Social Care
Domestic Abuse (DA) and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
The Haven Wolverhampton
The DA and ACE’s webinar has been carefully designed to explore what ACEs are and their impact on children as well as their parents/carers. The session intends to promote reflective practises in learners to help get better outcomes for victim/survivors of domestic abuse. The webinar will consider how to support children through building resilience and how to identify appropriate referral pathways and support mechanisms. The session is useful across various professions that provide support to people.
Social Care
Domestic Abuse and Substance Use
The Haven Wolverhampton
This training will enable you to better understand the realities of domestic abuse and substance use, using statistics, legislation, and the Domestic Abuse Act 2021. It explores the nature of domestic abuse and how it can intersect with substance use, enabling you to identify behaviours, recognise signs and consider how this behaviour impacts the victim using real-life case studies. You’ll explore and understand the myths surrounding substance use and domestic abuse to recognise the barriers that stand in the way of a person leaving an abusive relationship. You’ll develop strategies to respond sensitively and confidently and know how to source the appropriate support.
Social Care
Domestic Abuse and Why Language Matters
The Haven Wolverhampton
This course focuses on enhancing the understanding of sustainability and its integration into education for educators, teaching assistants, curriculum planners - anyone working in an education setting. It covers the principles of sustainability, environmental awareness, natural resources, and strategies for creating a sustainable culture and curriculum.
Social Care
Domestic Abuse Awareness
The Haven Wolverhampton
The training will enable you to better understand the realities and prevalence of domestic abuse, using statistics, legislation and the government definition. It explores the nature of domestic abuse and enable you to identify behaviours and recognising signs and how this behaviour impacts the victim using real life case studies. Explore and understand the effects of domestic abuse has on children and identify the societal myths to understand the barriers that stand in the way of a person leaving an abusive relationship. Develop strategies to respond sensitively and confidently and know how to source the appropriate support.
Training Course
Social Care
Domestic Abuse Workplace Champions
The Haven Wolverhampton
This training course will support employees who want to act as a Champion for Domestic Abuse in their workplace. It will help to develop skills to be the safe go-to person for any employee who wants to disclose Domestic Abuse and provide support mechanisms to staff who are victims or perpetrators. You will also develop skills to be role model and change agent, raising awareness and building and engaging a community of interest in the Domestic Abuse agenda.
Training Course
Social Care
Domestic Abuse, Coercive Control
The Haven Wolverhampton
To raise a practitioner’s awareness and understanding of the dynamics of domestic abuse and coercive/ controlling behaviour. The training explores legislation and the government definition, identifying behaviours and indicators, examples of how coercive control can affect parenting. It explores how coercive/ controlling tactics impact on a person’s identity whilst looking at social attitudes and the law and what types of evidence are used. Using real life case studies to identify how insidious this behaviour is.
Training Course
Social Care
Domestic Abuse, Over 55s - Abuse is Ageless
The Haven Wolverhampton
This training course will increase a professionals knowledge to make the distinction between elder abuse and Domestic Abuse of older people. It will help to dispel some of the myths that exist in relation to older victims of Domestic Abuse and develop your knowledge and understanding of the barriers and impact of Domestic Abuse on older victims It also covers best practice guidance to respond appropriately to cases including referring to the appropriate agencies.
Training Course
Social Care
Domestic Abuse, Reproductive Coercion, Pregnancy and the Unborn Child
The Haven Wolverhampton
The training will enable you to better understand the complex nature of domestic abuse, reproductive coercion and pregnancy. Develop strategies of how best to support a woman who is being reproductively coerced. Explore the effects of prenatal abuse and how it affects the unborn child and parenting, and how toxic stress affects reproductive health. Learn to understand the implications of domestic abuse and how it can impact on the mother - baby relationship using real life case studies. Develop strategies to respond sensitively and confidently to a woman who is experiencing domestic abuse and know how to source the appropriate support.
Training Course
Social Care
Domestic Abuse, Suicide and Self-Harm
The Haven Wolverhampton
Domestic Abuse, Suicide and Self-Harm is a webinar designed to explore the link between domestic abuse suicide and self-harm on victims (including children and young people) and perpetrators. The session will explore risk indicators, warning signs and how intersectionality is relevant. The session will consider confidence in appropriate use of language inc. how to ask about suicide/self-harm, basic safety planning and where professionals can find support and resources. The session is designed to encourage professionals to ask about suicide and self-harm in cases of domestic abuse and vice-versa. The session is useful across various professions that provide support to people.
