5 tips for successful transformation
THRIVE Learning
Digital transformation is when a business rethinks its technology, people and processes in order to remain competitive in an ever-changing digital landscape. The main goal is to create new value for customers, employees and shareholders. The benefits? Innovation, increased efficiency and growth, to name a few.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
A health and safety state of mind
THRIVE Learning
When is comes to health and safety, there may be a lot of rules, but it's also about your mind-set. In this module, you'll investigate a workplace incident to learn how both are important to staying safe at work.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
A management mind-set
THRIVE Learning
Effective management starts with the right way of thinking. In this module, we explore how management differs from leadership, and how this influences your focus as a manager.
Online Course
THRIVE Learning
What does accountability mean? Learn how you can take responsibility for your role at work and be the best you can be.
Online Course
Achieving customer excellence
THRIVE Learning
This module will help you understand what customer excellence is, and how it can be achieved through building rapport, managing time and getting the right balance of communication with your customers.
Online Course
Active listening
THRIVE Learning
Active listening takes time and practice. Were all guilty of zoning out or thinking about what to say next when someone is talking to us. Use this module to figure out how you can put some practices in place to help you be a better listener.
Online Course
Ammonia awareness
THRIVE Learning
Ammonia is a dangerous chemical used in many industries. This module provides a detailed overview of how it’s used and how it can be identified, as well as the best safety practices and how to treat someone exposed to ammonia.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Baby loss as a parent
THRIVE Learning
When you lose your baby it can be detrimental to your emotional and physical wellbeing. This animation follows the story of Jenny, baby Noah and her partner. They describe what they experienced, how they felt and what support was like.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Baby loss awareness
THRIVE Learning
What might be people be feeling? You can hear more about that in this animation.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Baby Loss podcast with Ross, Daddy to angel Norah Faith Coniam and founder of Nine4Norah and Dads & Lads network
THRIVE Learning
Baby Loss podcast with Ross, Daddy to angel Norah Faith Coniam and founder of Nine4Norah and Dads &, Lads network.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Brand awareness
THRIVE Learning
As consumers, brands are so important to us. But do you know what a brand actually is? This module explores the concept of a brand and how it can affect your role.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Bribery and corruption
THRIVE Learning
Bribes aren't common in the UK, but they are dangerous and they could come from anywhere. In this module we'll learn how to spot bribery and what to do if you find it.
Online Course
British Sign Language basics
THRIVE Learning
Sign language is visual communication created by using hands, facial expressions and body language. It’s mainly used by those with hearing impairments, and the people supporting them. Learn some basic phases to get you started.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Bullying and harassment
THRIVE Learning
Bullying and harassment are never okay. In this module we explain when these behaviours break the law, and how to deal with them when they happen.
Online Course
Check your mindset
THRIVE Learning
Do you have a growth mindset? It’s easy to feel safe in what you know, but could you achieve more if you pushed yourself in a new direction? This quiz will help identify whether you already have a growth mindset, or whether there’s something you might want to consider changing in the way you approach your work or life.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Communication hacks
THRIVE Learning
There are no shortcuts to mastering communication, but there are a couple of small ways to make the journey easier. Read all about them here.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Communication personality quiz
THRIVE Learning
We all have different ways of communicating. Ever wondered what your style is? Take this quiz to find out what kind of communicator you are.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Communication styles
THRIVE Learning
Tired of getting your wires crossed? Learning about how you and others around you prefer to communicate can help you understand each other better. Here we look at some different communication styles so you can do just that.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Competition law
THRIVE Learning
Competition between organisations makes things fairer for customers. Let's learn how competition law protects it, and what happens when the laws are broken.
Online Course
THRIVE Learning
In eCommerce, the words you use are powerful. They can attract customers and persuade them to buy your products. So how do you become a master of your copy? This module gives you practical guidance on copywriting best practice.
Online Course
Corporate manslaughter
THRIVE Learning
The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 was introduced to increase accountability for negligence and wrongdoing. This module explores the concept of corporate manslaughter and what it means for organisations.
Online Course
Creating a content distribution strategy
THRIVE Learning
Getting your content to the right people at the right time is an art. What do you need to create and when should it be distributed? This quick PDF guide explains all you need to know.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Creating a positive coaching environment
THRIVE Learning
This animation is a high level view of how to start thinking about creating a coaching culture. The aim is to give people an overview of the key things involved in setting up a positive coaching environment.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Creating a trust culture
THRIVE Learning
Good leadership starts with building a trust culture in your team. Here, we show you how to create a working environment that makes the most of everyone's skills.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Customer service essentials
THRIVE Learning
This module looks at consumer behaviour, and why it's important to get the basics right in customer service.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Dealing with change
THRIVE Learning
Big or small, expected or not, change can be scary and many of us don't react very well to it. In this module, learn the skills and techniques you need to respond better when change comes.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Dealing with complaints
THRIVE Learning
Complaints handling is often top of the agenda when it comes to customer service training. In this module, we'll equip you with the understanding and skills to deal with complaints effectively.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Dealing with emotions
THRIVE Learning
Intelligence isn't just about IQ. Take this module to learn more about emotional intelligence and how it can help you deal with customers.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Dealing with uncertainty
THRIVE Learning
Periods of uncertainty can have a huge impact on us. Sometimes the effects of this uncertainty are obvious, but sometimes they can disguise themselves in unexpected ways. This module helps people to spot the signs that theyre struggling to deal with uncertainty and find healthy ways to reframe their mind-set.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Decision making for managers
THRIVE Learning
Being decisive can be hard, but it's a crucial part of management. In this module, we look at different decision-making styles and when to use them, and how to make good decisions effectively.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Direct and indirect discrimination
THRIVE Learning
It's not always clear exactly what discrimination looks like. This module explains the main forms discrimination comes in and what to do if you see it happening.
Online Course
Business, Information Technology
Driving innovation
THRIVE Learning
Innovation is more important than ever. Here are some hints and tips for driving innovation in your team.
Online Course