Agile Working
Users are taken on an interactive, personalised journey through a range of situations typically faced by agile workers, Along the way they will encounter common health and wellbeing risks and learn how to make appropriate decisions about how and where to work, What makes WorkRite Agile unique is that users choose their own path - whether they’re predominantly on the go, working from home, or working in an office either with a set workstation, or with hot-desks.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Anti-Bribery And Corruption
Bribery diverts money and power away from society and into the hands of a select few. Build awareness, understand your legal duties and help stop and report bribery and corruption with this scenario-based online course.
Online Course
Anti-bribery and corruption (ABAC)
The Bribery Act affects every UK business and organisation, The consequences of non-compliance can be substantial for both employers and employees, It’s vital that companies have procedures in place for reporting suspected bribery and corruption, and that proper training is given, Which is why we have created our Anti-Bribery Awareness e-learning course, The course is designed to increase awareness of the legalities of the Bribery Act 2010, how to recognise what is legal in business, and what constitutes an illegal activity
Online Course
Asbestos awareness
WorkRite’s e-learning Asbestos Awareness Safety course provides information on different types of asbestos and where it is likely to be found, It will run through the potential dangers of asbestos and provide your staff with the knowledge they need.
Online Course
All employers have a legal obligation to provide user training for staff who are regularly using display screen equipment as part of their day to day work, Whether your staff are office or home based, this obligation remains the same, Our DSE e-learning training course should inform and educate staff to be aware of the risks of using computer equipment or any other forms of inputting device including tablets, laptops and smartphones, The questions they face in module 6 will be drawn from a bank of available questions meaning that staff cannot be coached or ‘learn’ how to pass.
Online Course
AssessRite 3
AssessRite 3,0 is the latest version of our flagship course used by hundreds of companies across the country to fulfil their legal obligations, It’s designed to help businesses protect their employees in an efficient, cost-effective way, With easy-to-understand information and interactive illustrations, users will be able to build and test their knowledge to safeguard themselves from a range of debilitating problems caused by prolonged sitting and bad posture.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Bullying And Harassment Awareness
At work, we all have a responsibility to do something about damaging behaviours. In this course, you’ll learn to distinguish between damaging workplace behaviours and gain the confidence to deal with them appropriately.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Bullying And Harassment For Managers
Managers have an important role in cultivating a safe, friendly atmosphere at work, and dealing with any unwanted behaviour. This course will help managers set standards for behaviours within their teams, identify when bullying and harassment is taking place, and take the necessary steps to deal with it.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Business Compliance Essentials
Business compliance is complying with rules, regulations and laws relating to your business. In this course, you’ll be introduced to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and gain an overview of some of the most important areas of business compliance.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Learners will gain essential understanding of the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) regulations to help protect themselves, their organisation, the public and the environment from major accidents at their workplace.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Combatting Market Abuse
At work, you might be privy to inside information that could influence share prices. This interactive, scenario-based course will show you how to avoid and help prevent market abuse - unintentional or otherwise.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Communicating With Impact
Communicating with impact is a skill that takes time and practice, but once you begin, you’ll notice benefits all over your life. This course equips learners with practical skills to connect more effectively with the people around them.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Compliance With The Criminal Finances Act
The Criminal Finance Act introduced two new offences which give corporations and their employees extra responsibilities to prevent tax evasion. By the end of this story-led course, you’ll have a greater awareness of your role in preventing tax evasion.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Conflict Management
Conflict in the workplace is inevitable, and not always something that should be avoided. This course helps you to understand what causes conflict, and provides some invaluable tools to manage it in a positive manner. This course is designed for managers who need to resolve conflict between team members. However other colleagues will find useful information here.
Online Course
Conflict resolution
Unfortunately, many of us might face confrontation or conflict whilst carrying out our work, If you have staff who are in a customer facing role or meeting members of the general public regularly, then it’s likely that they will encounter people who are frustrated, aggressive or even violent, Our Conflict Resolution course will inform your staff of the potential causes of conflict and how they can de-escalate or retain control of a situation, taking you step by step through how to safely resolve potential conflicts before they reach crisis point.
