistry
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This online course equips dental professionals with current infection prevention and control advice in preparation for a return to dentistry in the COVID-19 era.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Hand Hygiene
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
An evidence based modular hand hygiene course designed to specifically meet the training needs of healthcare staff working to industry guidelines. The course is tailored to offer the option to choose the version that corresponds to country specific guideline, dental or hospital, team or individual. Feedback is obtained through an online form and a certificate is issued after successful completion.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Hand hygiene during the COVID-19 outbreak separating fact from fiction
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This online course, written by Thomas Oh, Ph.D, from Medical & Scientific Affairs at Schülke & Mayr, looks at best practice hand hygiene measures during the coronavirus outbreak.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Infection Control and Biofilm Management in Modern Wound Care
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
The e-learning course follows on from a plenary session during the 2015 annual Wounds UK industry conference. The training comprises 2 presentations delivered by wound care experts at the conference which were filmed for the purposes of further education.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Infection Control for Dentistry, Topical articles on key dental infection control issues
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
The CPD book is a topical infection control guide that brings together various beneficial articles on a range of infection control topics. It supports the schulke Infection Prevention & Control award that recognises initiatives by Healthcare workers to promote and improve control procedures and awareness.
Healthcare & Medical
Infection Control Team Training, Hand Hygiene
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This training is designed to provide an understanding of the importance of hand hygiene, the risks of transmission, the nature of skin and how and when to effectively clean, care and protect it.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Introduction to Hand Hygiene for Care Home Staff
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
An evidence based introduction to hand hygiene designed for care home staff. Good hand hygiene is essential to protect both you and your patients.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
IP&C Regulations, Product Requirements
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This course aims to educate healthcare workers on infection prevention and control regulations, and the requirements they should be aware of when selecting cleaning and disinfection products.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Managing dermatitis in healthcare staff during COVID-19
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
An overview of the issues caused by more frequent hand hygiene procedures that are necessary during the COVID-19 pandemic and steps to improve skin integrity.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Managing large surface area wounds
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This course’s objectives are, have an awareness of the germs found in infected wounds, gain an understanding of the role of topical antimicrobials in the treatment of biofilm infected wounds, observe the best practice management of large surface area wounds, appreciate the importance of maximizing patient outcomes.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Putting the coronavirus into perspective
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This online training programme is based on a CSJ article in which Dr Tim Sandle looks at the latest known data, facts and recommendations about the ‘novel’ coronavirus, including how this might impact on current policies – particularly in terms of infection prevention and the use of appropriate disinfectants.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Reducing surgical site infections in Caesarean Sections
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This evidence-based course provides information on C-sections and the associated rates of SSI’s. The impact of SSI in healthcare settings and important aspects of preventing and treating them.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Skin Integrity in Practice
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This course gives an overview of skin integrity assessment and management in practice and follows on from plenary sessions at Wounds UK annual conference 2018. Skin damage can have a negative impact on physical and psychosocial health and may lead to further health complications and high healthcare costs. This course aims to improve healthcare workers knowledge in, assessing the skin, identifying patients at risk of skin breakdown or with skin damage, and arriving at an appropriate and effective care plan.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Tackling issues in the reprocessing of reusable medical devices
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This online training programme was created in collaboration with the Clinical Services Journal to give an overview of the challenges presented by the reprocessing of flexible endoscopes.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
The Dentist "Cleaning surfaces in practice"
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This online course, based on an article written by Dr. Kayleigh Cox-Nowak, Technical Support Manager at schülke UK and published by The Dentist, gives an overview of effective environmental cleaning in dental practices. Viruses are known to survive on surfaces for an extended period of time and, based on our knowledge of influenza, can be transmitted via contact with contaminated surfaces. So, good knowledge of effective surface cleaning and disinfection in the healthcare environment is important.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
The New Inspection for Primary Care Dental Practices (CQC)
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
A series of study days including presentations and interactive workshop sessions to prepare Dentists and other Dental Care Practitioners (DCPs) for the new Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspections.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
TIME to face the challenge of wound infection
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This course follows on from a plenary session during the 2016 annual Wounds UK conference. The training course contains presentations on important issues, the impact of infections and biofilms on healing, when and how to use topical antimicrobials and the role of cleansing in self harm wound care. There are some quick questions at the end of each presentation to test the trainee’s understanding. Feedback is obtained through an online form and a certificate is issued after successful completion
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Understanding Coronaviruses
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This online course aims to educate participants on the background of SARS-CoV-2, how it spreads and the steps which can be taken to protect healthcare staff and patients.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Understanding Microbiology
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
Understanding Microbiology is a course developed to help raise the awareness and understanding of different microorganisms found in healthcare settings, to promote and support infection prevention and control measures.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Understanding MRSA
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This web-based course is designed for healthcare professionals and provides an overview of healthcare associated infections, screening, decolonisation, transmission and prevention.
Online Course
Healthcare & Medical
Using infection prevention to help market your practice
Schulke & Mayr UK Ltd
This online training programme talks about how infection prevention can be used to help market a practice.
Online Course