Public, Social Care
Students and Housing
This webinar will provide an understanding of how various aspects of housing law apply to students, in particular their rights as tenants and how they can gain access to homeless services. It will consider, in detail, how best to assist people in the context of (threatened) homelessness and how to defend people’s homes and challenge adverse homeless decisions.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Advising On Possession Proceedings For Rented Housing
Delegates should have a basic understanding of housing status. This course builds on material in the NHAS ‘Housing status and security of tenure’ course. Participants should have attended the NHAS ‘Housing status and security of tenure’ course or achieved the learning objectives for that course by another route.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Allocation of Social Housing
This training explores the basics of social housing allocations, how it works, what a local authority’s duties are, and what powers they have in order to decide who gets housing.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
This practical webinar helps delegates to develop their confidence and gain the skills to ask for what they want, disagree with others, and stay assertive when faced with challenges in order to have more impact in the workplace. Participants will be equipped with practical, implementable strategies to move away from non-assertive behaviours and toward more consistent assertiveness.
Public, Social Care
Barriers to homelessness advice and support
This webinar provides attendees with an opportunity to look at the barriers homeless clients experience when approaching a local authority for assistance and considers ways to reduce these barriers.
Public, Social Care
Breathing space and housing
The course is aimed at an introductory level and is therefore designed to provide you with a basic understanding of what debt is, why we need to be able to identify whether a debt is a priority or not and how we use this information to advise our client's on housing related matters. You are also supplied with resources that should enable you to direct a client to suitable sources of further support should their situation require this. The course provides a general overview of debt and debt advice. Its primary function is to enable you to help clients to formulate accurate financial statements when making offers of repayment to landlords or mortgage lenders either at court, or privately.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Casework Skills for Prevention and Advice Workers
This course equips delegates with the key skills to manage their caseload effectively. Participants will be enabled to set targets, identify deadlines and overcome the difficulties associated with long-term casework. Delegates will explore the issues around shared work on case files, the importance of note taking and the effective closure of cases. Having training delivered face-to-face allows more time for interactive groupwork, activities and questions. Delegates also benefit from receiving a detailed course handbook to revisit when back at their desk.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Coercive Control & the Domestic Abuse Act, What Housing Staff Need to Know
How to recognise and resist victim-blaming. Housing and homelessness legislation and the Domestic Abuse Act. Resources for both workers and their clients.
Public, Social Care
Community Care and Housing
This e-learning course provides a basic understanding of Community Care and Housing in England.
Online Course
Public, Social Care
Defending Mortgage Possession Proceedings
This course provides a practical understanding of court’s powers to assist mortgage borrowers in arrears. It looks at practical and legal issues that arise in defending mortgage possession proceedings in court and the court’s powers to allow borrowers to remain in their homes. Having training delivered face-to-face allows more time for interactive groupwork, activities and questions. Delegates also benefit from receiving a detailed course handbook to revisit when back at their desk.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Disrepair and Housing Conditions
Following the tragic death of Awaab Ishak in 2022, the government announced plans to make major changes to the law on damp and mould for both the private and social sector. This training covers current housing law provisions in relation to disrepair and housing conditions. It focuses on landlord’s legal obligations, tenants’ rights and the different methods of enforcement. Future reform, and what the sector can expect when it comes to tackling disrepair and poor housing conditions, are also covered.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Domestic Abuse Awareness
Definitions of Domestic Violence, Different forms of Domestic Violence, Myths and stereotypes, Signs and indicators of Domestic Violence, Why clients may remain in or return to abusive relationships, 'Honour' based abuse, Risk assessment overview and high-risk support services, Overview of Civil Law legal rights and options, Non-Molestation Order and Occupation Order Injunctions, Protection from Harassment Act, Sanctuary Project Provisions by local authorities, Signposting and referral to specialist domestic violence services.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Eligibility for housing assistance - non-UK & EEA nationals
The right of abode and eligibility of commonwealth citizens. The classes of people who are subject to immigration control and eligible for housing assistance. Relevant case law which can apply to non-EEA nationals.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Emotional Labour and Resilience
This webinar provides an overview of emotional labour. Emotional labour is the personal energy it takes for the purpose of addressing people’s feelings, making people comfortable, or living up to social expectations. It’s called “emotional labour” because it ends up using – and often draining – our emotional resources. Staff working with people at risk of homelessness require high levels of social skills and emotional intelligence. This course will help them to consider the impact of emotional labour, skills to enhance their resilience, and models of reflective practice. The training also serves as an excellent reminder of ‘why I do this job’ and can assist in avoiding ‘job burnout’.
