1st Line Defence

1st Line Defence

We deliver unrivalled Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) risk mitigation and management solutions

1st Line Defence are the UK’s foremost providers of unexploded ordnance (UXO) risk mitigation services, addressing and providing solutions to the risk posed across the UK from unexploded bombs and munitions related to current and former military land use and aerial bombing. Our services range from early-stage desktop risk assessments through to UXO support to construction projects, site investigation and offshore works. We provide intrusive and non-intrusive UXO surveys, UXO specialist on-site support, safety training/awareness briefings, search and clear, and quality assurance and consultancy services

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1st Line Defence

Unit 3, Maple Park
Essex Road
United Kingdom
EN11 0EX

CPD Subsectors

Safety Equipment
Health & Safety
Safety & Welfare