Business, Education
Certificate in the Role of the DSL in Nurseries
The National College
Nurseries need to have a person who is responsible for leading on the safeguarding of children in the nursery and managing child protection issues. The role of the DSL has become more comprehensive over the years as a result of changes to legislation and statutory guidance, outcomes from safeguarding practice reviews and recommendations from other safeguarding-related reviews. Developed by Lorna Ponambalum - independent safeguarding and inclusion consultant - this course will provide a detailed exploration of what it means to be a DSL in nursery and what the role entails.
Online Course
Business, Education
A Practical Guide to Teaching Using Breakout Rooms in Zoom
The National College
This webinar offers an overview of the latest video communication technology and how to use its special features and functions to enhance learning outcomes by focusing on how to use breakout rooms in Zoom that enable pupils to break away from the main virtual class and meet in smaller groups. ,
Online Course
Business, Education
A Practical Guide to Teaching Using Zoom
The National College
This webinar, aimed at beginners, supports teachers and learners to create the best possible remote education provision, showing headteachers and teaching staff how to create and manage a virtual classroom or meeting using Zoom, identifying key tips, tools, features and benefits. ,
Online Course
Business, Education
Advanced Certificate in Mental Health for the Designated Governor
The National College
All boards should assign a designed governor for mental health as a wellbeing champion to provide strategic support to the school leadership team in line with best practice stated in the governance handbook. This also falls in line with the importance placed on pupil wellbeing in Keeping children safe in education. This Essential CPD course provides you with a comprehensive understanding of the role of the designated governor for mental health and give you the confidence to impact the lives of pupils and adults in school.
Online Course
Business, Education
Advanced Certificate in the Role of the Designated Climate Education Lead
The National College
As part of the DfE’s sustainability and climate change strategy and the National Climate Education Action Plan every school and college should identify a senior staff member to lead on climate education. The climate education lead should be a specialist role which helps their setting access the best and most up-to-date support for teaching about sustainability and climate change. In this course - Hannah Tombling - provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand your role as a climate education lead and develop excellence in leadership to support high-quality teaching and learning in line with DfE curriculum expectations.
Online Course
Business, Education
Advanced Certificate in the Role of the Designated Climate Education Lead for Early Years Providers
The National College
All children, from birth to 5 years old, must develop an understanding of the world and natural environment as part of their early learning goals (ELGs) under the Early years foundation stage statutory framework (EYFS). This is reinforced by the government’s flagship Sustainability and climate change strategy. This Essential CPD course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to understand your role as a climate education lead in an early years setting and develop excellence in leadership to support high-quality teaching and learning in line with EYFS expectations.
Online Course
Business, Education
Advanced Certificate in the Role of the Designated Climate Education Lead for Primary Schools
The National College
As part of the DfE’s sustainability and climate change strategy and the National Climate Education Action Plan, every school and college should identify a senior staff member to lead on climate education. The climate education lead should be a specialist role which helps their setting access the best and most up-to-date support for teaching about sustainability and climate change. This Essential CPD course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand your role as a climate education lead and develop excellence in leadership to support high-quality teaching and learning in line with DfE curriculum expectations.
Online Course
Business, Education
Advanced Certificate in the Role of the Designated Climate Education Lead for Secondary Schools
The National College
As part of the DfE’s sustainability and climate change strategy and the National Climate Education Action Plan, every school and college should identify a senior staff member to lead on climate education. The climate education lead should be a specialist role which helps their setting access the best and most up-to-date support for teaching about sustainability and climate change. This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand your role as a climate education lead and develop excellence in leadership to support high-quality teaching and learning in line with DfE curriculum expectations.
