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(WR05) Writing for Professionals

Course date 12 September 2019 11:00
12 September 2019 16:00
Event location
London School of Public Relations 118A Kensington Church Street London W8 7BH United Kingdom

About the event

The practical Writing for Professionals certificated course is designed to help you shape your business writing style in order to deliver and adapt key message to target audiences. You will learn how to improve clarity and accuracy in your writing. The ability to write business communications clearly; confidently and consistently is a fundamental skill in any workplace.

CPD Provider

London School of Public Relations

Founded in 1992, the London School of Public Relations (LSPR) is a training and business development organisation that provides support to numerous multinationals, SMEs and NGOs in the UK and globally. Our primary mission is to provide courses that explain how brands can build reputational capabilities that help organisations to stay competitive and take advantage of the growing importance of social influence and public relations in the changing nature of business.
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London School of Public Relations

118A Kensington Church Street
United Kingdom
W8 7BH