Business, Education
Assertiveness Certificate
Assertiveness is a vital skill that we all need to learn to be happy and fulfilled in our lives. This course covers everything you need to know about assertiveness, including the different communication styles and where assertiveness fits in, and the common barriers to assertiveness such as anxiety and self-awareness. We also provide you with the practical techniques to begin your journey to becoming assertive, and how to avoid the common misconceptions associated with assertiveness.
Online Course
Business, Education
Career Planning Certificate
Career planning to help you choose the right career path. If you are just starting out or considering what courses to take in college, now is the time to determine what career is best for you and why. This course gives you an introduction to various careers and how to select the right one for your needs. The first module addresses the various career sectors available and jobs within those sectors. Our second module focuses on how to choose the right career and take the steps to attain that career over time.
Online Course
Business, Education
Communication Basics Certificate
Sound communication skills are vital to your success in the workplace. Unfortunately, many people find it hard to communicate or decode spoken and written messages. This can give rise to arguments and misunderstandings. This course will provide you with an insight into the pillars of communication, and how you can use them to enhance your relationships at work and at home.
Online Course
Business, Education
Conflict in the Workplace Certificate
When you first start trying to navigate your way through a new workplace, it can seem all too daunting. There are a lot of things to learn about your new space, and that includes working alongside people who you may not have crossed paths with otherwise. In this course, we are going to identify the different conflicts that can arise when you are dealing with workers at all levels. These methods are quite simple to pick up on and easy to remember for future situations.
Online Course
Business, Education
Constructive Feedback Certificate
Constructive feedback is often looked at as something terrible, but it shouldn't be that way. This form of communication in the workplace makes you a better employee and colleague. It's all in the approach. If the feedback is framed in such a way that you can genuinely learn from your strengths and weaknesses, the result is a better you in the workplace. In this course, we are going to find out what constructive feedback is when it pertains to the workplace and how it should be viewed and received.
Online Course
Business, Education
Dealing with Difficult People and Situations Certificate
There are a lot of challenging and problematic characters in this world, but, in this course, we are going to be looking at a select few you either know now or are going to encounter in the near future. These people are demanding, can test your patience and wear you out. It can be hard to figure out how to address the issues they present to us, but there are ways to handle people like this. The advice that is laid out here can help you deal with anyone's bad behaviour.
Online Course
Business, Education
Dealing with Stress and Anxiety Certificate
Stress and anxiety are bound to creep up on all of us, but it doesn't have to be a way of life. Feeling stress is a natural way for our bodies to tell us to stop what we are doing and handle the offending situation before it gets worse. These feelings can affect our health and consume our minds. It can be a dark and lonely place if not treated in time. No one should ever feel this way. It is not a normal way to be. This module helps you to identify any stress and anxiety triggers you may have in your life and how to address them.
Online Course
Business, Education
Developing a Career Strategy Certificate
Many of us desire a great career, but few of us know what it takes to get there. Envisioning a dream job that challenges and also gives us a sense of fulfilment is attainable, you just have to know the steps to take to achieve it. Thankfully, there is something you can do that can send you on the right path. Developing a career strategy is an excellent way to outline your future when it comes to your job. Having a career that motivates and energises you needs to be planned accordingly.
Online Course
Business, Education
Email Etiquette Certificate
In this age of technology, email is the most efficient form of communication used in the workplace, yet many businesses still overlook the importance of the standards and rules one should follow when communicating in this way. This course on email etiquette will be discussing the most important etiquette rules that apply to nearly all companies, with the aim of providing participants with the necessary skills and techniques for managing and writing emails in an effective and professional manner.
Online Course
Business, Education
Emotional Intelligence Certificate
Over the past few decades, psychologists have come to accept that the ability to recognise and manage emotions in both the self and other people are important in predicting personal happiness. This ability is known as emotional intelligence. In this course, you will learn about the concepts and history underpinning the theory of emotional intelligence and how you can build on your own set of skills in this area.
Online Course
Business, Education
English Grammar - Improve your English Certificate
English is a notoriously difficult language to get right, especially when it comes to its written form. This course introduces you to the basics behind English grammar. By going through both modules, you can learn enough about the rules of grammar to instantly improve your writing. We begin by talking about the nine parts of speech in detail, reviewing how to properly use each one. Next, we move on to talk about the rules surrounding punctuation marks. Finally, we leave you with a few points that you can keep in mind, when you are proofreading your work.
Online Course
Business, Education
How to Handle Criticism at Work Certificate
Learning how to handle criticism at work is absolutely essential to everyone at all stages of their career path or within their own business. This course provides a comprehensive guide to handling criticism at work, including understanding the context and purpose of the criticism, as well as reacting professionally and rationally. From how to take responsibility and avoid excuses, to moving forward, improving and growing from the criticism, this course covers everything you need to know about every aspect of successfully handling criticism at work.
Online Course
Business, Education
How to Improve Your Mental Health Certificate
Improving your mental health will take time and there will be moments where you feel worse rather than better. People who do take the time to learn about mental health often reap the benefits of their efforts with an improved sense of self-worth, better self-care habits and a firmer understanding of mental health. This course goes into detail on good mental health habits, how they differ from bad mental health habits and how you can improve your mental health.
Online Course
Business, Education
How to Programme Your Mind for Success Certificate
Your actions aren't the sole determinant of your success - your mindset is also important. The way you see the world, frame your goals, and the approach you take towards failure will make a big difference in every area of your life. This course will show you how to reprogramme your subconscious mind and literally rewire your brain for success.