Online Course
Business, Education
Advanced Certificate in the Role of the Designated Sustainability Lead
The National College
As part of the DfE’s sustainability and climate change strategy, all education settings should have a nominated sustainability lead who has put in place a climate action plan by 2025. These leaders should drive effective whole-setting approaches to the challenges of sustainability and climate change, particularly in the way settings are operated and regulated. This Essential CPD course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand your role as a leader in climate change and sustainability and meet environmental expectations on operations, estates and infrastructure.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Advanced Certificate in Child Protection and Safeguarding for Leaders (International Schools)
The National College
Every school has a duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Its essential that child protection and safeguarding leads have a strong understanding of their responsibilities towards keeping children safe and are aware of the challenges they might face in implementing best practice processes and procedures. This Essential CPD course provides you with the core content you need to understand your key responsibilities as the lead for child protection or safeguarding in your school.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Advanced Certificate in Online Safety for Child Protection and Safeguarding Leaders (International Schools)
The National College
All schools should adopt a robust and effective strategy to help keep children safe online. Child protection leads and senior leaders should ensure that their school is meeting local policy requirements and that they are pursuing a culture of online safety which is fully integrated into their school safeguarding practice. This course for child protection leads and senior leaders provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to ensure you are delivering a comprehensive approach to online safety.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Advanced Certificate in Online Safety for ICT Leads
The National College
ICT Leads should work closely with DSLs and have an awareness of their wider safeguarding responsibilities. They play a vital role in developing and enhancing children’s learning around online safety and are central to progressing policy, process and helping to shape how young people acquire the skills to use ICT effectively, confidently and safely. This online safety course for ICT leads covers the latest updates from Keeping children safe in education 2022 and has been designed to provide you with the expertise and capability to effectively carry out your role and keep children safe online.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Advanced Certificate in Online Safety for Mental Health Leads
The National College
Mental health leads have a responsibility to promote and support mental health and wellbeing in schools. They should work closely with the safeguarding team to bring an additional layer of support to children who may be vulnerable to online harms, many of which can impact their confidence, self-esteem, social and emotional health. This brand new online safety course for mental health leads covers the latest updates from Keeping children safe in education 2022 and has been designed to provide you with the expertise and capability to effectively carry out your role and keep children safe online.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Advanced Certificate in Online Safety for Online Safety Leads
The National College
The role of the online safety lead is vital towards ensuring the relevant safeguarding measures are in place to address any online safety concerns. They should take the lead for implementing the necessary policies and procedures, developing the appropriate level of infrastructure and technology, supporting continuous education and training and evaluating standards and inspections. This course provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to ensure adherence with your online safety statutory requirements. ,
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Child Protection and Safeguarding for Staff (International Schools)
The National College
All staff have a responsibility to provide a safe environment in which children can learn. They should receive appropriate child protection training, and regular updates, in order to provide them with the relevant skills and knowledge to safeguard children effectively. This Essential CPD course provides you with the core content you need to deliver effective child protection and safeguarding provision as a member of school staff.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Child Protection and Safeguarding, Music
The National College
All staff, including private tutors, visiting music teachers and music education professionals, must understand and comply with child protection and safeguarding measures. Following good safeguarding practices in music lessons, online or face-to-face, creates a safe and secure environment for children and young people to learn in. This Essential CPD course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand your child protection and safeguarding duties if working in a music education setting.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Child Protection and Safeguarding, Sports, Active Leisure and Physical Education
The National College
All schools, organisations or clubs that offers sports activities for children to enjoy have a responsibility to keep them safe. All staff, including private tutors, visiting sports or physical education teachers and education professionals, must understand and comply with child protection and safeguarding measures in line with government guidance and relevant legislation. This Essential CPD course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand your child protection and safeguarding duties if working in sports, active leisure or physical education.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Cyber Security for Governors
The National College
This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand what cyber security is, the different types of cyber threats and the measures you can take to protect your organisation from harm. Split into bite-sized modules, the training has been designed to provide maximum learning potential in the leanest, most cost-effective and most time-efficient manner. It has been produced in high-quality remote video CPD format which is accessible on any device, any time, anywhere.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Cyber Security for Governors (International Schools)
The National College
In June 2021, a warning was issued to schools and colleges about the unprecedented levels of cyber-attacks following a sharp rise against educational establishments. Governing boards have a strategic role to play which should be focused on ensuring that the school or trust has IT policies and procedures in place covering the use of ICT systems and data security, including compliance with the data protection regulations. This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand what cyber security is, the different types of cyber threats and the measures you can take to protect your organisation from harm.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Cyber Security for Leaders
The National College
This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand what cyber security is, the different types of cyber threats and the measures you can take to protect your organisation from harm. Split into bite-sized modules, the training has been designed to provide maximum learning potential in the leanest, most cost-effective and most time-efficient manner. It has been produced in high-quality remote video CPD format which is accessible on any device, any time, anywhere.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Cyber Security for Leaders (International schools)
