CPD - Best Finance courses for non-finance professionals

The study of finance is among the oldest disciplines in the world, and while it can be pretty broad and complex, it remains one of the most important academic subjects because not a single day goes by without us making big or small financial decisions. This CPD article will provide an overview on why to take a course in finance, as well as outline what you can learn, and some of the best finance courses for non-finance professionals.

Why take a CPD Finance course?

A common saying “knowledge is power”, seems to hold truth, and in our capitalistic world, the more financial knowledge you have, the better. The financial sector is now one of the most important areas and being able to manage money well is one of the most sought after talents in business and across industries.

No matter where you are in the world, a basic knowledge and understanding of finance can streamline your personal life and make you an attractive prospect in a competitive job market. Should you be looking to enter into the world of business, beyond employment and the professional benefits, it is still an invaluable skill to know how to successfully be able to manage and make money.

A course in finance can teach the high ethical and skills standards which will clearly be appealing to all employers but is also a valuable skill to utilize in both your professional and personal life. CPD courses cover in-demand topics, such as data analytics, risk management, capital allocation, and investment strategy. If required, you’ll be able to gain much needed soft skills like collaboration, verbal and written communication, and adaptability.

Although a minimum of a bachelor’s degree is required for nearly all finance professions, completion of a course in finance will provide the basic foundational knowledge you need to start a number of different careers should they involve the handling of money. In addition, a CPD course could help to set you up should you ever wish to move into a fully qualified finance profession.

Why take a CPD course in finance?
Why take a CPD course in finance?

What will I learn from a CPD Finance course?

You may be wondering what a CPD course in finance entails. Typically, what you will learn from a finance course will obviously depend on the provider of the training, as well as the amount of time that the course lasts, among other important factors.

Undertaking effective CPD courses can teach you a number of finance key topics; from saving, how to budget (read our previous article), to getting a mortgage in the current climate, and much more. Therefore, you should find a basic finance or finance fundamentals course more than worth the time and monetary investment needed to get started.

When looking at a beginner’s course in finance, you should aim to learn as much as you can about the principal areas of finance to give you the best chance at applying this knowledge and skills to your life. Generally, it can be said that the three main sectors of finance broadly consist of:

  • Personal finance – This is a term that covers managing your money as well as saving. It covers a range of activities, including using or purchasing financial products such as credit cards, insurance, mortgages, and various types of investments.
  • Corporate finance - Corporate finance refers to the financial activities related to running a corporation. A division or department usually is set up to oversee these types of financial activities such as how companies acquire funding, how they organize and use their debt and equity, and how they manage their investments.
  • Public (government) finance - Public finance includes taxing, spending, budgeting, and debt-issuance policies that affect how a government pays for the services it provides to the public. This area also involves the study of the role of the government in the economy and is a part of fiscal policy.

In addition, some of the essential subtopics the best finance courses may include:

  • Accounting
  • Business policies
  • Management accounting
  • Financial management
  • IT for business
  • Macroeconomics
  • Financial reporting
  • Business ethics

What are the best CPD Finance courses for non-finance professionals?

The previously outlined topics should give you a comprehensive foundation of finance that will allow you to master skills that prepare you for real-world job responsibilities. If you are a non-finance professional, you do not need to undertake a course that delves too deeply into some of the advanced concepts involved in the finance world. However, there are a great many basic finance courses for beginners or similar events available online.

Online courses are increasingly popular due to the greater flexibility over timescales and the ability to choose how and where you want to learn. We would suggest thinking about what you hope to gain from attending the course and making sure the learning objectives of the course align with your goals. Another advantage is that the length of the courses can vary, so you can choose a course based on what fits with your availability.

For example, non-finance professionals could look for courses designed to enable you in decision making positions such as sales & marketing, HR, operations, production entrepreneurship and gain a broad working knowledge of critical financial accounting and financial management concepts. The most effective CPD courses in finance can simplify things into an easy to understand manner, which will enable you to make critical decisions with regard to financial statements, budgeting, new investment decisions and other business strategies for growth.

Best CPD courses in the finance industry
Best CPD courses in the finance industry

Where to find CPD Finance courses

In the modern world, there is a wealth of providers and organisations offering finance courses covering the basics, the whole sector or even just small essential elements. One way to get the most out of learning is to make sure the courses have been CPD certified by an independent, recognised organisation. This helps to ensure that the course meets the industry standards and is of a high quality so you can focus on retaining the maximum amount of information possible.

A host of relevant training and courses can be found within the CPD Courses Catalogue on our website. There are thousands of different online courses, conferences, workshops, seminars, eLearning and educational events that have been formally CPD certified, covering a wide range of finance related topics. To find out more about a particular CPD training listed on our website, you can complete an enquiry form and the details will be sent directly to the relevant CPD provider.

How to become an accredited CPD Provider

We hope this article on the best finance courses for non-finance professionals was helpful. Established in 1996, The CPD Certification Service has over 27 years’ experience providing CPD accreditation. If you are interested in offering training and events suitable for Continuing Professional Development, please visit the Become a CPD Provider page or contact our team to discuss in more detail.

Alternatively, if you are looking for a free online CPD record tool to help manage, track and log your ongoing Continuing Professional Development, as well as store your personal training record and CPD attendance certificates in one simple place, please visit the myCPD Portal page.