Healthcare & Medical
Clinical Observations for Health Care Support Workers
St Barnabas Hospice
This course is designed to upskill or reskill Healthcare Support Workers in the acquisition of clinical observations.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Diabetes at End of Life
St Barnabas Hospice
This course provides a refresher on the physiology of blood glucose control in the human body. It explores the pathophysiology of different types of diabetes and equips delegates with the knowledge and skills to manage diabetes at end of life including diabetic emergencies. It considers the use of blood glucose monitoring in Palliative and End of Life Care and includes practical skills in the use of a glucometer.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Dying to Communicate
St Barnabas Hospice
2 day workshop will encourage participants to reflect on the importance of good communication in the support of patients and their families when having those challenging conversations around Palliative Care and End of Life and being able to practice those skills in a safe environment with knowledgeable actors and learn to identify stressors prevalent at work to facilitate and broaden coping strategies.
Healthcare & Medical
ECG Masterclass
St Barnabas Hospice
This course covers cardiac electrophysiology and its relationship to the ECG. It teaches a systematic approach to ECG interpretation and considers a variety of cardiac arrhythmias.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Emergency First Aid at Work
St Barnabas Hospice
This course is the second in the four-layer framework for first aid provision as set down by the Health and Safety Executive. The course is delivered by a Health and Care Professions Council Registered Paramedic who holds a master’s degree in education and who has years of experience teaching student paramedics. It is unique in that it involves high fidelity simulation making this an interactive learning experience for participants who will manage a range of realistic first aid emergencies.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Epilepsy Awareness & Buccal Midazolam Administration
St Barnabas Hospice
This course provides an overview of epilepsy and equips participants with the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage seizures including the administration of buccal midazolam. The course is mapped to the Epilepsy Nurses Association best practice guidelines for training professional carers in the administration of Buccal (Oromucosal) Midazolam for the treatment of prolonged and / or clusters of epileptic seizures in the community. Additionally it equips participants with the knowledge and skills around airway management and assisted ventilation using a bag-valve-mask.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
St Barnabas Hospice
This in an interactive and thought provoking course which encourages those attending to think more deeply about equality, diversity and inclusion.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Immunisation for Health Care Support Workers
St Barnabas Hospice
Written to the National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training of Healthcare Support Workers (HCSW), this course is designed to train HCSWs to administer vaccines to adults.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Introduction to Palliative and End of Life Care for Health Professionals
St Barnabas Hospice
This course aims to provide an introduction to and overview of palliative and end of life care. It considers the complex nature of palliative and end of life patients and explores some of both the clinical and non-clinical considerations.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
IV Cannulation & Administration
St Barnabas Hospice
This course teaches the underpinning theory and practical skills associated with IV cannulation. It considers safety around the administration of medicines and specifically considers fluid and antibiotic administration. Attendance is dependent on completion of a pre-course workbook.
Training Course
Business, Human Resources
Management & Leadership
St Barnabas Hospice
This course encompasses the four building blocks needed to become an effective, caring and compassionate manager and leader – self, team goal and strategic awareness. It provides managers and leaders with the knowledge, skills and confidence to effectively manage individuals and lead teams. Delegates will leave with a toolkit of skills and useful resources to embed in everyday practice. Delegates will learn valuable skills enabling them to reflect upon their practice.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Management of Breathlessness in Palliative and End of Life Care
St Barnabas Hospice
This course provides a refresher on respiratory physiology and equips delegates with the knowledge and skills to manage breathlessness in the palliative patient. It considers the use of pulse oximetry in Palliative and End of Life Care and includes practical skills in the use of a pulse oximeter.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Paediatric First Aid
St Barnabas Hospice
This course is designed to give a basic introduction to paediatric first aid covering children of all ages. The course is delivered by a Health and Care Professions Council Registered Paramedic who holds a master’s degree in education and who has years of experience teaching student paramedics. It is unique in that it involves high fidelity simulation making this an interactive learning experience for participants who will manage a range of realistic paediatric first aid emergencies.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Recognition & Management of Anaphylaxis
St Barnabas Hospice
This course equips health professionals with the knowledge and skills to recognise deterioration early and manage accordingly. It explores the identification and management of sepsis and the physiological consequences of the unchecked inflammatory response.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Self-Harm, Suicide and Sudden Death – Help in Grief and Coping for Support Professionals
St Barnabas Hospice
This course first covers the subjects of self-harm including causes, behaviours and strategies to help those affected. The course also explores suicide including risk factors and the unique challenges faced by those who have lost a loved one by suicide. Helping strategies are discussed using real-life experiences. Finally, the courses explores the added difficulties when someone has been bereaved by sudden and/or traumatic death and explores grief and strategies to help someone work through their loss.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Sepsis & Recognition of the Deteriorating Patient
St Barnabas Hospice
This course equips health professionals with the knowledge and skills to recognise deterioration early and manage accordingly. It explores the identification and management of sepsis and the physiological consequences of the unchecked inflammatory response.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Syringe Driver Training
St Barnabas Hospice
This course covers basic syringe driver theory and practical training equipping staff with the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage syringe drivers.
Training Course
Teach the Trainer
St Barnabas Hospice
This course aims to develop skills and knowledge in the delivery of effective education and training. Many people are experts in their field and deliver ad-hoc training on an informal basis. This course equips delegates with the skills to communicate subject knowledge using a range of educational approaches and practical activities for interactive delivery.
Training Course
Healthcare & Medical
Tracheostomy Management
St Barnabas Hospice
This course equips health professionals with the underpinning theoretical knowledge, practical skills and confidence to care for tracheostomy patients. The course follows best practice guidelines and covers both routine care and care in an emergency. It considers the impact and potential complications of tracheostomy including communicating with tracheostomy patients.
Training Course