The National College
In June 2021, a warning was issued to schools and colleges about the unprecedented levels of cyber-attacks following a sharp rise against educational establishments. School leaders have a strategic role to play which should be focused on ensuring that the school or trust has IT policies and procedures in place that cover the use of ICT systems and data security, including compliance with data protection regulations. This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand what cyber security is, the different types of cyber threats and the measures you can take to protect your organisation from harm. ,
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Cyber Security for Parents and Carers
The National College
This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand what cyber security is, the different types of cyber threats and the measures you can take to protect yourself from harm. Split into bite-sized modules, the training has been designed to provide maximum learning potential in the leanest, most cost-effective and most time-efficient manner. It has been produced in high-quality remote video CPD format which is accessible on any device, any time, anywhere.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Cyber Security for Parents and Carers (International Schools)
The National College
Smartphones, computers and the internet are a fundamental part of modern life for most households. From online banking and shopping, to email and social media, it's more important than ever to take steps that can prevent cyber criminals getting hold of accounts, data, and devices which they can use for profit, blackmail or to cause reputational damage. This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand what cyber security is, the different types of cyber threats and the measures you can take to protect yourself from harm.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Cyber Security for Schools
The National College
In June 2021, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) issued a warning to schools and colleges about the unprecedented levels of cyber-attacks. Schools should therefore be focused on ensuring that they have the right IT policies and procedures in place that cover the use of ICT systems and data security, including compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand what cyber security is, the different types of cyber threats and the measures you can take to protect your organisation from harm.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Cyber Security for Staff
The National College
This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand what cyber security is, the different types of cyber threats and the measures you can take to protect your organisation from harm. Split into bite-sized modules, the training has been designed to provide maximum learning potential in the leanest, most cost-effective and most time-efficient manner. It has been produced in high-quality remote video CPD format which is accessible on any device, any time, anywhere.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Cyber Security for Staff (International Schools)
The National College
In June 2021, a warning was issued to schools and colleges about the unprecedented levels of cyber-attacks following a sharp rise against educational establishments. All staff play a major role in developing and implementing cyber security protection measures in order to stop criminals from stealing valuable information and sensitive data held on pupils, parents, governors and staff themselves. This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand what cyber security is, the different types of cyber threats and the measures you can take to protect your organisation from harm.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Cyber Security for Workplaces (Non-Education / International Schools)
The National College
Cyber crime and cyber security breaches are a serious threat to all types of businesses and charities. Organisations can lose money, data or other assets and suffer both significant short-term disruption and long-term reputational damage. Thats why its important that all staff, especially senior leaders, have a good understanding of how to develop and implement protective measures. This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand what cyber security is, the different types of cyber threats and the measures you can take to protect your organisation from harm.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Cyber Security for Workplaces (Non-Education)
The National College
Cyber crime and cyber security breaches are a serious threat to all types of businesses and charities. Organisations can lose money, data or other assets and suffer both significant short-term disruption and long-term reputational damage. Thats why its important that all staff, especially senior leaders, have a good understanding of how to develop and implement protective measures. This course provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand what cyber security is, the different types of cyber threats and the measures you can take to protect your organisation from harm.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Online Reputation for Governors
The National College
This course provides you with the core content you need to know in relation to managing your online reputation, why its important and how to protect yourself. Split into bite-sized modules, the training has been designed to provide maximum learning potential in the leanest, most cost-effective and most time-efficient manner. It has been produced in high-quality remote video CPD format which is accessible on any device, any time, anywhere.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Online Reputation for Governors (International Schools)
The National College
School governors have an important role to play in making sure the school’s online reputation is positive, healthy and does not damage day-to-day operations. It’s important they are aware of their actions online and how this can impact, not only themselves, but also the reputation of the school. This Essential CPD course provides you with the knowledge and understanding of how to manage and make the most of your own online reputation, as well as the risks associated with reputational damage.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Online Reputation for Leaders
The National College
This course provides you with the core content you need to know in relation to managing your own online reputation and that of the school, why they are important and how to protect them. Split into bite-sized modules, the training has been designed to provide maximum learning potential in the leanest, most cost-effective and most time-efficient manner. It has been produced in high-quality remote video CPD format which is accessible on any device, any time, anywhere.
Online Course
Business, Education
Annual Certificate in Online Reputation for Leaders (International Schools)
The National College
Senior leaders play an important role in making sure the school’s online reputation is positive, healthy and does not damage day-to-day operations. They should lead on conducting audits and develop a crisis plan to address possible risks or manage concerns when they arise. This Essential CPD course provides you with the knowledge and understanding of how to manage and make the most of your own online reputation, as well as the risks associated with reputational damage.
Online Course