Public, Social Care
Financial Capability for Advisers
This course trains advisers/staff to support residents to make better decisions around money with a view to being more likely to afford accommodation sustainably. It will allow advisers to discuss budgeting, maximising income, prioritising spending, borrowing and debt, fuel costs and managing relationships with institutions such as banks and fuel providers when issues arise. It will also give advisers/staff an overview of Universal Credit problems and solutions. Having training delivered face-to-face allows more time for interactive groupwork, activities and questions. Delegates also benefit from receiving a detailed course handbook to revisit when back at their desk.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Handling Challenging Situations
This course will support participants to recognise and address challenging situations using a range of strategies developed through psychological theories. The training will support participants to effectively manage difficult conversations and situations and be able to diffuse situation before they escalate. Having training delivered face-to-face allows more time for interactive groupwork, activities and questions. Delegates also benefit from receiving a detailed course handbook to revisit when back at their desk.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Hoarding Behaviours
½ Day Course. Delegates will develop an understanding of the issues surrounding hoarding behaviours and have the skills to refer concerns appropriately in order to get them some support. Having training delivered face-to-face allows more time for interactive groupwork, activities and questions. Delegates also benefit from receiving a detailed course handbook to revisit when back.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Homelessness Duties
This introductory course is for trainee advisers and others who would like to develop their knowledge of homelessness. It is not aimed at experienced/specialist housing advisers who have existing knowledge of homelessness legislation.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Homelessness Law, Introductory (1 day)
This course aims to provide a basic understanding of homelessness law and access to local authority housing. Having training delivered face-to-face allows more time for interactive groupwork, activities and questions. Delegates also benefit from receiving a detailed course handbook to revisit when back at their desk.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018
This training will cover the obligation on landlords introduced by The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 to keep their property "fit" and the rights it gives tenants to take legal action where their landlord fails to do so. It will look at the new non-statutory guidance issued by the MCHLG to help tenants, landlords and local authorities understand the Act which comes into force on 20 March 2019. Having training delivered face-to-face allows more time for interactive groupwork, activities and questions. Delegates also benefit from receiving a detailed course handbook to revisit when back at their desk.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Housing Benefit for Supported Accommodation
This course trains advisers/staff to understand the complex regulations which apply to the Housing Benefit awarded for Supported Housing. It is designed for advisers/staff that work in the supported sector, those who set rents for the schemes, and decision makers at Local Authority housing benefit sections. Having training delivered face-to-face allows more time for interactive groupwork, activities and questions. Delegates also benefit from receiving a detailed course handbook to revisit when back at their desk.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Housing Benefit, Introductory
This course outlines the role of housing benefit within the wider welfare benefits system, and enables delegates to establish who can claim housing benefit and how it is calculated. Delegates will develop the confidence and knowledge necessary to give basic advice about housing benefit.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Housing costs in Universal Credit
This course trains advisers/staff to understand the complex regulations which apply to the Housing Cost Element in Universal Credit. It is suitable for advisers/staff that check claimant’s awards and advise on benefits generally. Having training delivered face-to-face allows more time for interactive groupwork, activities and questions. Delegates also benefit from receiving a detailed course handbook to revisit when back at their desk.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Housing Law Roundup
Provides experienced practitioners with an update regarding key developments in housing law, with an emphasis on recent case law decisions and their implications for housing advice and casework. Housing law is vast and multifaceted. While we have done our best to distil the most critical information for you, it’s important to note that not every possible case will be covered in this training. Instead, we have focussed on the key cases and updates that will provide you with the knowledge you require to excel in your role within housing and homelessness. This selective approach to what is covered during the session ensures you receive the most valuable and practical insights into new case law and legislative/ policy updates. However, we do provide every delegate with our Roundup booklet which contains helpful summaries of recent cases and other housing and homelessness-related content for review after the training.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Housing Possession Hearings, Practice and Procedure
This practical course gives an overview of the procedural rules governing possession claims and will help participants to prepare for possession hearings and to appear for landlords or tenants in court. It covers the Pre-Action Protocol, the Civil Procedure Rules and a practical approach to hearings. This practical training is delivered face-to-face to allow time for interactive group work, activities and questions. Delegates receive a detailed course handbook to revisit when back at their desk.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Housing Status And Security Of Tenure
This introductory course is for trainee advisers and others who would like to develop their knowledge in housing.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
How to establish local connection
This webinar provides attendees with an opportunity to look at how someone can establish a local connection by way of residence, employment, family association or because of special circumstances.
Public, Social Care
Introduction to Housing Status
This webinar provides an overview of the different types of housing status and awareness of occupiers’ rights. Aimed at delegates who have little or no previous knowledge of housing status.
Public, Social Care
Introduction to Mediation Skills
This course provides a foundational overview of mediation skills. It explores what mediation is and how mediation skills can be put into practice. You’ll learn how to support clients to rebuild relationships where conflict has occurred, and learn strategies based on counselling approaches to reduce further conflict.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Introduction to Possession Proceedings
This webinar introduces delegates to the possession and eviction process for tenants in rented housing.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Introduction to Welfare Benefits
Understand how the benefits system is structured and the differences between contributory, non-contributory and means tested benefits, Know who can claim each of the benefits which make up the system, Have an awareness of common issues affecting people when claiming health and disability benefits, Understand how ongoing reforms are affecting the wider system, Know how packages of entitlements can be claimed together, Be able to complete basic benefit checks to ensure people are claiming their likely entitlements, Be able to advise people on how to make claims and how to challenge decisions.
Training Course
Public, Social Care
Landlord and Tenant Law, Introductory
A comprehensive introduction to landlord and tenant law including notices, grounds for possession, joint tenancies, surrender of tenancies and succession and assignment.
Training Course