Online Course
Business, Education
How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere Certificate
Learning how to talk to everyone you encounter, from familiar colleagues to new contacts, is a skill that you must cultivate and develop if you want to get ahead in any industry. It involves learning how to socialise with others, even when you are not overly keen on engaging in conversation yourself. It also requires the ability to be selfless in conversation, asking more questions than you answer and letting your partner dominate the conversation at times. This course goes into detail about the ways you can learn how to talk to any person, at any time, in any place.
Online Course
Business, Education
How to Write an Effective CV Certificate
This course will give you a comprehensive overview of how to write a CV that will distinguish you from the competition, as well as explain what employers look for when they read a CV. It will also describe how to write a cover letter that will improve your chances of finding the right job. Furthermore, you will understand how employers screen applications, what they are looking for at all stages of the recruitment process and how to demonstrate that you are the perfect person to fill the position.
Online Course
Business, Education
Interview Skills Certificate
One of the best things that you can teach yourself is how to have success during an interview. This course gives you a full overview of everything you need to know about the interview process. We talk you through the steps you should take in the days before the interview and then we present several tips on what you should wear when interviewing. We share some of the most common interview questions and how to answer them and also give examples of questions that you can ask the interviewer before leaving.
Online Course
Business, Education
Introduction to Accountancy Careers Certificate
The Introduction to Accountancy Careers course is the ultimate guide to the wide range of opportunities in accounting. Whether you're just starting your journey, or are still deciding if it's right for you, this course provides a detailed portrait of the modern accounting industry and how to ensure that you have the best chances of success.
Online Course
Business, Education
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
The Introduction to Entrepreneurship course is the ultimate guide to exploring what entrepreneurship is and the path to becoming an entrepreneur. The two modules, explore what it means to be an entrepreneur, and what the challenges are of running a start-up business. Learners will gain insight into how to become an entrepreneur, including how to build a team of employees, how important it is to be a responsible business owner, and how to motivate themselves. More technical topics include how entrepreneurs raise money, the importance of creating a business plan and how to calculate profit and loss.
Online Course
Business, Education
Introduction to Professional Services Careers Certificate
The Introduction to Professional Services Careers course is the ultimate guide to the UK professional services industry and the careers available. Professional services can be described as any organisation or profession that offers personalised, advisory services to clients. The first module takes you on a journey through the professional services industry by firstly discussing the five main areas, as well as delving into the importance of the Big Four the dominant industry role-players. In the second module, we get specific about career options in the professional services industry.
Online Course
Business, Education
Kick-start Your Career Certificate
Have you thought about what you are going to do once you finish school? If you are looking to go straight into employment, you need to start thinking about how to jumpstart your upcoming career. Planning for what is next is something that you need to be proactive with now. In this course, you are going to find out how to put yourself several steps ahead of others who find themselves in the same position as you. It is essential to have a plan of action once you leave school.
Online Course
Business, Education
Make an Impression Every Time Certificate
Even if a customer loves your products or services, they will hesitate to come back if they receive poor customer service. Demonstrating respect and care is essential for building relationships and creating a base of loyal clients. This course will teach you the basic principles of customer service and how to put them into effect in everyday business settings. You will learn how to communicate with customers, solve their problems and persuade them to buy your products and services while remaining transparent and acting in their best interests.
Online Course
Business, Education
Negotiation Skills Certificate
Negotiation skills are something that can take us far in today's world. Many people have to practise this bargaining tool to become successful at it. To be effective at negotiation, you have to be a good listener and be assertive when it comes to your argument. When you do master the negotiating process, you are going to experience new opportunities and achieve goals. It is extremely beneficial to improve your skillset. We are going to explore the actions to take when you are locked in negotiation discussions. These steps can help take your negotiation skills to the next level.
Online Course
Business, Education
Office Etiquette Certificate
Understanding the unspoken rules of the workplace will increase your chance of getting a promotion. Office etiquette ensures that everyone benefits from a pleasant working atmosphere free from harassment and uncivil behaviour. In this course, you will learn the fundamental office etiquette that everyone needs to follow. You will discover how to present yourself at work, how to interact with others, how to resolve difficulties, and how to build a reputation as a valuable team member.
Online Course
Business, Education
Presentation Skills Certificate
This course outlines the steps that you can take to make you feel comfortable and confident giving a presentation. Firstly, we go through what makes a good presentation, so that you know what to aim for. Next, we go over how to properly prepare for a presentation. We learn some do's and don'ts, talk about engaging your audience and give some tips on how you can practise public speaking. This course is sure to help you be more confident speaking in front of people.
Online Course
Business, Education
Public Speaking Certificate
Public speaking is an invaluable skill to have, especially in business and in the workplace. The most effective communicators know how to speak to their audience and do so with confidence. As you talk, you need to be knowledgeable on the subject and emphasise the information you are trying to get across to others. You should be organised and know the topic from top to bottom. Preparation is critical and can make all the difference in achieving a successful result. Luckily, there are steps you can take to make sure you are on the right path to a winning speech.
Online Course
Business, Education
Reducing Stress Certificate
Learning relaxation techniques to reduce stress is absolutely essential for everyone. As the pace of modern life increases, so does our stress - and learning to deal with it properly makes you happier and more productive. This course provides a comprehensive insight into the relaxation techniques you need to reduce your stress levels - why they work, how they work and most importantly, how you can use them to your advantage. From proper breathing, exercise and meditation techniques to how to unplug from technology and truly express yourself, this course covers the most effective stress-relieving techniques available.
Online Course
Business, Education
Success Habits Certificate
Success is not an isolated event. It is the culmination of many small actions and habits over time. Habits shape all areas of our lives, from how we think about our problems to the food choices we make at every meal. In this course, you will learn which habits you need to adopt to enjoy success in your professional and personal life.
Online Course