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The Safer Administration of Medication in Schools, Further Education and Nurseries

Online Course

About the CPD Course

This 3 hours e-learning course is designed for staff who work in the education or nursery sectors and are not healthcare professionals, who are requested to handle or administer medication to children and young people. Ensuring the right child gets the right medication, at the right time, by the right route, in the right dose, with medication which has passed the site necessity test, not been tampered with, not spoiled and not gone off through incorrect storage. Keeping staff safe and legal to safeguard children and young people.

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CPD Provider

Total Train

Total Train

Total Train is an award winning training, consultancy and expert witness service business with the over-riding aim to safeguard vulnerable people through health, safety and care.
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CPD Subsectors

Adult & Continuing Education
Schools & Universities
Child Welfare
Safety & Welfare
Support & Training