Social Care
Domestic Abuse, Supporting Employees In The Workplace
The Haven Wolverhampton
To raise employers and employee’s awareness and understanding of the dynamics of domestic abuse and to highlight they have an important role to play in society’s response. The training explores legislation and the government definition, identifying behaviours and indicators, examples of how domestic abuse can affect the workplace and how an employer can support with practical support and safety planning. Employers owe a duty of care to employees and have a legal responsibility to provide a safe and effective work environment. Support in writing a domestic abuse workplace policy. Using real life case studies to identify how insidious this behaviour is.
Training Course
Social Care
Domestic Abuse, Supporting women with disabilities
The Haven Wolverhampton
The training will enable you to better understand the realities and prevalence of domestic abuse, using statistic and legislation. It will enable you to identify behaviours that is suffered by disabled women by recognising signs and how this impact on the victim using real life case studies. Explore and understand the effects of domestic abuse has on a woman with disabilities to understand the barriers that stand in the way of her disclosing domestic abuse. Develop strategies to change your practice to help disabled women who experience domestic abuse and to respond sensitively and confidently and know how to source the appropriate support.
Training Course
Social Care
Domestic Abuse, Supporting Women With No Recourse To Public Funds (NRPF)
The Haven Wolverhampton
A course to understand the complexities of domestic abuse and immigration issues, how to respond appropriate to enable a woman to receive the right support. With legislation and the government definition of domestic abuse, different immigration statuses a woman can hold and the rights that are attached to these, explore how violence and abuse experienced by a woman with NRPF is highly diverse, the barriers she faces when reporting. Transnational marriage abandonment, the Domestic Violence Rule and DDV Concession, the application process and the practical steps for making an application with real life case studies.
Training Course
Social Care
FGM (Female Genital Mutilation)
The Haven Wolverhampton
This training course will increase a Practitioners knowledge and awareness of FGM and its form of VAWG. It is specifically designed to give learners a thorough understanding of what constitutes FGM, the reasons given for performing FGM and the impacts it has on girls and women. To recognise indicators and risks that a women/girl has had/is at risk of FGM. It features information on the FGM Act 2003, the Serious Crime Act 2015, FGM Protection Orders and mandatory reporting. It also covers best practice guidance to respond appropriately to cases including referring to the appropriate agencies.
Social Care
Forced Marriage and So-called ‘Honour’ Based Abuse
The Haven Wolverhampton
This Multi-Agency training course will increase Practitioners’ knowledge and confidence having an awareness of forced marriage and so-called ‘honour’ based abuse. It is specifically designed to give learners a thorough understanding of what forced marriage is, how to recognise the signs and how to act on concerns by looking at the forced marriage statistics and using real life case studies. It features information on forced marriage protection orders and the forced marriage unit. It also covers best practice guidance to handling a case of so-called ‘honour ‘based abuse, including the “do’s and don’ts” and the potential triggers for a forced marriage.
Social Care
Modern Slavery
The Haven Wolverhampton
This Multi-Agency training course will increase Practitioners' knowledge and confidence and awareness of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. It is specifically designed to give learners a thorough understanding of how to recognise the signs and how to act on concerns by using real life case studies. It features information on the Home Office National Referral Mechanism and Duty to Notify. It also covers best practice guidance to handling a case of modern slavery including what to look out for and the potential triggers of how a person is recruited and the barriers a victim poses to disclosing.
Training Course
Social Care
Rape and Sexual Violence
The Haven Wolverhampton
This training will enable you to examine the definitions and terminology that is used in describing rape and sexual violence. Learn how the impact and effects that rape, and sexual violence has on survivors and how victim blaming constitutes the crime. Explore the myths and attitudes that perpetuate rape and sexual violence. Using real life case studies to understand how rape and sexual violence effects women. Develop strategies to respond sensitively and confidently to a woman who is a survivor of rape and sexual violence and learn where to refer and source the appropriate support.
Training Course
Social Care
Stalking and Harassment
The Haven Wolverhampton
This training will raise a practitioner’s awareness of stalking and harassment and enable you to examine the differences. Explore examples of stalking behaviours, differing stalking typologies and the stalker’s intent. Explore the risks associated with stalking and how these behaviours impact on the victim. Use real life case studies to identify how insidious this behaviour is. Learn to identify what the law is and how it can be utilised to protect victims. Develop strategies to collate evidence confidently to a help support a victim of stalking and learn where to refer and source the appropriate support.
Training Course
Social Care
Supporting Children & Young People who have been subjected to Abuse and Trauma using Play and Therapeutic Interventions
The Haven Wolverhampton
The training is aimed at any individual that wants to support children and young people who have been subjected to abuse and trauma. Learn the importance of play in a child and young persons development and recognise how important assessments are when working with families and identify how to support the social and emotional development of children and young people therapeutically.
Training Course