Online Course
Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH)
COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) is the law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health, As an employer, there will be a number of actions that you will have to take if your business utilises any potentially harmful substances, you will have to research the potential hazards, prevent harm to employees health and instigate control measures, You also need to provide information, instruction and training for employees and others who might come into contact with these substances, This course will provide the necessary basic information for your staff, helping your organisation with COSHH compliance.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Corporate & Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulating business model that involves businesses incorporating social and environmental concerns into their operations. Each organisation has it's own CSR challenges. In this course, you'll see how CSR can affect the employees, local communities and other important stakeholders.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Countering Terrorist Financing
Terrorist organisations (TO) across the world need to raise funds to support their attacks, training and upkeep from day-to-day. This course looks at the different ways they try to do this, and how you can fight back against it.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Customer Due Diligence
CDD is the process of verifying who your customers are before you accept their money. In this interactive course, you’ll find out how a risk-based approach to CDD is the most effective way to protect your business from criminals.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Cybercrime Awareness
We all use devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets and computers which are subject to attack from cyber criminals. This course will introduce common types of cybercrime and provide you with tips on staying safe online.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Decision Making
Decision making is something that can't be avoided. It could be something as simple as deciding what to have for tea, or something as complicated as who is the best person to lead a project at work. This course is designed to give you the tools and techniques you need to make the best decision possible.
Online Course
Driver safety awareness
The Driver Safety Awareness course provides a challenging and interactive way to improve driver awareness and performance and builds on the driver’s existing skills to help reduce the risk of accidents and injuries, This interactive driver program has been developed in association with TRL (Transport Research Laboratory),TRL is recognised world-wide for transport innovation, evidential research and impartial advice, With over 80 years of knowledge and experience, TRL is involved with research into road safety and driver behaviour and is widely acknowledged for its expertise in work related road safety, workplace transport safety and road worker safety.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Effective Business Writing
Strong writing skills can help you communicate more clearly, gain credibility and convey your ideas at work in a more compelling, persuasive way. In this course you’ll discover a toolbox full of techniques to make your writing more impactful.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Electric Vehicle Safety
From 2035 the sale of petrol and diesel cars will be banned in the UK. Couple this with more environmental awareness and soon electric vehicles will be the norm. This course will provide useful tips and tricks for travelling whilst using electric vehicles, as well as the different types available and what this means.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Emergency Spill Response And Spill Kits
Even with an appropriate pollution prevention plan in place, the reality is that accidents do happen. Our scenario-based course will take you through procedures for dealing safely with spills of all kinds at work.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Energy Awareness
The process of creating energy such as light, heat and electricity is expensive both in monetary terms and in the cost to our planet. It is everyone’s responsibility to reduce the amount of energy we use. This awareness course will help identify what you can do to help.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Energy Reduction
The great thing about energy efficiency is that you can make sustained savings. In this course you’ll be looking at how to save money across the three main energy uses in the workplace, heating, lighting and equipment.
Online Course
Environmental awareness
Environmental awareness matters concern all of us, In the increasingly competitive world of business, being up to speed on environmental matters can put your organisation ahead – it’s a key criterion when competing for tenders or large contracts in both the public and private sector, Companies invest in carbon offsetting and accreditation schemes as part of their corporate and social responsibility.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Environmental Awareness V2.0
We all need to play our part in minimising environmental impact. This course will help you to understand why we all need to engage with and understand the world around us.
Online Course
Equality and diversity
The Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination, not just in the workplace but in wider society, It replaced previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations, It sets out the different ways in which it’s unlawful to treat someone, WorkRite’s Equality & Diversity e-learning course informs your staff, informing them who is protected from discrimination and the types of discrimination covered, It’s vital that your staff have an understanding of what equality means and how they should interact with colleagues, customers or members of the public.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are vital in the workplace, and wider world. This course is designed to provide all the information you need to know about EDI and who it does and doesn’t affect.
Online Course
Business, Finance, Human Resources
Ergonomics is the application of psychological and physiological principles to the engineering and design of products, processes and systems. You’ve probably seen products such as split keyboards or an ergonomic mouse to enable you to get into more comfortable positions when working with display screen equipment. This course covers some of the common work-related musculoskeletal disorders, and explains ways that they can be avoided through the use of ergonomic equipment and a properly considered workspace setup.
Online Course