Critical Perspectives of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
This is an advanced course exploring the evidence, challenges and critical perspectives of child sexual exploitation and abuse theory, practice and research. Learners will engage with lectures, slides, notes and reading tasks to increase their critical understanding of CSE and CSA.
Training Course
Psychology of Victim Blaming and Self Blame
This course explores the psychological theory and the latest evidence about why and how people at every level of society place blame on the victim. Using lectures, activities, research and presentations you will learn about the theories and studies underpinning our understanding of victim blaming and self-blame.
Training Course
Responding to Disclosures and Supporting Women Through Criminal Justice Processes
An advanced course for professionals to increase their knowledge and skills in supporting women through the criminal justice system. This course includes modules on disclosures and decisions about reporting to the police, police investigations and charging, offence types, police and the court process, sentencing and multi-agency approaches.
Training Course
Supporting Survivors of Abuse and Sexual Violence with Sex and Intimacy
Based on the new research by Victim Focus, and the voices of 756 real survivors of abuse, this course is unique. When we talk to survivors about abuse and rape, we hardly ever talk to them about future sex, good sex or pleasurable sex. This needs to change. This course utilises media, reading, activities and new research to teach professionals about how to talk to survivors of sexual violence about sex and intimacy.
Training Course
Supporting Women Subjected to Abuse or Violence who Become Pregnant or Have Children
Based on new research from VictimFocus and the voices of 105 women who became pregnant or had babies from rape and abuse, this course is vital for anyone working with women and girls. Using videos, activities, reading and new research evidence, this course will give you an insight into the lives and experiences of over 100 women who became pregnant or had a baby from rape.
Training Course
The Hypersexualisation of Children
A frank and honest look at the way our cultures, media and norms seek to sexualise and objectify children right from birth. This course will use videos, lectures, reading, presentations and activities to provide learning about the explanations and impact of hyper-sexualisation and objectification of children.
Training Course
The Impact of Pornography and Mass Media on Sexual and Domestic Violence
Porn is everywhere. It's not even restricted to porn anymore. Music videos, food adverts, fashion adverts, car showrooms. This critical course discusses the impact of pornography and sexualised mass media on sexual and domestic abuse in our society. How is porn and sexualised mass media contributed to or influencing domestic abuse and sexual violence?
Trauma, Abuse and Gender Roles
How do the social gender roles prescribed to us all change the way people perceive our trauma and abuse? How is the abuse of women seen as different from the abuse of men? This course takes a look at the way men and boys, and women and girls will receive different responses and support with their trauma and abuse experiences purely based on social norms and gender role stereotypes.
Training Course
Trauma-Informed and Strengths-Based Practice for Professionals
Tired of the deficit model working? The constant hopelessness and dull interventions with clients who have been subjected to trauma or abuse? This course provides different ways of working and understanding traumatised children and adults - so you can work with their strengths, change the way you write and think about them and so you can support people in a way that helps them to understand trauma and to see their own strengths beyond the abuse.
Training Course