Business, Legal, Social Care
Disciplinaries and Investigations
Wilkin Chapman LLP
This course is to provide essential knowledge of disciplinary issues to those with line management or HR responsibility. It covers issues such as what is misconduct, investigating misconduct, conducting a disciplinary hearing, the appeal process and Employment Tribunal claims that can arise. The course includes a case study to provide a real life scenario.
Training Course
Business, Legal, Social Care
Handling Grievances
Wilkin Chapman LLP
This course is to provide essential knowledge of grievance issues to those with line management or HR responsibility. The course covers issues such as what is a grievance, conducting a grievance investigation and hearing, the appeal process and common pitfalls that can arise. The course includes a case study to provide a “real life” scenario.
Training Course
HR Skills for Line Managers
Wilkin Chapman LLP
This course is to provide essential HR skills and awareness of key employment law matters to those with direct line management responsibility. The course provides an overview of issues such as recruitment, performance management, sickness absence, disciplinary and grievance matters and termination of employment which will enable you to confidently manage your staff when faced with such situations.
Training Course
Business, Legal, Social Care
Managing Poor Performance
Wilkin Chapman LLP
This course is to provide essential knowledge of how to manage poor performance to those with line management or HR responsibility. The course covers issues such as why look at performance, the informal and formal approaches of managing performance, what is required of the line manager and the cost of getting it wrong. The course includes a case study to provide a “real life” scenario.
Training Course
Managing Poor Performance, how to perform the process
Wilkin Chapman LLP
This course is to provide essential knowledge of how to manage poor performance to those with line management or HR responsibility. The course covers issues such as why look at performance, the informal and formal approaches of managing performance, what is required of the line manager and the cost of getting it wrong. The course includes a case study to provide a "real life" scenario.
Training Course
Misconduct in the Workplace, how to properly conduct the disciplinary process
Wilkin Chapman LLP
This course is to provide essential knowledge of disciplinary issues to those with line management or HR responsibility. The course covers issues such as what is misconduct, investigating misconduct, conducting a disciplinary hearing, the appeal process and Employment Tribunal claims that can arise. The course includes a case study to provide a "real life" scenario.
Training Course
Business, Legal, Social Care
Redundancies and Restructures
Wilkin Chapman LLP
This course is to provide essential knowledge of processes involved in undertaking a restructure or redundancy exercise for those involved. It covers issues such as identifying when a redundancy arises, appropriate selection criteria, collective consultation and Employment Tribunal claims that can arise. The course includes a case study to provide a real life scenario.
Training Course
Business, Legal, Social Care
Taking the Pain out of Sickness Absence
Wilkin Chapman LLP
This course is to provide essential knowledge of sickness absence and return to work issues to those with direct line management responsibility. The course covers issues such as short-term absence, long term absence, return to work, medical evidence, disability, capability and dismissal which will enable you to confidently manage your staff when faced with such situations. The course includes a case study to provide a “real life” scenario.
Training Course
TUPE – a step by step guide
Wilkin Chapman LLP
This course is to provide essential knowledge and understanding of the TUPE process. The course covers the key concepts of TUPE, a step by step breakdown of the process and the impact of a TUPE transfer. The course includes a case study to provide a “real life” scenario.
Training Course
“Grievances, Don’t let them cause you any grief”
Wilkin Chapman LLP
This course is to provide essential knowledge of grievance issues to those with line management or HR responsibility. The course covers issues such as what is a grievance, conducting a grievance investigation and hearing, the appeal process and common pitfalls that can arise. The course includes a case study to provide a “real life” scenario.
Training Course